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If you have cut out refined sugar, what recipes do you make when you get cravings?

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I cut out sugar a little over a month ago. Still eating raw honey, maple syrup, agave, stevia, etc. Today I put a little Sucanat in cornbread.


I'm doing ok, not really craving. But I'm just starting to feel like something is.....missing, I guess.


Any ideas for recipes that are sweet enough to stave off a sweet tooth craving? A lot of recipes I'm finding just aren't sweet enough for me (ie-the cornbread above-lol)


I was a real sugar junkie before, so I guess it's good I'm not craving a lot. But I want some recipes to have on hand! Thanks!

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I've switched over to Xyilotol which my girl friend and I buy from here http://store.xylitolcanada.com/ We buy the 55lbs bulk bag and split it with friends. I love the Xyilotol I made cranberry sauce at Christmas and no one could figure out which bowl was "Mom's" real cranberry sauce and which one was "Aunty Amy's" I was addicted to sugar, 4 cans of coke before lunch sort of addicted and now after 2 months I find I go looking for sugar just before my cycle. So, I made myself some lemon drops that I keep in the freezer. I can have as many as I want at any time but interestingly, I don't get into them very often because I am no longer craving sugar.

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I quit sugar in October. This recipe keeps me going. I make it about every two weeks to keep me from going crazy. The cravings are getting less, so I hope to eventually make only rarely.


Chocolate Pudding:

1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa

1/4 cup corn starch

slightly less than 1/2 cup agavi nectar

1/4 teaspoon salt

2 cups milk


Stir these together over medium/low heat. Mixture will thicken. Remove from heat and add 1-2 teaspoons vanilla. That's it!


I love this pudding!

I also add unsweetened coconut and walnuts sometimes.


I've heard every now and then that agavi is not that great for you, so I'll eventually cut down on even this.



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Really - the best thing to do is a sugar detox. Get rid of all sugar and virtually all carbs for two weeks. It will reset your taste buds and all the things that aren't sweet enough now will be - they might even be too sweet. It's amazing the difference it makes. And the cravings go away.


So... stevia okay, but no maple syrup, agave nectar, sucanat, molasses.

No fruit, no sweet or overstarchy veggies like carrots, peas.

No grains at all, whole or otherwise. No pasta.

No potatoes, even sweet potatoes.


Do eat green veggies, lean meats, fish, low fat dairy.

Some tomatoes and dried beans are okay to add some complex carbs.

Turnips are good. Nuts in reasonable quantities.


After two weeks you can add back in fruit, whole grains, and sweet potatoes, and small amounts of the other non-refined sugars.


You will not believe the difference in your palate.

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We love homemade lara bars. I can't believe how sweet they are, and they definitly satisfy my out-of-control sweet tooth. :D


4oz box of pitted dates

1/2 teas vanilla

1/2 cup coconut

scant 1/8 teas salt

2 T dark chocolate chips


Put it all in a food processer for about 3 minutes. Shape into bars and throw into fridge.


My friend makes these with no chocolate and loves them. You can also adjust coconut based on preference.

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Random fact that mesmerizes me about quitting sugar (I quit all forms of it, even reading labels etc in November) from one of Gary Taubes' books: "they" know from studying children and adolescents who have severe enough type 1 diabetes that they have to entirely quit sugars that it takes 12 to 18 months to be entirely free of cravings. But an interesting thing was that when the cravings leave, it is dramatic enough that each person was able to pinpoint to the week when the cravings left.

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We love homemade lara bars. I can't believe how sweet they are, and they definitly satisfy my out-of-control sweet tooth. :D


4oz box of pitted dates

1/2 teas vanilla

1/2 cup coconut

scant 1/8 teas salt

2 T dark chocolate chips


Put it all in a food processer for about 3 minutes. Shape into bars and throw into fridge.


My friend makes these with no chocolate and loves them. You can also adjust coconut based on preference.

:iagree: That's what I was going to suggest. I don't really do dates personally anymore because there's too much sugar for me in there, as someone who is on the insulin resistant side of things.


