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Financial situation...help, please!

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Sometimes a local news agency will pick this sort of thing up as a human interest story and hassle the insurance company on your behalf.


LOVE this idea and if you need help PM me directly. Before kids I was a PR person which I meant I worked almost daily w/ the media.


My bet is that you're being bamboozled. I would start working your way up the powers-that-be and continue talking, sending letters, talking etc.


If need be I would talk w/ a lawyer. I don't say that lightly because I've had nothing but awful experiences w/ lawyers (but in a different niche than you would need), but a good lawyer will help set this situation straight.


Seems like a scam especially w/ Patel going in-house one week later.



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AZ, Blue Cross/Blue Shield with Administrative Enterprises as the blood suckers...er, I mean middle-man. :glare: Thank you (and your dh) in advance for any help you can give!


We had bc/bs in TX and the same sort of thing happened. Dd had some xrays taken and they were sent to a non-network dr. to be read. I obviously had zero control over that. I called bc/bs and they didn't even argue. They took care of it and I never heard from them again about it. Of course, this was years ago, but keep at it.

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UPDATE: After my initial appeal was rejected I sent in another letter worded very strongly - not rude, just blunt. The next morning I received a phone call from the customer service manager saying that the charges had been adjusted to reflect in-network status and that now all that has to be done is for me to call insurance and have them reassess the claim and (hopefully) pay the remaining $800 or so. YEAH!!! What a huge relief! Especially after my dentist's office went ahead with the big 5-year xrays without notifying me that they knew my insurance out-of-pocket had maxed out. :glare: This fun never ends...


Thank you all for your marvelous input!

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:iagree: or your state's Insurance Commissioner. My cousin had a similar situation where she had insurance on herself through her employer, but her baby was going to be on her DH's insurance when she was born. My cousin's insurance wanted her to give birth at hospital A, but the baby's insurance said they would only pay for the baby's expenses if she was born at hospital B. The state insurance commissioner finally got involved and it all worked out, but my cousin had to make a lot of calls and pester the right people before the baby's insurance would pay.


I had this happen when DS was born, but we were on the SAME insurance policy! It took months of my explaining that it was impossible for us to be at two different hospitals.


When DD was born the insurance company tried to claim that she wasn't my daughter and it took over a year to get that one straightened out.

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UPDATE: After my initial appeal was rejected I sent in another letter worded very strongly - not rude, just blunt. The next morning I received a phone call from the customer service manager saying that the charges had been adjusted to reflect in-network status and that now all that has to be done is for me to call insurance and have them reassess the claim and (hopefully) pay the remaining $800 or so. YEAH!!! What a huge relief! Especially after my dentist's office went ahead with the big 5-year xrays without notifying me that they knew my insurance out-of-pocket had maxed out. :glare: This fun never ends...


Thank you all for your marvelous input!



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