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Informal poll about 'date nights'

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We go out once or twice a month, sometimes more ,sometimes less. We usually do dinner and might run an errand. With nursing babies they come with us for awhile. We have done quite a few days lately as we knew once the baby got here we would have 3 for date night.


We are blessed that my mom will watch our kiddos.

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We don't go out often because of the age of our kids. When we do go out it is usually to just go eat and walk around stores because there is nothing else to do in this small town. And we usually can't find anything to talk about in those situations.


We put the kids to bed early (7pm) and hang out most evenings, talking about our future, our dreams, the kids. We eat junkfood and sometimes watch a movie or funny youtube videos. We have deep conversations in bed before going to sleep, and do other things there... I enjoy our typical evenings more than going "on a date." However I LOVE eating out, so dates are fun too, but being home brings us closer together as a couple than going out.

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We go out once a week even if it's just a grocery shopping date. The kids play with Grandma while we are out. We do the full movie/dinner/ date probably two or three times a month on average. We try to get away for the weekend at least once a year.


We talk about all kinds of things. We talk about plans for the near future, plans for the not-so-near future, chat about books we're reading, movies we want to see, songs we heard, what's going on with our friends, business ideas we come up with (we always have business ideas we're coming up with :lol:)...IDK...all kinds of things.

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We usually go out together, without the kids, 2-3 times a week but ours are older. It's not a "date". We run errands, go out for lunch or dinner (sometimes breakfast). Sometimes we go to a party, a play or a museum. We talk about everything under the sun. If the kids want to go with us, they are usually welcome to do so. Only if it's a group thing with other adults, and their kids aren't coming, do we say "no" but usually, the kids are busier than we are these days.

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No date night. That's a new concept in today's world. :)


FTR, Mr. Ellie and I celebrated our 37th anniversary last November. :)


I don't think that is a new concept at all. My mom is 72 and I remember very clearly that when I was a kid - they went out every Friday night. They belonged to a social club with friends. Think Elks Lodge or Moose Club type of thing. They always went out, had dinner and danced. When I got to be a teen - they didn't go to that club as much, but they still went out to dinner, etc. every weekend.


My dh and I don't go out all that often. Not because we can't - my mom would babysit. We just prefer our comfy house for a movie. We do go to eat about once a month or so. Like somebody else said - we like taking the kids with us right now. We know all too well that they will be out of the house before we know it.

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