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Can you share subjects with times for your 6th graders?


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I am stressing out trying to figure out our schedule for next year. :eek: I know what subjects I want to cover, but don't know how I can fit in what I want to do. :confused: This year we are doing about 5 1/2 hours a day of work. We are looking at taking on a weekly co-op next year that will cover a second instrument, spanish and art. I'm hoping I can get some scheduling ideas from some of you. Can you list for me the subject, time spent on it and how many days a week. The more detailed the better, because I break my subjects down into separate components such as grammar, copywork, dictation, memorywork, writing, ect. I will be using TOG Dialectic Level next year, if that is helpful. :)

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Doing 6th grade this year, something like this.


Daily, 3 - 3 1/2 hours of core subjects:

- Math 45 min

- Latin 30 min

- Piano 20 min

- Literature & history reading 45 min - 1 hour

- History study or composition (different days) 45 min

- Handwriting/copywork 5 min

- Sometimes we also have memory work/recitation, 5-10 min


Every week, on different days:

- Science 45 min

- Nature study/nature walk 45 min

- Chess club 1 hour

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Math 3x per week - MUS lesson takes maybe 30min - 3 CWP takes 10-20min.

History 2x per week 30-60min.

Science 2x per week 30-45min.

Assigned reading 3x per week 30min.

Remedial handwriting 4x per week 5-10min.

Latin 1x per week 90min class. 2x per week 15-30min homework.

Logic 1x per week 30min.

Piano 5x per week 30min.


I rotate grammar, spelling, and writing, so that we are never doing all 3 at the same time. We did AG for 10weeks 5x per week. It took 30-45min per day. Now, we are doing spelling 3x per week probably 20min per day and writing 3x per week probaby 30-45min per day.


Outside activities: homeschool PE 1-2hr/wk, co-op 1hr per week.



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Language Arts--spelling, grammar, and writing--45-60 minutes


Math--45-60 minutes


History--45-60 minutes


Science--60 minutes


Latin--20 minutes


Geography--15 minutes


Also read aloud literature in evenings and he does a lot of reading on his own.


I think that's it.

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I think that next year will be similar to fifth grade this year, except that Calvin will be doing more independent work in the afternoon. Up to now we have used time blocks for subjects: 45 minutes of maths, 45 minutes of English, etc. We will carry on doing this for the secondary subjects, but for the primary ones (English and Maths) there will be a set amount to do each day, and Calvin needs to finish it up in the afternoon if it's not completed in the time block. This is largely because he is dawdling in maths - he doesn't like it - and is not getting through as much as I think he should.


We have just started this system, actually, and it's going well. He doesn't like having to do work in the afternoon, but he can see the logic/justice of it if he's just working too slowly.


We will also be adding in more formal Chinese study - perhaps three hours of lessons a week next year, if the Chinese teacher has time.


Our current timetable is in my siggy.



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Thanks Barbara! Are you doing grammar via LBO? I noticed on your siggy that you were LCC. How is 30 min. for LBO working for you? I am looking at doing LBO next year and was planning on 45 min. x 4 days. Does that seem like too much?

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Thank you. I've been giving 20 min. of reading homework in the evenings this year, but I want to end that next year. I want to complete everything during school, so his free time (what little there is) can truly be his. I really want to use our time well so he doesn't have anything carried over at the end of the day (except for subjects that he dawdled in) and his instrument practice. Just thinking out loud....

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Thanks Laura!

I've seen your schedule before, but didn't look as hard at it last time. I'm noticing that most of the posts show fewer times per week for some of the subjects that we do. I'll have to look again at frequency in my schedule and think about what is really necessary.

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In general order of our day....


Latin Prep - 45 min to 1 hr 5x per week

Bible/History/Literature read aloud at breakfast - 1 hr 5x per week

Lial's BCM math - 1 hr 5x per week

Elementary Greek - 30 min. 5x per week

Apologia Zoology - 30 min 3x per week

Classical Writing - 60-90 minutes 5x per week

Fallacy Detective - 30 minutes 1x per week


This is the first year we have completely dropped spelling & English grammar (tho CW is grammar rich, so we're still getting it, it's just integrated). :)

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I am also planning for 6th next year using TOG 1 for Dialectic. This will be bumping up our TOG to include more accountability questions and independent reading of History.


