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Teachers Lodge - the day after

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The day after the much-sugar-laden Valentine's Day, that is! Remind me not to do that again. :tongue_smilie:


Lunch? Hot dogs and fruit, jello, and salad.


Where are you going to today? The kids and I are going to a local shopping center a bit after lunch. I'm meeting some friends to talk business and the kids WILL hang out in the Children's section of Barnes & Noble while I hang out at the cafe! :D


What do you wish today? I wish I could sleep for a couple of hours and the kids would get along while I do so!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Well, yesterday wasn't especially sugar laden for us. I bought some chocolate for my husband, but that was about it. Otherwise, it was fairly normal day.


I am tired, though, because I was out quite late with my daughter. Back in December, we gave her a pair of tickets to see Patti Lupone and Mandy Patinkin in concert, and the show was last night. The closest they came to us was Sarasota, which is about 2.5 hours from here. The show was great, lots and lots of fun, but I did the five-hour round-trip drive and didn't get home until after 1:00 a.m. So, I'm kind draggy today.


I also over-ate, because I took my daughter to a wonderful Indian restaurant for dinner before the show. So, today I am trying to be extra careful, and I took and extra-long walk with the dog this morning.


My husband and son were also out late, because it's tech week for my son's show. My husband drove him to and from rehearsal last night, since I was on the road with our daughter. They didn't get home until after 11:00, meaning my son went to bed later than usual, too.


All of us slept in a bit, but we've been up and doing school and laundry and cooking and all of the usual stuff since about 8:30.


Edit: Forgot to mention that I don't make lunch for mine anymore. I make breakfast for my son and myself when we get up in the morning. My daughter often sleeps until way past a normal breakfast time, but I make her breakfast foods when she is ready. My son makes his own lunch, and my daughter often doesn't eat again until dinner time or might make herself a snack in the afternoon. (She usually eats again, something simple, later in the evening.)


They both have rehearsals tonight, in different theatres in different parts of town. I'm looking forward to another evening of driving all over Orlando.


It does mean I don't have to cook a full dinner, though. I'm prepping a plate of sandwich fixings for my husband (using the bread I made on Monday), and the kids will take care of their own meals. That's a plus of the schedule, I guess.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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Sorry for your sugar crash.


Lunch today: I made a plate of meat, fruit and veggies for the girls. I'm have pb&apples.


Going today: My older dd has a cello concert today. We're going to dress rehearsal, having picnic dinner and then the concert at the local middle school. I had bad dreams about that place last night (that is the school I took my ds out of to begin homeschooling). I know we'll just be in the music room and the auditorium, but I still have pent-up bad feeling about that place. The concert should be terrific.


Wish today: I wish I could get the girls to focus on school. My older dd is nervous about her concert and can't focus so she is distracting her sister so that neither is getting anything productive done. I'm either going to have to throw in the towel or put on my mean face to get school even started.

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Sorry for your sugar crash - we made valentines sugar cookies here but that was it.


Lunch for us - hmm. I had leftover breadsticks with dipping sauce for brunch, DD is just now waking up for breakfast.


Where are you going to today? No where - staying home, packaging up books to to to the PO tomorrow and catching up on schoolwork.


What do you wish today? I wish I had more energy. I'm wiped out from errands yesterday and hurt all over.

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Lunch today: Salad with protein. And probably a choc. crunch heart for dessert.


Going today: We've already been to speech therapy at the local elementary school. Now we're getting ready for our library day. I get to bring my stack of grading!:party: (OK - that was sarcastic.)


Wish today: I wish I were thin. I've been actively trying to lose weight for two and a half years and I weigh more than when I started! But the whole story is that I'm smaller than when I started according to the tape measure.:confused: One of my Zumba friends who was dancing behind me last night told me that my butt is smaller!:D But despite losing some inches I haven't lost a dress size yet. So yeah - I wish I were thin.

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No sugar crash here today! We did make special heart shaped cupcakes yesterday, but only had one each. The kids will ration out any sweets to last them over the next week or so.


