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Lifepac Language Arts?


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Does anyone use this? I would love to find a solid, all in one LA program for my dd (aspie), that will get done. I love what we are doing now, but worry it may be too much. I also worry about falling behind.

We are currently using the following: Hake Grammar, WWW5, Spelling Workout, Vocabulary Workshop, Zaner-Bloser HW. She is also assigned, or will select her own literature. She likes what we are doing, but we have a down day almost every week and I worry about not getting through everything. We are always behind to some extent.

I have also thought about dropping Hake (which we already love), and maybe going with GWG. Sometimes it is hard to fit in both grammar and writing on the same day with Hake.

I would love to hear any reviews of Lifepac LA, or any suggestions as to how I might lighten things up a bit. Dd is an advanced reader, and does very well in grammar, spelling, vocab. Writing is where she needs the most hand holding. WWW has been pretty good for her so far.

Edited by hsmom2011
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  • 5 weeks later...

:iagree:Me too! I got phone calls for a few months! How did they get my number? It was kinda weird...

Anyways, I have never used the lifepacs, but I have used the horizons phonics. They are both from Alpha Omega, just different curriculum. Have you thought of BJU Press? Or maybe MCP? I've also heard a lot of moms say great things about CLE curriculum.

Here is the link : http://www.clp.org/store/by_subject/3

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I just ordered some Lifepacs. I ordered the first Lifepac from each subject for each of my kids.


I hate that I am even thinking of this but I feel that it is better than what we are doing now (fight, fight, get a few things done, don't finish most of it, very teacher intensive, etc...)


So, I purchased one LP for each child per subject and will give it a 2-3 week whirl and see how we do.


I plan to implement a "do all of your lesson AND get it checked AND correct mistakes BEFORE you get to do anything fun" per day and see if that helps.



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And yes, they call DAILY right now, but they only have my home (Ooma) number and I have it unplugged right now.....so I don't hear it until I log on to my Ooma website.


I also get emails daily.


Apparently they use sales reps so the reps want to make $$.


THAT I don't like.



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I've used SOS LA a couple of different times. It is like the lifepac, but on the computer. Looking at your line-up, I don't think you'd really like it. It isn't nearly as grammar-intensive as Hake. I'm thinking that 2 or 3 of the lifepacs will be grammar related. Some will be reading related, and some will be vocabulary related. I feel that it hits everything a bit, but nothing really solidly, if that makes sense. You can see samples of SOS here:



Your line-up looks good to me. I just have one question. I thought Hake included vocabulary. I wouldn't do vocabulary workshop on top of that. If you find something wonderful, please post back and let us know.


There is a similar product to lifepac called Starline Press. It's rather pricey, though.


Hope this helps,


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My ds switched over this January to LP english 8 and history. They are different then what my ds is use too. As far as the history we got rid of that asap, but we used the English. The vocabulary is mostly technical jargon, which on some level it is good, but he doesn't really seem to grasp it as wen we used Wordly wise. The student defnes the word, but really doesn't really use them in content. The spelling seem to be off beaten words and just look like busy work. With that said the material itself is to the point and informative. It spent sections on origins of words,which my ds liked. It is laid out different than other curricula. It is written in units, which is nice if you want to skip a unit. The LP representative told me that it would cause a problem and so far it hasn't. Though it is packed with information, I am concerned how much my ds will retain after the year is over.



PS If you do decide to try it, I have to agree with the others the AO site will harass you if you do it through them.

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We've used Lifepacs. I needed something that required a bit less of "me" involved. My kiddo read and worked though the pacs pretty much on his own. It's a "just the facts" kind of curriculum, but it covers the basics. It worked for us at that particular time.

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That is how I am viewing it.....it is going to fill a need right now.


I will still do TT for math and have them read a min. of 45 min. free reading and will still work on writing, although may try their writing program.




We've used Lifepacs. I needed something that required a bit less of "me" involved. My kiddo read and worked though the pacs pretty much on his own. It's a "just the facts" kind of curriculum, but it covers the basics. It worked for us at that particular time.
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Just be aware that sometimes the answer isn't in the reading. It took me not being able to find an answer before I truly understood my ds when he said something wasn't there.


If Lifepacs works for you- great. We used it when my ds was working on a movie and I needed something he could do while away from me. It wasn't exactly what I wanted, but filled the need at the time. We did switch to something else when he got back home, but I was still glad we had it when we needed it. If I had it to do over I'd probably use CLE.

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Well, someone else is telling me that around 7th grade it stops being easy to find the answers.


CLE we have used before. I got a lot of complaints from the older kids as they didn't understand sentence diagramming and there was a LOT of it.


I was hoping to find something they wouldn't be yelling, "MOM, I cant' figure this out!" every 5 minutes.


Maybe ACE would work better?






Just be aware that sometimes the answer isn't in the reading. It took me not being able to find an answer before I truly understood my ds when he said something wasn't there.


If Lifepacs works for you- great. We used it when my ds was working on a movie and I needed something he could do while away from me. It wasn't exactly what I wanted, but filled the need at the time. We did switch to something else when he got back home, but I was still glad we had it when we needed it. If I had it to do over I'd probably use CLE.

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