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Mid-trib rapture (CC)

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I am looking for scripture that points to mid-trib rapture. The church I went to visit today believes in rapture after 3.5 years of tribulation ( if I understood him right). I would like to research this and have no idea where to start.


I would love to hear your thoughts on this as well.


Thank you.

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I'm not very "up" on this, but it has to do with Daniel's prophecies. Our church believes the nation of Israel had 3.5 years of tribulation already (in ancient times) and will have 3.5 more right before Armageddon. (something about Messiah being cut off "in the midst of the seventieth week"). But we believe the rapture takes place before the tribulation. Although we don't believe in a huge Left Behind type rapture, but a "sudden secret going away" of a small chosen number. I'm not going to come back to this thread to post more about this, but since you didn't have any answers I thought I'd give you a little something to study about.

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I am looking for scripture that points to mid-trib rapture. The church I went to visit today believes in rapture after 3.5 years of tribulation ( if I understood him right). I would like to research this and have no idea where to start.


I would love to hear your thoughts on this as well.


Thank you.


You might look around here.




There are some archived articles on the right side, plus if you dig around I think you can find some videos. I'm not very familiar with his site at all.


I used to read his magazine (13 years ago) and bought a few of his tapes. Quite interesting stuff. Not that I believed everything I read. It weas just interesting to me. I think he believes in what you are questioning about, but can't say for sure. Been too long to remember.


The man (Irving Baxtor Jr.) wrote a couple of good books years back too (Message to the President was one and I can't remember the other. I bet they are mentioned on his site.)


Hope this helps.

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Our church believes that the tribulation was the period after Christ died, about 70 AD.


Ours, too. I think my older kids are some of the only Christian kids in the area, besides others in our church, who haven't read the "Left Behind" series! :001_smile:


Seriously, though, Quiver, I have have heard of that position before, but haven't ever studied it in depth. I just remember learning that in general if you were pre-mil, that you were either pre, mid, or post trib. Back when I was pre-mil I used to hope that the pre-trib position rather than the mid or post was correct, because I was afraid that I wouldn't stand firm. I don't think it the mid-trib position is as common as it used to be, but that is just an impression on my part.

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Our previous church did a very intense teaching on end times. Now if I could just find all the information. :glare: Our family believes in a pre-trib rapture. However we don't believe the tribulation will happen overnight, IOW it won't be peachy one day, we get raptured, and then all you know what breaks loose. We believe it will be a gradual descent into chaos and we should be prepared for hard times even before the rapture.

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I think it's great that you want to study this for yourself. Dig into the book of Daniel, Revelation and maybe even Ezekiel. You can find lots of people who are pre-trib, mid-trip and post-trib and they will all have scripture to back them up so it's really important to look at scripture in context. Also, try not to read it with your mind made up already - be open to what God says about it. The Holy Spirit was given to lead us into all truth so you can be confident that He will lead you in this! :)

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