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What are your thoughts on audio-drama?

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What are your thoughts on audio-dramas /vs/ audio books?


We've only recently discovered the joy of audio books for long car rides, but I've stumbled upon audio-dramas as well. I understand the importance of reading, but do you think audio-dramas could also be an effective way to introduce great literature into the household?

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We like them, but I keep it limited, since I don't want everything we listen to to be one of the audio-dramas or radio shows. Ariel loves the radio drama of The Secret Garden by Focus on the Family. We've never read the book, but she remembers watching the movie when she was very young, so reading it to her now sort of seems redundant.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We absolutely LOVE them, and have enjoyed quite a few from Focus on the Family as well as Lamplighter Theater. GREAT stuff, and - yes, it makes the kids hungry for good lit, IMO.


I also recommend really good audio dramas of Shakespeare if you're going to be reading along (in older years). Makes all the difference in the world!

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