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Guilty secret....I love....

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Of all the things to love, ranch dressing probably isn't bad.


I mean, you could chug a bottle of it, and still drive safely...assuming you didn't throw the heck up.


Your kids won't find you passed out on the couch w/the floor littered w/salad dressing bottles.


If you find yourself filling the tub w/it, yeah, ok, time for an intervention.

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Of all the things to love, ranch dressing probably isn't bad.


I mean, you could chug a bottle of it, and still drive safely...assuming you didn't throw the heck up.


Your kids won't find you passed out on the couch w/the floor littered w/salad dressing bottles.


If you find yourself filling the tub w/it, yeah, ok, time for an intervention.





I love ranch dressing too. That and coffee...

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Ree's home made ranch recipe is AWESOME.


Ina Garten has a great one, too, but she uses basil and I covet my basil for pesto, not ranch.


I found the power of home made ranch dressing when my chives got uncontrollable and I had to USE them.


Just give it to me in a bowl...:D


I would devour both of those! Do they make a zero calorie version? ;)

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My only debate is if I should crumble bacon into the ranch....


Or be honest, and just freaking dip it :D


Oh goodness! It is such a good think I do not have bacon on hand and live 30 miles from anything!!!


Bacon dipped in ranch....Yummy!

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If you puree a tub of cottage cheese and use it for a base, you can add your own spices and make a ranch that is healthy and yummy!



Yum! Trying that!


and you know what makes ranch better?






Bacon ranch....



I know! That is like heaven on a plate!!!:lol:







Broccoli, shredded carrot, almond slivers, minced onion, BACON....all slathered in RANCH dressing. I am starving now!!!

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