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I found my JOY...in my baby's first smile!

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He woke up next to me this morning and I kissed his little cheek and smiled and said, "Good morning little one" and he SMILED AT ME! His first real smile! Not the "I have gas" sort of smile you get when they are newborns, but, a real, honest-to-goodness smile! Then, ds10 came into the room and Jesse smiled at him, too! So, while the rest of my life seems to be falling apart around me...I found a small piece of joy in my baby's first smile. Just had to share! :D

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I read your post yesterday, but it was at a time where I couldn't respond. I have been thinking about you all last night and this morning because I can very much relate to your post. Anyway, I've been thinking about you and wanting to PM you.


In the meantime, coming here to check the board quickly, I saw this post and smiled. It reminded me of a song from "Out of the Grey" - one of my favorite songs called "Diamond Days". Here's just a few of the lyrics:


Some days are cold and hard, a stone around your neck

Others steal the life from you and leave you feeling flat

Just when you think you've taken your last breath

Your Father blows a kiss at you and lifts you up again


Sometimes we're buried by a landslide of extremes

We are hard-pressed on every side, it seems

But somewhere between the madness and mundane

Your Father sends a gift that lifts you up again


And these diamond days arrive just in time

An oasis in the desert to refresh the mind

Oh, these diamond days, they shine like the stars

So perfectly placed when the journey is hard


I think of this song often on days that are obviously a refresher in the midst of stormy times and they seem to come when I am at my breaking point. Sometimes it's as simple as a bright sunshine-y day after many days of clouds (and of course my life seemingly full of clouds too). A "diamond day" is a perfect way to describe it, and knowing that the Lord sent it just in time as an oasis to refresh me just fills my heart with gratitude. It also reminds me that the "storm" isn't over, but that He's there with me in the midst of it.


I'm so glad you got your "diamond day" today!



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I read your post yesterday, but it was at a time where I couldn't respond. I have been thinking about you all last night and this morning because I can very much relate to your post. Anyway, I've been thinking about you and wanting to PM you.


In the meantime, coming here to check the board quickly, I saw this post and smiled. It reminded me of a song from "Out of the Grey" - one of my favorite songs called "Diamond Days". Here's just a few of the lyrics:


Some days are cold and hard, a stone around your neck

Others steal the life from you and leave you feeling flat

Just when you think you've taken your last breath

Your Father blows a kiss at you and lifts you up again


Sometimes we're buried by a landslide of extremes

We are hard-pressed on every side, it seems

But somewhere between the madness and mundane

Your Father sends a gift that lifts you up again


And these diamond days arrive just in time

An oasis in the desert to refresh the mind

Oh, these diamond days, they shine like the stars

So perfectly placed when the journey is hard


I think of this song often on days that are obviously a refresher in the midst of stormy times and they seem to come when I am at my breaking point. Sometimes it's as simple as a bright sunshine-y day after many days of clouds (and of course my life seemingly full of clouds too). A "diamond day" is a perfect way to describe it, and knowing that the Lord sent it just in time as an oasis to refresh me just fills my heart with gratitude. It also reminds me that the "storm" isn't over, but that He's there with me in the midst of it.


I'm so glad you got your "diamond day" today!





That's beautiful. Thank you, Janna. I'm grateful for this little piece of joy today. I'm gonna hold on to it as long as I can. My house is still a wreck, my kids are still acting rotten and dh and I are still not great, but my baby smiled at me! :D I think God is saying, "hang in there, it'll be alright!".

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I just want to cry reading about that beautiful smile! (apparently I really need the nap I am about to take with my girlies because everything seems to make me weepy today) Isaac's first smile was so precious too - it was so sweet after all those weeks of him just looking so seriously at me. What a sweet memory. Yay for you and your little guy!

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