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Teachers Lodge 1-19-2012

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Morning, everyone! I'm still working on making it a GOOD morning, but it is definitely morning! I'm also feeling a bit better today so that's a plus! Need to get going on schooling with my youngest, as I just remembered a few minutes ago, that I'm scheduled to have coffee with a friend around 1:00pm. So . . .


What's for lunch today? Here: yesterday I bought three different lunch choices from the grocery store, so that we'd have lunch ready for three different days. So while I don't know exactly what any of us will choose, I don't have to go to the store, and, possibly, won't be tempted by take out!


What are you up to today besides schooling? Coffee with a friend. Possibly baseball practice with the youngest unless hubby can take him. If hubby takes him than I might possibly go to ballet.


what's your weather like today? Here: 53.2F Sounds warm to some of you, I know. But keep in mind that most of you don't get summer temps of 115F. So consider the high temps you do get in summer and drop it 85 degrees. Cold, isn't it? I'm not complaining, though, because all to soon it will be that miserably hot. Oo, oo, I know! Which of you can we come VISIT this summer?? :D


Talk to me! :bigear:

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What's for lunch today? Probably a salad with protein. I'm craving a bean and cheese burrito, though. But we don't have any or the makings of any and the roads are pretty icy so I'm not thinking of going out to get them.


What are you up to today besides schooling? We had a snow storm followed by freezing rain. The freezing rain is the part that has seriously hampered our plans as most places are closed around here. I'm hoping that the Y will be open tonight so that I can do Zumba but we'll have to see. I'd also like to go to the library but the library is in a little hole that is only accessible by a rather steep road. Not sure I want to risk that on icy roads. So - other than stuff like grading and filing and housework, probably nothing!


What's your weather like today? See above. Temperatures in the 50's would be heavenly!

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It's been a great morning here...It's my 3rd child's 8th birthday! The day started with the other kids decorating the house with streamers and birthday banners and making chocolate chip pancakes and bacon for breakfast!


What's for lunch today? We're having leftover chicken fingers & wings from last night's dinner (Zaxby's), along with kiwi fruit, and pudding.


What are you up to today besides schooling? We're doing some schoolwork, with a side of celebrating! LOL! The birthday girl is going to her great-grandparents' house this afternoon for some game time and hanging out. The rest of us will head over around 5:30 (when dh gets home) for the family birthday party. We'll be having pizza, salad, and cake.


what's your weather like today? It's sunny with a high around 52.

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What's for lunch today? Not a clue, but we did get to the grocery store yesterday so we are bound to find something.


What are we doing today? Well, dd8 is just now getting to work on her school after a very rough morning (her clothes are not comfortable!) so it looks like we will be doing school all afternoon. Other two are almost done so they will have some free time to enjoy the sunny outdoors for a bit.


How is the weather? Decent - colder than we are used to but no wind and it's sunny so that helps out a lot.


Hoping to spend some time in my sewing room this evening. I have a new quilt to plan!

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Lunch: is homemade biscuit pizzas. I had some leftover spaghetti sauce to use up from the other night and they love doing these.


Today: errands after school. I need to pick up some anti dust chalk at the education store, get something at church, and stop at the grocery store. Then I have to come home and get kids packed for a lock in this weekend (think clothes, craft supplies, music, cots and sleeping bags... a lot to do!) and plan lessons for co-op. I should be up until around say 2:00 am by the time I do everything on my list :glare:

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What's for lunch today? DD just woke up at noon, so she's having breakfast of cold cereal. I had a Smart One - trying to lose a little weight and they are portion controlled.


What are you up to today besides schooling? We're actually not schooling today - we're still off from family events and the holidays. I'm rewriting lesson plans to better reflect where DD is and what we want to cover, and hope to get started back next week. I'm also doing a major house cleaning and decluttering and reworking where things are, so it's a bit of chaos right now.


what's your weather like today? 68F out right now - I think we are to get into the mid 70's today. Unfortunately the Mountain Cedar is so high we're still stuck in the house.

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I'm new here to WTM - is this thread open to anyone to post about their day?



Absolutely! Welcome! I started this thread because I got to thinking one day that teachers in a brick and mortar school have a Teachers Lounge to go to to eat their lunch and have some adult conversation. We need that, too! So come on in!

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What's for lunch today? Not sure. We put ds11 on a gluten elimination diet to see if his recent, daily stomach aches are symptoms of a gluten intolerance (dh has gluten and dairy intolerances). He's been feeling better (which is good) but it makes meals a little more complicated (bad); dh used to prepare his own lunches when he was home, but now I have to either make two separate meals or put everyone on a gf diet. Still not sure what to do, thus why I have no idea what I am making for lunch.


Guess I should get hopping on that since it's 12:15 here.


What are you up to today besides schooling? We don't have to go anywhere today (which is good after our crazy day yesterday). I'm running laundry and straightening between helping kids with school. This afternoon, I'll be working on some writing and hope to go through one of the three giant rubbermaid containers that has taken up residence in the corner of my bedroom and get it cleared out, the items put away where they belong, and the bin down to the basement. When all that is done, I have an appointment with Ahab's Wife.


what's your weather like today? Sunny and about 65. Yesterday it was sunny but only about 30. Hmmm... maybe I should take advantage of the warm weather and go hang posters (for our town's film festival) around town instead... nah. I'll do it tomorrow... ish.:tongue_smilie:

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Good Morning.


Lunch today for me is pb&apples. The girls are going to have some fruit, crackers, cheese, and gf fish sticks.

Besides school today, older dd and dh are going to the information meeting for a charter school we're interested in for her for next year. I'm taking younger dd to judo. I think that's all we have planned besides school, work and a nice walk.


Weather: Last night we had 75mph winds. Today it is a sunny 56 with perfect blue skies.

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Getting ready to go to my first dance class of the day: prepointe ballet. Then after that is Performance Dance. Woohoo! I'm glad I feel well enough to go. See you all tomorrow! ...oh, tomorrow's really busy. One of y'all can feel free to open the Lodge on Friday. I'll pretty much be gone all day. Later! Have a great weekend!

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What's for lunch today? it was chicken salad I made from last nights leftovers


Besides school today

We went to see Freedom Train (a musical/play about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad) at GMU. Some unexciting food shopping at Whole Foods. Tonight, ladies from our CC group are getting together.



what's your weather like today?

cold, but clear- 20s and 30s. I love warm weather! Still miss AZ.

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