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What are you most likely to splurge on for homeschool?


Where do you splurge most in homeschooling?  

  1. 1. Where do you splurge most in homeschooling?

    • Living books
    • 3 R's curricula
    • History
    • Music
    • Science
    • Art Supplies
    • Manipulatives
    • Teaching supplies
    • Furniture
    • Other

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My answer depends.


I know that to some people I've talked to, my packaged curriculum is a splurge. To me, I plan on spending the least amount (so far in my h/s journey) this upcoming year b/c I'll be buying it all in a package, though.


I read your blog so I know your packaged curriculum ;) I get the same thing but it's so worth it to me.


In the very beginning, I splurged on resource books, math manipulatives, and various try/fail curricula.


Boy ain't this the truth? I did the same thing. I can relate.

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Craft and project materials. My DD is a bottemless pit for crafting - I must have spent hundreds on googly eyes, pipecleaners and glitter since she emerged from my womb 5 years ago :D We never have enough because she is always using it.


I just spent a ton of money today buying paper cups, cardboard, stickers, popsicles sticks, beads, glue and a billion other things I don't want to think about.

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I voted 3 R's and Science. I seem to have a hard time sticking to a definite plan for some LA, and until the release of WWS recently, I was all over the place. Last year was "the year of the writing curricula" at my house. This year at least we know what we're doing. Math & LA have so many resources that just look so good, but there's not enough time to utilize them all. I've stopped spending like I used to because like I said, I know what we're doing now. This year has been cheaper in that regard.


Science though, is getting expensive. This is my first year doing WTM logic stage science and the kits, microscope, etc. were quite an investment. Not to mention the dc still want a telescope that will work outside in our horrible -40* F temperatures to look at all they learned in Astronomy last year, and I want to get them one.


It's all worth it in the long run. I've learned to be more careful in my purchases.

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I don't splurge on the same thing every year (reading books are the exception - but I buy used mainly).


Last year my splurge was Dynamic Literacy at our conference. It was a good decision. We'll use the first level over 2 years so, that spreads out the "splurge," right??? :001_smile:


This year....hmmmm....we'll have to wait to see. I'm thinking maybe foreign language.....

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One comment on a thread here has stuck with me. A teacher challenged the parents in her class to spend as much money on books every month as they do on cable television. Well, we don't have cable, but my husband liked the idea as much as I do.


We go to our local used bookstore and buy armloads of books. Almost all of their children's paperbacks are $1, and they often offer them as buy one, get one free. Every child can pick out a free book from those shelves on every visit. None of their other books are particularly expensive, and they are all in great condition. I can find great literature for young children, Let's Read and Find Out books, all kinds of historical material, just anything you would want.


I can't bring myself to call spending $20 on books every month a splurge anymore, not since I read about that challenge.


We bought several hundred dollars worth of manipulatives and equipment at greatly reduced prices over the summer. I'd like to thank whoever shared that ETA/Cuisenaire sale! I'd call that splurging.


I anticipate buying SOTW next year. I have some things to print. We may buy BFSU for science. Other than that, I can't think of anything else I plan on getting to fill out elementary content. I'm sure other things will crop up.

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Science and books! We found a science program that we all like, so I plan that expense into my budget. As for books, we love the used book store and yard sales. And, while I can resist buying my kids something at any other store, everyone leaves a book store with a new book every single time.



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I'm still in the curriculum junkie phase of my homeschooling path. Actually- I'm in a hoarding phase when it comes to all aspects of homeschooling so I chose other because I am just as likely to get one of these things as I am another. Whatever strikes my fancy will get my money at that moment.



:iagree: Although I hate to admit it...

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