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Ha! I just said no thank you to some meat truck people.

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What's the deal with the meat truck? Is there some kind of joke I missed? Someone fill me in!


We had one come here a few weeks ago. They had a whole pamphlet of prices, but they told us that they always sell for at most half of those prices, so we should just tell them what we want and they'll give us a price. I'm not sure how I'd know what I wanted without a price, lol! Plus I don't know what the pamphlet is about if that's not what they ACTUALLY CHARGE. DW was intrigued (DW does NONE of the grocery shopping). I said no thanks. Meat off a truck is weird to me. Plus the prices were not that good, even at half off.

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I still can't get past buying meat on a truck that is roaming around the neighborhood.

I always tell them we don't eat meat. Which is mostly true...but it weirds me out that they are going around door to door selling meat. If we do eat meat I'm particularly picky about it, so I'm sure I don't want something off of their truck.

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I'm always so intrigued by these meat truck posts. I have never seen one, but I would go running the other direction if I did. Are they more common in certain parts of the country?


I've never seen one either, but we do have guys who sell "fresh" and frozen seafood out of their unrefrigerated pick up trucks. On street corners. In the summer. In Colorado. Not sure I want to know where their fresh shrimp, clams, cod or Alaskan salmon is coming from. ;)

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My dh invited the meat truck guy in 2 weeks ago.


Meat comes in tiers: prime, choice, and select (I think). This meat comes from producers in major cities (like Chicago for our area) trying to get rid of lesser quality meat by selling it to companies that do this door to door sales thing.


It works because most people don't know anything about meat. Dh worked for a butcher in high school though. He enjoyed the spiel and then politely declined.

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I'm proud of you for being strong:) My dh bought something from them the last time they came by.


The meat truck comes by here ALL the time. We only bought meat once; dh bought a sampler of chicken, beef, and fish/seafood. Everything was just so-so except the hamburgers. They were, without a doubt, the BEST hamburgers I ever ate. I definitely plan to purchase more.

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