Saxon Pre Algebra 1 hour 5X a week

IEW Writing Ancient History 45 min. 5X a week

TOG History/Geography 1 hour 5X a week

Reading on Mon. & Tues Geography Wed. and finish up any reading

Thurs. & Friday work on Thinking & Accountability questions

We do a co-op Every other week where we do hands on and history


Literature TOG 30min. 5X a week Spend Friday answering questions.

Latin Prep 1 30 min. 4X a week

Science- Sonlight 4 30min. 4X a week

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I am stressing out trying to figure out our schedule for next year. :eek: I know what subjects I want to cover, but don't know how I can fit in what I want to do. :confused: This year we are doing about 5 1/2 hours a day of work. We are looking at taking on a weekly co-op next year that will cover a second instrument, spanish and art. I'm hoping I can get some scheduling ideas from some of you. Can you list for me the subject, time spent on it and how many days a week. The more detailed the better, because I break my subjects down into separate components such as grammar, copywork, dictation, memorywork, writing, ect. I will be using TOG Dialectic Level next year, if that is helpful. :)



I will give it a whilr!


RyLee 6th grade doing UG work in TOG


TOG History 1 + hour/s a day 5xs a week (this will include reading, reaserch, timeline and people)

TOG Literature 1 hour 5+ days a week (sometimes less it depends on the book and how good, or not so good it was):)

TOG geography (if we do it 30 minutes 1 x a week)

Math 30-45 minutes 5 days a week

Grammar 15-25 minutes 3 days a week

Writing this is hard for me to time... she writes for history and science a lot...she has writing practice too... cursive... CW takes her about 30-45 minutes sometimes... it just depends on what she is doing... how much time we spend going over something... In fact... I am feeling wlemed with CW right now... and Im sure its due to my working....


She lap books for history and science too....


Science is about 40 minutes 4 days a week day 5 project if we decide to and that takes a cunck of time... but its Friday and Fridays are easy here....


Gosh, I think this is it... Im sure Im missing something... I feel it.. but not sure what...

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This is a five day schedule. There are ten minute 'buffer-zones' for catching-up and chatting time.


  • 9.00-9.40 she does maths (this often takes a bit longer if she needs to finish an exercise.
  • 9.50-10.30 she does English
  • 10.40-11.20 is either Latin (2 days a week) or history (3 days a week)
  • 11.20-1145 elevenses - normally fruit, crisp-bread, hot chocolate something fairly substantial but different from lunch
  • 11.45-12.25 French
  • 12.35-1315 Reading (this is usually history or science reading since she reads a lot for pleasure in the evening too)
  • 1325-1400 lunch
  • The afternoons are not so structured; two days a week we go for a 2 mile walk to the swimming pool, swim and then come back. We then read from a science book together. Three days a week we do yoga and a more full science afternoon with activities
  • In the evenings the children play or we play games together or ds does his electronics and our daughter reads from her philosophy books and keeps a journal (unsupervised)


She loves to read, do crafts and do philosophy pretty independently and so I worry less about these. We visit a galleries and museums most weekends and she always has a good supply of art and craft materials. We are travelling just now and so her violin lessons are on hold unfortunately . We hope to pick this up again when we are settled.

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Interesting. I think Colleen was doing Lial's with her 6th grader and last I saw it looked like they would finish "early," too. We doing 15 min. of Aleks.com a day plus about an hour of math on top of that a day, currently. I want to keep up with Aleks because it will keep ds fresh on all the topics we've already covered and I know that Lial's doesn't spiral the way A Beka does. What do you think about us doing Lial's for 45 min. a day + 15 min. of Aleks and calling it a day. Of course, if there is dawdling I can assign homework, but I really want to get away from the homework thing. Do you think that would be wise or should I really stick to an hour a day for Lial's? Does your son work as much as he can for the hour a day or do you assign a certain amount to finish?

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He'll do about 5 hrs per day, 4 days per week as follows:


4 Days per week:

LA: Spelling, Composition & Vocab - 1 hr.

Math: Pre-Algebra/Algebra (we'll see) - 1 hr.

Classical Studies/Lit (alternating Memoria's Bible & Greek Myths with my lit choices): 30 min.

Independent Reading for History - 30 min.


3 Days per week:

French - 20 min.

Geography - 20 min.


2 Days per week:

History - 40 min.

Science - 40 min.


