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Come have a little whine with me?

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I first read your title as "Come have a little wine with me?" :lol:


Oh I am so with you on not wanting to clean the house. I also don't want to make meals. Cold cereal is ok for every meal right?


I almost made a wine pun.


A little pinot noir, anyone? :D Or is it too early?


I have already used up my not making meals for the week on spaghetti, turkey sandwiches and nuked soup, and pizza and salad. Clearly, I'm obliged to cook tonight too.

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Oooo, I will soooo play along. I am all cranky, too. My poor children are at the point of avoiding me. In my case, it's doing the taxes. Been on my "do this week" list for 3 weeks now.


And all because I'm off sugar and doing taxes has always been a lovely chocolate event for me! Why oh why can't I just be a grown up?!!?If I fly to where you are and clean your house, will you do my taxes? That would work, right? If they take long enough, I'll even make dinner for ya . . .

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I'll play...


I have to have the house packed up and ready for the movers by tomorrow night. I am sick of packing. Actually, I'm mostly sick of moving. This is the 5th time in 4 years, with another likely move in a year. It is also the 26th(ish) time for me personally to move. I'm tired!


I'll come clean your house, if you'll come pack mine! :lol:

Edited by Apryl H
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