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1st grade curriculum


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Need some good suggestions, please!


Science: McGruffy???






Lang Arts:




Thanks :)


For Math, I am deciding between MEP and CLE.

Lang Art: WWE1 and FLL1

SS:We'll also be using SOTW

Science: Nancy Larson or Sonlight probably

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Well, if you click on my blog I listed in the sidebar what my first grader is currently doing. Plus if you look at an older post, in January I think, I explained my first graders curriculum. It looks like a lot but I explain in the post how I vary things up a bit. She really hated ps kindy last year, so I had to really "work" in the beginning of hsing this year for her to realize it was going to be much better than ps. If I could figure out how to link to the specific post I will (not computer savvy, probably shouldn't be allowed to have a blog, ha ha.)


Here is the link to my specific post on my first grader - I think I did it


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Science: If you want all-in-one and are comfortable with a Christian curriculum, I recommend Sonlight's Science B. If not, you might try Exploration Education's elementary physical science.


SS: SOTW1 with the activity guide


Math: I like Math Mammoth because it's easy to use and basically self-teaching. I also loved Right Start level B and MEP Year 1. They're all excellent in their own way. MM teaches in small steps, RS uses lots of manipulatives and doesn't have much written work and MEP really encourages mathematical thinking.


Lang Arts: Writing With Ease 1, All About Spelling, First Language Lessons, OPGTR or Dancing Bears if your child is still learning to read


Health: we don't do a formal health curriculum. You could try Growing, Growing Strong if you really want a program.

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We use SOTW and love it. So I see you picked that already. We really enjoy MM since the work and the instructions and lesson examples are all on the page and not having to have a teacher manual. We really enjoy Elemental Science. This year we're doing Biology and it's been alot of fun! Both my dd's have enjoyed it. Next year we'll be doing Chemistry. For LA we like FLL 1/2. We follow it up with WWE as the writing curriculum. Works well together.


I hope you can find some of the information I have posted and the others somewhat useful in your search.:001_smile:

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Science: McGruffy???


I'm not much help here. We ended up doing a mix of library books that year.




Excellent choice. :D




This depends on the mom and the kid. Some programs I like: Singapore, Math Mammoth, CLE. I've used the first two, and a friend of mine uses the last one.


Lang Arts:


FLL is excellent. FLL1 is a bit repetitive, with a bunch of lessons on common vs. proper nouns. Feel free to skim over those if they're not needed (some kids need them, some kids don't).


I highly recommend the WWE series for writing. Listen to SWB's plan for teaching writing in the elementary years ($3.99 download, worth every penny!). Also, take a look at the WWS sample, so you see where the program is heading.


Does your child still need phonics, or do you want a spelling program at this point? I haven't used a first grade phonics program, but I've used AAS for a first grader, and it was excellent.


For reading/literature, I just assigned books close to his reading level and had him read everyday. He also had a book basket reading time, where he could pick what he wanted from the library books (which had a mixture of science, history, and "fun" - sometimes even including a bit of twaddle). We also did narrations daily in various subjects, which counts as reading comprehension also.




We just consider that part of daily life, and if I had to report on that subject, I'd just list what we've talked about in daily life. ;)

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I've actually got McGuffey Grade 1 Science and while it is scripted and easy to work with I think it is too expensive for what you get. I wouldn't buy it again and I haven't used it all that much, more as a supplement to library books based on Core Knowledge Grade 1 science unit topics. The CK K-8 sequence is here for free as a download if you are interested: http://books.coreknowledge.org/home.php?cat=314


We are using library books for history as well. I love Phonics Road for first grade L/A (phonics, spelling, reading) but it is pricey. I also think you can't go wrong with Math Mammoth - the price is great and it is a really solid math program. "Health" as a subject is not part of our homeschooling. I let the kids run around in the yard for free play every day and we eat healthy food and I think that is enough for 6 year olds!


Have fun choosing!

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This is what we use:


Need some good suggestions, please!


Science: McGruffy??? Elemental Science Biology




Math: Math Mammoth


Lang Arts: Spelling: AAS; Reading: Sonlight Readers (we used Abeka Phonics); Writing: WWE 1 Grammar: FLL 1




Thanks :)

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awww---1st grade. :) I can reminisce on some of the things I used with my oldest at that age.

We started Sequential Spelling. (I remember I even added some of the words to spellingcity.com for extra work)

We started Miquon as well that year for math.

Handwriting Without Tears

Lots of Explode The Code books (he begged for them)


We used Ambleside religiously (we still do but I'm more flexible with it now)


Mostly we read a ton of books and talked and played. We would do grammar as things came up in our books that needed explaining.


We did states geography and I printed out a lot of states and world maps. I wanted him to know the continents, oceans, and states that year.


He read out loud to me everyday to work on reading skills.


For science we read books and did activities as we found an interest.


That was my unschooling year (sort of :tongue_smilie:) and even though we've moved on from that as he's grown and needed more it was the best year!

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We're doing 1st this year:

Science- Elemental, I find it kind of dry and boring so we add a lot of library books and some videos to it. Only one small hands-on thing a week :( I've added a couple weeks of health before the human body unit, mostly just finding books, talking about and practicing healthy habits (eating right, why we need exercise, sleep, good hygiene etc). Also did a week on introducing puberty. Will likely change to REAL Science Odyssey next year.


Math- Singapore 1st semester, Math Mammoth 2nd semester. Both very good, but going with Mammoth next year due to it being more independent (I will have 2 next year), providing more practice, cheaper, and I got the .pdf so it's reusable for ds and she can do it on the iPad (a huge motivator for her).


History (SS)- Story of the World WITH AG. Gotta have the AG :) We're really enjoying it.


Language Arts- AAS for spelling- excellent!, FLL for Grammar- dd LOVES it even if I am sick to death of nouns, Copywork (from reading or poetry) for her handwriting, no creative writing yet, Reading- choosing novels and having her narrate, answer comprehension questions I've come up with, OR reading aloud. She's very advanced in reading. We are finishing up OPGTR after taking a year off, but she's only finally having some difficulty now that we're in the last 20 lessons from the end.

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My first grader this year is using:


Math- Horizons 1

Handwriting- A Reason for Handwriting

Phonics- Phonics Pathways, Reading Pathways, Explode the Code

English- First Language lessons 1, Writing With Ease 1 (just started these last week)

Spelling- AAS 1


Next year my first grader will be using:


Bible- Reading Schedule with MOH 1

Math- Horizons 1

Handwriting- A Reason for Handwriting

Phonics- Phonics Pathways, Reading Pathways, Explode the Code

English- First Language Lessons 1, Writing With Ease 1

History- MOH 1, SOTW 1 and Diana Waring Ancient Civilizations and the Bible CD's (cd's only)

Science- Christian Kids Explore Biology with a lot of extra books and videos plus projects

Spelling- AAS 1



I am not doing as much this year with my current 1st grader for a few reasons. 1) he is my special needs kiddo and needed a 2nd year of the 3R's 2) I wanted to keep him with my other 2 in the history rotation. 3) He simply needed another year of maturity. Ds who is now in K will be more than ready for his 1st grade schedule next fall :001_smile:

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