Homework Assignments (Mon-Thur): 45 min to 1 hr.


We attend a Co-op on Friday for Music, Art, PE, Chess and other enrichment. So, We school 4 days per week. I also assign homework: math, composition and either a bit of science or history, just for practice and reinforcement. Notice we aren't doing a formal grammar program for 6th. This commming year I've added geography, the following year (7th) I'll drop geography and add grammar (AG). There just isn't enough time in the day for it all.


I may make some minor changes, but that should be about it for 6th.



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Thank you, Lorna! Does your English time period include spelling, grammar and writing? Just wondered how that is incorporated in your schedule.

We use So You Really Want To Learn English 2 which is a complete English course. The grammar and spelling are very light but my daughter is such a voracious reader that her spelling is excellent (beyond my abilities) and I am happy for her to learn grammar via her French and Latin.

We don't have a writing programme; So You Really Want To Learn English 2 just gives suggestions. I love the way my daughter writes and I am quite happy to just correct any occasional grammar point. I occasionally just step in and try to get her to consider concluding (otherwise English would be just a novel writing exercise ;)).

We are an English family and this is really a classically English approach to the subject (English:D). It suits our daughter too.

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Thanks, Lisa! Would you say writing is 45-60 min. and not included in your times for history and science? I'm looking at writing for 4 x 45 min. + copywork/dictation. Sound about right?



45 minutes is probably more accurate.... not including history or science... :)

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"Thanks, Janice! Are you planning on doing the church History/Worldview Readings? I don't know what year you are on, but was wondering if you are including that in your 1 hour per day for TOG."


We will be doing the Church History as part of history since so much of year 1 is the old testement. I also have a Kay Arthur Discover 4 Yourself How to Study the Bible that I want her to wrk through on days when other reading is light. I'm really bumping up her work next year, so I will have to play this by ear to see how it goes. So far with TOG I have been reading her history aloud and she reads her literature. This will change next year. I might do the Bible reading as a family with Dad in the evening.


Janis in DE

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We're definitely relying on Latin study for grammar study. In 30 minutes a day, we review vocabulary, declensions, & conjugations on Monday, and then the rest of the week we tackle the Latin Book One lessons. We do 1 lesson over 2 days on slow weeks, and one lesson a day when we (or, my son) can keep to that pace.


I say "we" because this goes best when we do everything together, orally, often taking turns... except that when we're on a roll I have my son do some or all of the exercises solo, written.


As for whether 45 minutes of LBO four days a week might be too much, it really depends on your child and your particulars. As you can probably tell by my description, our pace varies, and I've learned to work with that. What we really, truly do is take whatever time we need for half a chapter (usually 20 minutes), or an entire chapter (probably close to 40 minutes). It goes much, much faster/better if we do most of it orally.


Not that my son doesn't argue every day about Latin and math, at least a token amount, LOL! :D

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Thanks, Barbara. You've given me some things to think about as I re-do my schedule. Your description was helpful. We are taking things slow, too! Primarily, because there just isn't enough time in the current schedule to go any faster. I want to give more time to latin next year, but I'm not in a rush, either. I don't move on until I'm sure we've got it. (I'm learning with ds, too). If we complete two high school years of latin for credit, I will be happy. That is our minimum, but I'm prayerful that we will be able to accomplish more, Lord willing. :)

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We will be doing Year 2 next year. I did Units 1&2 of Year 1 Classic a couple of years ago and found that there were many days with no Bible readings. We worked on a Discover 4 Yourself book on any days that we did not have Bible reading with TOG. We recently reviewed world history via CHOW, and reviewed everything we did/learned with TOG Year 1 U1&2. We started on Unit 3 two weeks ago. While ds is reading a considerable amount of Bible for the History, we've still been able to keep up with our Discover 4 Yourself study. I should say that we split the lessons up into chunks of about 15 min., so sometimes it takes a couple of days to complete a lesson and other times we can do it all in one sitting. I keep Bible study to 15 min. because ds has his own 15 min. reading/prayer time before school and we do family reading/prayer in the evening. I also do catechism for 5 minutes 2x a week and Hymns 2x a week. I just thought I'd let you know that is very doable to complete "How to Study the Bible" along with Year 1. You probably already knew that, :P , but I just thought I'd add a "Yes! Go for it!" for encouragement. :) Thank you for the help. :))

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