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I'd love math/geometry supplement recommendations


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My younger dd has great spatial awareness... she also really pays attention to details. She remembers license plate numbers, details on buildings, pays attention to directions, sees shapes or pictures in many things, etc. I was wondering what I could use for a math and/or a geometry supplement for her. I'd love any suggestions...

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Patty Paper Geometry

Zome Tools plus the Zome Geometry book

Vi Hart's math-doodling videos

Origami kits; here are some cool origami-related websites: Shadowfolds, Wholemovement

You can buy books by Bradford Hansen-Smith (his work is on the Wholemovement website) and paper circles for folding here.

Khan Academy videos

Math Mammoth has "Blue books" on geometry topics



Edited by Corraleno
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Patty Paper Geometry

Zome Tools plus the Zome Geometry book

Vi Hart's math-doodling videos

Origami kits; here are some cool origami-related websites: Shadowfolds, Wholemovement

Khan Academy videos

Math Mammoth has "Blue books" on geometry topics



Great list, Jackie. PP is on my wish list.

Vi's dad helped to create Zome (which I dream of buying soon).

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Not geometry ideas, but...


My 3rd grader is exactly like yours, right down to seeing shapes/images in every single thing! She LOVES MEP. It is as if it was tailor-made for her. I use it as a supplement, as she goes to ps.


I was also looking in to getting Hands-on Equations.


Thanks Jackie for the other suggestions. I haven't heard of a couple.;)

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Patty Paper Geometry

Zome Tools plus the Zome Geometry book

Vi Hart's math-doodling videos

Origami kits; here are some cool origami-related websites: Shadowfolds, Wholemovement

You can buy books by Bradford Hansen-Smith (his work is on the Wholemovement website) and paper circles for folding here.

Khan Academy videos

Math Mammoth has "Blue books" on geometry topics




Jackie, these are great suggestions. We've loved all of them with the exception of the Zome Advanced with the Geometry book because the set is a little expensive for us right now.


To the OP, if she is showing an interest in geometrical drawing, the Hands On Geometry workbook from Prufrock Press is a great intro to compass constructions.


Also, String, Straightedge and Shadow for a living-history treatment of geometry.

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Games: Blokus and Geoshapes, not Geometry but we love the game Set as a shape/pattern game.


Books: The Sir Cumference series maybe. I wasn't sure about these but my mathy son loves them. I thought they might be too easy or he might think the story was kind of cheesy. He really enjoys them.


I also have some geopattern blocks which I got for my younger kids but the 8 year old really likes playing with. He does more patterns and shapes and plays with them in a different way than them but he really has fun.

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What age is Patty Paper Geometry meant for? Geometry is dd's favorite part of math.


IIRC, Patty paper geometry says middle school or high school. We're using it with a group of middle school kids of varying abilities, and it is working well.

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