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eBay vent- am I just totally out of line here?

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Yesterday, I bid on a pair of shoes on eBay, and thought about bidding on another pair from the same seller, but didn't see anything in the listing about combined shipping. And I really hate when seller price gouge on shipping, so before bidding on anything else, I sent her a message asking if she combined shipping.


She responded with this message: Our combine s&h formula is clearly listed at the bottom of all of our auctions listings. Please read carefully!


Ok- so I know it can be frustrating when buyers do not read the terms listed, so I went back to the listing and did find her statement- in the Payment Terms section, not in the Shipping Information, and not mentioned in the body of the listing, where she discussed a flat rate shipping charge and not shipping internationally.


I wrote back apologizing for missing the notation, but mentioning that it was not in the most obvious place to look for shipping info. I suggested that perhaps she mention it in the body of her listings with the rest of the shipping info, or at least include a note directing the potential buyer to the bottom of the listing for more info on combined shipping. Especially if she finds it so annoying to have to answer customer inquiries. I told her she was free to take or leave my advice.


She replied back that I was too easily offended, and that maybe I needed to "look within myself." LOL


I replied (I know, I know! I should have just left it alone) that perhaps she should be a little more concerned about offending potential buyers. I was planning to buy more of her items and decided not to based on her snarky replies. I told her I was of course going to pay for the one item I did win, but that if she had been a little more friendly and service oriented, I would have bought more from her.


She replied that she was mailing out my package today and "just in case I forget that I don't want to do business with her anymore", she is adding me to her blocked bidder list.


Ok then! Now I am offended, LOL. But I am resisting any urge to reply to her again, and am instead venting here instead. I hope you will forgive me the indulgence. And hey, if I really am out of line, feel free to tell me. I am a big girl. I can take it! :D

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Sellers can no longer leave negative feedback for buyers. I am not sure exactly how this is going to work out, but that is what ebay has recently stated in a policy change. I personally think it is a good thing since you should only be rated on paying in a timely manner and not by giving positive feedback to the seller.


So, you can leave appropriate feedback without the fear of seller retaliation. Supposedly, anyway. :001_smile:

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Good grief! Kinda makes you wish you didn't buy the first pair, huh? If she had any sense, she would THANK YOU for telling her how she could make her listing more user- friendly. I love Ebay but it *is* frustrating trying to read everything on a computer screen. Plus I have found the same listing will look different in the divisions of Ebay. I lived in the UK when I first registered with Ebay, and for the life of me I can't get changed to the US. Most of the time it's not a big deal, but a lot of the times the listing within Ebay.uk doesn't have a shipping area. So I do end up emailing the seller for shipping details. They've always been gracious (and I guess forgiving since they may think I'm a knucklehead for not reading their listing thoroughly).


Don't let it get to you. :)

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Sellers can no longer leave negative feedback for buyers. I am not sure exactly how this is going to work out, but that is what ebay has recently stated in a policy change. I personally think it is a good thing since you should only be rated on paying in a timely manner and not by giving positive feedback to the seller.


So, you can leave appropriate feedback without the fear of seller retaliation. Supposedly, anyway. :001_smile:


:iagree: Makes you wonder how many times it will take before she learns to be alittle nicer to customers?




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Yesterday, I bid on a pair of shoes on eBay, and thought about bidding on another pair from the same seller, but didn't see anything in the listing about combined shipping. And I really hate when seller price gouge on shipping, so before bidding on anything else, I sent her a message asking if she combined shipping.


She responded with this message: Our combine s&h formula is clearly listed at the bottom of all of our auctions listings. Please read carefully!


Ok- so I know it can be frustrating when buyers do not read the terms listed, so I went back to the listing and did find her statement- in the Payment Terms section, not in the Shipping Information, and not mentioned in the body of the listing, where she discussed a flat rate shipping charge and not shipping internationally.


I wrote back apologizing for missing the notation, but mentioning that it was not in the most obvious place to look for shipping info. I suggested that perhaps she mention it in the body of her listings with the rest of the shipping info, or at least include a note directing the potential buyer to the bottom of the listing for more info on combined shipping. Especially if she finds it so annoying to have to answer customer inquiries. I told her she was free to take or leave my advice.


She replied back that I was too easily offended, and that maybe I needed to "look within myself." LOL


I replied (I know, I know! I should have just left it alone) that perhaps she should be a little more concerned about offending potential buyers. I was planning to buy more of her items and decided not to based on her snarky replies. I told her I was of course going to pay for the one item I did win, but that if she had been a little more friendly and service oriented, I would have bought more from her.


She replied that she was mailing out my package today and "just in case I forget that I don't want to do business with her anymore", she is adding me to her blocked bidder list.


Ok then! Now I am offended, LOL. But I am resisting any urge to reply to her again, and am instead venting here instead. I hope you will forgive me the indulgence. And hey, if I really am out of line, feel free to tell me. I am a big girl. I can take it! :D



I can see both sides. I might have done the same thing as you if I were in one of my "make everything right with the world" moods. Sometimes I make suggestions to people because I'm honestly trying to be helpful, just as you were. We do that all the time here, right? The trouble is, when I give suggestions where none were solicited, others do get annoyed sometimes. People don't like being told that what they did wasn't good enough, KWIM? Also, when receiving a suggestion via email, people can't hear the kind, helpful tone of "voice" used to type the suggestion. I've learned to keep my mouth shut and my fingers still as much as possible. I make my share of mistakes, so I need to let others' mistakes go unless there is a huge problem, and then I have to be very, very careful how I address it. It's hard sometimes, but I think it's worth it in the relationship department, even with strangers selling things on the internet! "No one wants to look dumb."


I hope your next purchase goes more smoothly!

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Sellers can no longer leave negative feedback for buyers. I am not sure exactly how this is going to work out, but that is what ebay has recently stated in a policy change. I personally think it is a good thing since you should only be rated on paying in a timely manner and not by giving positive feedback to the seller.


So, you can leave appropriate feedback without the fear of seller retaliation. Supposedly, anyway. :001_smile:


But what if you have a buyer who doesn't actually pay? Or who takes 3 weeks to pay? How will sellers be able to address those issues?


It's been a long time since I've sold on ebay, and I was going to list some curriculum there today. Maybe I need to rethink that (and hurry up and get my 50 posts here! LOL).

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But what if you have a buyer who doesn't actually pay? Or who takes 3 weeks to pay? How will sellers be able to address those issues?


Yeah, I've wondered the same things. I also occasionally sell things on ebay. However, I've got to think this pertains more to buyers who pay in a timely manner. They must have alternative options for sellers when the payment doesn't come or is very late.


Still, you're so close...just a few more posts and you can sell it here, which to me is so much easier than fooling with ebay anyway.



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