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How often do you hug your teenagers?


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Even as public schooled teens, my sister and I thought nothing of giving our parents good-bye hugs and kisses when leaving for the day, whether friends were watching or not. We are a very tactile family now and there is usually someone in my lap or hanging over me most of the time. When we had a couch or if we watch a family movie in our bed, we all crowd in like puppies.

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I voted Occasionally or for a special reason-HS for my ds13, BUT only because he has SPD -Tactile sensitive, so hugging or touch of any kind is very uncomfortable for him, so we try to show him love in other ways. My dd9 in ps, on the other hand, hugs often, but is not a teen yet, so I guess we'll see. I hope she never grows out of it! (Or is influenced out of it...)

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This describes me. My kids are always climbing all over me and touching me, and my toddler still nurses. It's nearly more than I can bear. By the end of the day I am completely touched out. I have to "make" myself give physical attention to the kids, because it's honestly not easy for me. Sitting near each other, wrestling, and playing is easy. Just touching to touch is veeerrrryyy difficult.


LOL, this describes me too. We are not an exceptionally "huggy" family, probably in good part due to touch absolutely not being my love language! My little ones still are all over me, but my older ones are not--well, my 10 year old is still. Touch IS his love language, I think, so I very consciously try to remember to put my arm around him, rub his head when I pass by, etc. When we read on the couch, he presses against me so hard, I feel like he's pushing me over!


But my 14 year old and 12 year old? Not huggy people either--not since they were really little.

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