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Organizing and dejunking ...

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For the last several years I have been trying to dejunk and organize.

Lately I have been trying to focus on dejunking my personal items too.

I have noticed that each time I dejunk I cull more items from my hoard.

Have you all noticed that too when you are getting rid of items?

I have a garage now full of bagged items I just want gone and it feels good to have all that stuff out of the house.

In a few months I will dejunk again and I am sure even more stuff will go.

The problem I am having now is I don't have the energy to craigslist, consignment shop or even give the stuff away. People can be so flakey and it is time consuming and exhausting even giving stuff away for free. KWIM?

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The problem I am having now is I don't have the energy to craigslist, consignment shop or even give the stuff away. People can be so flakey and it is time consuming and exhausting even giving stuff away for free. KWIM?


Goodwill, baby!


I'm lucky, in that I work with 2000 people. Someone always wants something. Heck, my used (not for 3 years ... hubby thought it was too weird) Netipot got snapped up last week.


Instead of doing a year after year thing, I moved and "halved it all". Man was that nice. Once I have halved, I am just relentless about things that come in the house: why is this here, where can I get rid of it, how long do I let it sit there before hubby won't notice when it is gone?

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Here ARC and DAV will pick up. We also have something called Manna Ministries that will pick up free stuff and gives those things away for free. It's a wonderful program.


If you have the energy, load it up and drive it to Goodwill. They will unload it for you at their donation drop off.


The other thing you could do is curb alert on Craigslist the day before trash day. Although not the best situation, but if it doesn't get picked up, at least the trash will take it and it will be gone - not left to tempt you in bringing it all back inside, which has happened to me numerous times.

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I have been in mass declutter mode now that I am home from work and have the time. Well over 500 items gone from a previously clean and not especially cluttered 1400sf home. We are not hoarders but just axing a lot of stuff- especially stuff from a garage so we could have more space in there.


I will sell something if I think I can easily sell it for more than $40 or so dollars. Mostly though, I donate or give away. I used Freecycle a lot and only had two flakes in A LOT of pick ups. Also, I do the sidewalk thing sometimes- put it out with a free sign, post the cross streets on CL and it is GONE. I had someone walk off with a stroller (very well used Peg Perego P3 with a wobbly wheel (included info on the note about buying a new wheel) about 15 seconds after I left it there.


It is so nice to have the stuff gone!

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I think being relentless about things coming in is a good idea. I try not to bring any (non-consumable) object in that I don't plan on keeping for at least a decade :001_smile: or more.

Funny about your husband, mine is the opposite - he doesn't like things coming in the house.

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I make weekly drops to the goodwill drop off bins in my town. When I am making good head way I make daily drop offs. I do not have any big items to part with because I did that before my move but have plenty to cull daily. I have found like you that once I got going it is really easy and freeing to get rid of more andmore. I finally decided last week it was use it or lose it week. I started using my scrapbook stuff again instead of storing it. If I do not start using my fabrics etc in the next couple months I am going to get rid of it all. That is several rubbermaids of fabric plus bins of notions etc. Craft supplies inthe basement are going to get culled soon too (this is things like pie pans, felt, foam sheets, egg cartons, ceramic peices etc) It takes up a 2 huge shelving units plus bins to store it all. Time to pick the most used items and get rid of the rest.

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No Goodwill here in Germany that I know of and I think it is illegal to put stuff on the curb. Even tossing it is an issue.



Hmm is there freecycle? or a different charity organization that would or could use that stuff? How about a garage sale? Sell everything for dirt cheap to to have it gone.

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For the last several years I have been trying to dejunk and organize.

Lately I have been trying to focus on dejunking my personal items too.

I have noticed that each time I dejunk I cull more items from my hoard.

Have you all noticed that too when you are getting rid of items?

I have a garage now full of bagged items I just want gone and it feels good to have all that stuff out of the house.

In a few months I will dejunk again and I am sure even more stuff will go.

The problem I am having now is I don't have the energy to craigslist, consignment shop or even give the stuff away. People can be so flakey and it is time consuming and exhausting even giving stuff away for free. KWIM?


