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The movie 'Gandhi' -- good for kids?

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Our youngest was probably eight when he saw it. Yes, there is some violence, but it isn't just random violence for entertainment purposes. I also find the violence very different than most movies because it shows the power in not returning violence for violence.


It is a long movie, so, the real issue for us was keeping our dc interested in such a long movie.


Overall, it is a great movie.

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My dc saw it when they were about 10. We watched it over several evenings.


Non-violence as a strategy wouldn't such a revolutionary concept if it didn't spring from violence, if YKWIM. Actually, I don't remember any scenes of violence that my dc found disturbing. They were saddened, however, to see Gandhi as he refused food and got weaker & weaker.


I'd recommend the film very highly. BTW, I don't like "fun" fantasy violence, but I have few objections to seeing violence when it is an integral part of history.

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Is the 1982 film 'Gandhi' appropriate for children? I've never seen it. We're pretty lenient with regards to movies.


I was thinking of the same thing yesterday. Thanks for asking this question. Are you going to let the little ones watch as well? I'm still trying to decide if I should let dd7 watch this. I know ds10 can handle it. Dd7 will want to watch it with us because she doesn't like to be left out :lol:.

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Thanks for the reminder to add this to our list of movies to see :). We're also quite lenient with movies and we talk about them a lot. Our dc have seen Roots, which was a very good learning experience for them. I think they can handle this. I want them to see Elephant Man later also, and Mask (the one with Cher) further on down the road.

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It starts with an assassination. And there are further scenes of violence throughout.


I actually find this sort of violence a lot more upsetting than just fantasy violence. My kids do too. I waited until they were a bit older with this movie.


If you're going to do it, you might want to sit farther back from the TV.


It's certainly worth watching, but you have to judge based on how your child does with violence.

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I saw Gandhi a long time ago, before children, and therefore can't really answer your question about whether it's appropriate for children. I'm of the same mind (as others in this post) that if it's violence within a true historical context, I usually feel okay about it, although if I have a sensitive child I'm still apt to forward past scenes.


I remember I liked the movie and found it very enlightening.


That said, what I DID want to say here is that this movie (as I remember it) really idolizes Gandhi (as movies do), and one thing I like to do with my children is to explain that movies often take only one side of things. He did a lot of great and amazing things and absolutely represented a great ideal, but he also had a strange side to him and from what I have read, did things that we would NOT support or feel good about. So, a movie like this would make a good springboard for that kind of a discussion, perhaps.

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