We avoid sugar. I do think kicking the habit pretty thoroughly is the best option, giving time for cravings to subside. Most of the time I don't miss it at all.


When I do want something or feel I need to have an acceptable substitute, I have a few blogs I use like these:







I do think it is best to really avoid it until you feel in control of your cravings though.


Some other ideas:

a square or two of really good dark chocolate like Valrhona. I aim for 80-88 percent dark varieties (less sugar).

A handful of macademia nuts

something really good but savory. I like TJs rosemary marcona almonds

An iced coffee. I blend a little stevia sweetened protein powder (Jay Robb) with unsweetened almond milk, ice, and some starbucks via instant coffee. I add a pinch of xanthan gum because that keeps the ice suspended nicely. Sometimes I add a little erythritol or stevia for a little extra sweetener. This is really good and DH and I often have this when the kids have ice cream in warm weather. I also use it as my mommy afternoon pickmeup when the weather is warmer.

Full fat greek yogurt with some berries, or a touch of stevia. Sometimes I add a touch of lemon extract and add in blueberries or raspberries.


Eat something with some fat and protein and then decide if you really are craving something. For some people it just takes longer to kick the cravings and they are better off waiting it out until they are more in control.

Edited by Momof3littles
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Really - the best thing to do is a sugar detox. Get rid of all sugar and virtually all carbs for two weeks. It will reset your taste buds and all the things that aren't sweet enough now will be - they might even be too sweet. It's amazing the difference it makes. And the cravings go away.


So... stevia okay, but no maple syrup, agave nectar, sucanat, molasses.

No fruit, no sweet or overstarchy veggies like carrots, peas.

No grains at all, whole or otherwise. No pasta.

No potatoes, even sweet potatoes.


Do eat green veggies, lean meats, fish, low fat dairy.

Some tomatoes and dried beans are okay to add some complex carbs.

Turnips are good. Nuts in reasonable quantities.


After two weeks you can add back in fruit, whole grains, and sweet potatoes, and small amounts of the other non-refined sugars.


You will not believe the difference in your palate.


:iagree: This is so true!

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Fruit pie. Pie crust can be made just fine without sugar. Fill your pie crust with lovely fresh fruit and top with cinnamon and some lemon juice. Bake until bubbling and then enjoy!


Peach slices warmed up with melted butter and cinnamon. Sliced banana in yoghurt.


Generally fresh fruit satisfies my sweet tooth - if I am going to eat sweet stuff, I might as well get some health benefits from it!

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Matroyshka-I don't think I could do that for a million dollars!! I am lucky to even be cutting the sugar-lol! I know it would help and would work, but life would not be worth living :D


Andalasia-i will try the homemade Lara bars (love them-they are what is getting me through!) Any idea what the cup equivalent is for the 4 oz box of dates? (I buy them in bulk.)


Thanks for the suggestions so far!!!!

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Andalasia-i will try the homemade Lara bars (love them-they are what is getting me through!) Any idea what the cup equivalent is for the 4 oz box of dates? (I buy them in bulk.)


Thanks for the suggestions so far!!!!


It is a rounded 1/2 cup, packed tight. Hope you like them!

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Here is my goto website for low carb/sugar recipes:



She has a little of everything and I've been able to keep some of my favorite foods in my diet. I have tried to stay low carb/sugar free for a few years -- I am addicted to carbs/sugar (honestly don't know a whole lot of people who aren't) -- so I get way too much of it if I'm not paying attention. Holidays are what sucks me back into the fold of too much sugar...

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She has a little of everything and I've been able to keep some of my favorite foods in my diet. I have tried to stay low carb/sugar free for a few years -- I am addicted to carbs/sugar (honestly don't know a whole lot of people who aren't) -- so I get way too much of it if I'm not paying attention. Holidays are what sucks me back into the fold of too much sugar...


:iagree: This is exactly me. I need to follow my own advice and go on a 2-week sugar detox! It's overdue, being the end of January already...

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