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Weird health question... can something be wrong with one side of your body?

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We all have aches and pains and little things wrong with us, right? So, for me, they are ALL on the right side of my body...

1. My right wrist hurts, always has. I think it's from when I fell on it ice skating when I was a kid. It has gotten worse recently.

2. The right side of my jaw hurts when I chew gum.

3. I have two slightly chipped teeth, top and bottom. Right side (yes, I am going to the dentist about this soon).

4. My right eyelid droops very slightly. I asked a doctor about it and she wasn't concerned (no one is symmetrical).

5. The vision in my right eye is worst than in my left, always has been.


This just dawned on me today, and I wondered if there is some scientific reason why this could be. Or maybe I'm just over-analyzing my old rickety self. :D

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We all have aches and pains and little things wrong with us, right? So, for me, they are ALL on the right side of my body...

1. My right wrist hurts, always has. I think it's from when I fell on it ice skating when I was a kid. It has gotten worse recently.

2. The right side of my jaw hurts when I chew gum.

3. I have two slightly chipped teeth, top and bottom. Right side (yes, I am going to the dentist about this soon).

4. My right eyelid droops very slightly. I asked a doctor about it and she wasn't concerned (no one is symmetrical).

5. The vision in my right eye is worst than in my left, always has been.


This just dawned on me today, and I wondered if there is some scientific reason why this could be. Or maybe I'm just over-analyzing my old rickety self. :D


LOL Maybe it's just over analyzing, but you probably are just wearing that side out first since you favor it. I'm a righty also and I just had to get my first crown on a molar on my right side because of a chipped tooth there. But I am double jointed in my left thumb and that gets achy sometimes when I play a lot of guitar.

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just out of interest,

My father has everything in his body on the wrong side, his appendix were on the left, his heart is on the right, he also seems to have his brain opposite. He is extremely left handed and there are many other things like that. My other has long suspected he was a mirror twin and possibly his twin miscarried or something His parents died when he was a teen so no way of finding out.

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just out of interest,

My father has everything in his body on the wrong side, his appendix were on the left, his heart is on the right, he also seems to have his brain opposite. He is extremely left handed and there are many other things like that. My other has long suspected he was a mirror twin and possibly his twin miscarried or something His parents died when he was a teen so no way of finding out.


Wow, that is really interesting! I had never heard of mirror twins, but after reading up on it, it does seem like that theory would make sense...

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just out of interest,

My father has everything in his body on the wrong side, his appendix were on the left, his heart is on the right, he also seems to have his brain opposite. He is extremely left handed and there are many other things like that. My other has long suspected he was a mirror twin and possibly his twin miscarried or something His parents died when he was a teen so no way of finding out.


Oh wow!! Wouldn't that be something! Can he find out anything from the hospital where he was born? Surely it's listed on his birth certificate. Maybe they'll have a record of it?

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We all have aches and pains and little things wrong with us, right? So, for me, they are ALL on the right side of my body...

1. My right wrist hurts, always has. I think it's from when I fell on it ice skating when I was a kid. It has gotten worse recently.

2. The right side of my jaw hurts when I chew gum.

3. I have two slightly chipped teeth, top and bottom. Right side (yes, I am going to the dentist about this soon).


These three at least could be related by a misalignment in the spine or neck, creating tension, or by you compensating for some pain somewhere - your jaw might hurt because of the same issue that causes your chipped teeth, maybe you are tense, are grinding your teeth in your sleep.


I would see a chiropractor and ask.

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just out of interest,

My father has everything in his body on the wrong side, his appendix were on the left, his heart is on the right, he also seems to have his brain opposite. He is extremely left handed and there are many other things like that. My other has long suspected he was a mirror twin and possibly his twin miscarried or something His parents died when he was a teen so no way of finding out.


My grandfather was like this too, they didn't find out about his organs being back to front until he needed an operation and things weren't where they were supposed to be. He died before I was born so I don't know much about him other than what my mum has told me.

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