I have been packing my car out and driving to Goodwill as of late. At other times, I have called Amvets and they have put me on the pick up schedule. When I'm really on a roll, I cannot bear to let the leaving items sit around waiting. It causes me too much anxiety if they aren't actually gone yet.

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For the last several years I have been trying to dejunk and organize.

Lately I have been trying to focus on dejunking my personal items too.

I have noticed that each time I dejunk I cull more items from my hoard.

Have you all noticed that too when you are getting rid of items?

I have a garage now full of bagged items I just want gone and it feels good to have all that stuff out of the house.

In a few months I will dejunk again and I am sure even more stuff will go.

The problem I am having now is I don't have the energy to craigslist, consignment shop or even give the stuff away. People can be so flakey and it is time consuming and exhausting even giving stuff away for free. KWIM?



Whenever I dejunk anything, I send one of the kids or dh to put the bag in the way back of my car, so I can keep going. At all times, I have a bag hanging on a large hook in the hall going down to my cellar. Whenever it is full, into the trunk it goes. Around here, there are many collection sites, one near a market I frequent. It's easy to stop the car and toss in. Tomorrow, I'd have everyone in the family who can, grab a bag and put one in the car. Drive to the nearest drop off site. Someone else will make good use of your outgrown items. No guilt.

Edited by LibraryLover
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No Goodwill here in Germany that I know of and I think it is illegal to put stuff on the curb. Even tossing it is an issue.



Really? No second hand places to donate? No rummage sales *anywhere*? What does one do with outgrown children's clothing there? What about Oxfam?

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Really? No second hand places to donate? No rummage sales *anywhere*? What does one do with outgrown children's clothing there? What about Oxfam?


Our town is a bit isolated - no stop signs or traffic lights and the neighbors are cows :001_smile: I am sure a city somewhere has a donating center, somewhere.

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Our town is a bit isolated - no stop signs or traffic lights and the neighbors are cows :001_smile: I am sure a city somewhere has a donating center, somewhere.



So how far would you have to go to get rid of it all? Can you combine a field trip with a declutter run? Would it look crazy to have kids on a bus or train carrying big bags? ;) :)

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She can't. I was also making the assumption she was in the states, but my thought was that she had easy access to Goodwill bins.


Yard sales are not allowed here either but I know some towns have flea markets.

So much effort - for maybe $200 worth or stuff.

I was thinking of taking a photo of all of it and posting it for free on the version of craiglist here called bookoo - but even then, I have to deal with flakes not showing up or changing their minds after days of questions and promises :glare:

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Yard sales are not allowed here either but I know some towns have flea markets.

So much effort - for maybe $200 worth or stuff.

I was thinking of taking a photo of all of it and posting it for free on the version of craiglist here called bookoo - but even then, I have to deal with flakes not showing up or changing their minds after days of questions and promises :glare:



How much would it cost you to take it to town? Maybe the petrol $ or train fare is worth the sense of being done with it?

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I have known several people that lived in Germany and all have told me about a drop for free things where people can pick up and/or drop off stuff. Usually it is once a month or something like that. Perhaps you can ask around and find out where and when it's at.

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Believe it or not, I'm in the Midwest US, and I feel your pain. I've been in a de-junking mood for the last couple of months, but although we live in a regular town, I don't always have anywhere to take things to donate. There are 2 smallish shops affiliated with churches, both only take donations at certain times. Recently, neither one were accepting, and it's often the case that a sign is posted on the door to let people know that they aren't taking any donations. The Goodwill here is unlike any other that I've ever known. In early December, I took 3 boxes of nearly new baby clothes and toys, a few small household appliances, and a vacuum cleaner to donate. I went in first to make sure they were accepting donations. A man followed me out to my van, picked through what I had, saying, "We'll take this, and this, and that's all." I seriously couldn't believe it. They wanted the vacuum cleaner and the blender. No baby clothes. No toys. They're still in the back of my van. I have no where to take them. All I want to do is donate some stuff. It's ridiculous.

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