Lunch? Tacos, rice, and corn (leftovers from dinner last night) and sliced bell peppers. Dinner tonight is going to be steak, homemade mashed potatoes, and roasted asparagus.


Where are you going to today? DD14 had literature coop this morning. The younger kids and I ran errands while she was there. We got all of our shopping done at Trader Joe's and BJ's Warehouse. I just have a few things to grab at either Walmart or the grocery store later today. We just finished lunch and we're going to cram in some more schoolwork before we have to leave this afternoon. The three younger kids have children's choir and play practice from 4:30-6. DD14 has dance from 5-7:30. Thankfully, dh is going to cook dinner. I have to go into work at 9pm. Busy day!


What do you wish today? Hmm...I wish I money were not an issue. If money were not an issue, there are many aspects of our life that would be different. For example, I wouldn't be doing in-home childcare...which in turn would allow me to focus more of my time and attention on our studies. I also wouldn't be working a second job 2 nights per week....which would mean that I would be more rested and not be so grumpy! LOL!

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We had a little party here yesterday with my dd6's friends. I served popcorn and each kid decorated one cookie, so sugarwise it wasn't too bad.


Lunch today? The kids are having pizza. I'm not sure about myself.


What are we doing today? My daughter is at her classes today, so she's gone until 2:30. The rest of us are trying valiently to get back into school mode. We haven't done any schoolnsince last Wednesday so it's a little trying. We're calling the last few days our mid-winter break. Later we'll run to the library and ds9 has Cub Scouts.


Wish? A fairy to come clean my house. It's getting a little ridiculous.

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The only person around here who had a sugar high/crash was DD. She climbed into the car and talked nonstop until her violin lesson at 4. I should have given DS some sugar, though... he took THREE naps yesterday. Of course, DH caught him reading at 4:30 this morning, so I guess it all balances out. :glare:


Lunch was leftovers today. DS had leftover beef/Brussels sprout/barley stew, and I had leftover shrimp and portobello mushroom fajitas and homemade refried beans. And then we ate heart-shaped brownies.


Today was supposed to be a do-nothing day, but we wound up at the pediatric ophthalmologist's office instead. DS will be getting reading glasses in the near future to help his strabismus. Fingers crossed that they work and we're not looking at surgery to "tweak a muscle" again (the doctor's quote there, not mine).


My wish for today is that I don't have to hear the word 'doctor,' 'hospital,' or 'surgery' for the next 48 hours. I'm probably out of luck.


Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day! :)

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The day after the much-sugar-laden Valentine's Day, that is! Remind me not to do that again. :tongue_smilie: Don't do that again! :D


Lunch? Fresh fruit, veggies and a bagel with strawberry cream cheese. I'm trying to make up for the excess sugar yesterday.


Where are you going to today? I'm trying to track down a copy of The Borrowers to read before we go see the movie, though at the rate it's going, we may have to read the book after watching the movie.


What do you wish today? I wish to win the lottery so I could quit my job and hire a maid! Maybe I should start playing...

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Yesterday was a crazy sugar day for us too! Not only was it V-day, but one of our hs friend's birthday, so it was double the sugar at his party.


Lunch was leftover sausage & pasta bake for me, plain noodles and broccoli and green beans for the boys.


Today, we did some school until my eldest had taekwondo at noon. During that time, my youngest and I went to Aldi for groceries. Did more school and now I'm visiting with a friend while the kids play.


I wish I could take a nap today as well! :)

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Not to much sugar yesterday. Boys got a small box of candy from my mom & I made a big heart shaped cookie. We each got a small piece of the cookie.


Lunch -- I finally just ate breakfast/lunch. We forgot to eat this morning before leaving. Stopped at drive thru, they messed up my sandwich so I didn't eat until we got home. (never fear my sandwich didn't go to waste...teenage son ate it along with his). I had a sandwich and chips with dip :blushing: I have been trying hard to cut back but I was so hungry :(

Now I am not going to want to fix supper.


Going -- to the store. Dh has the dreaded man cold. He needed medicine. While out I did some other errands


Wish -- For a clean & organized house and to be thin.

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