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Why do I still feel like a new homeschooler?

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A friend of mine with preschool-age kids asked me for my advice the other day because I am an "experienced homeschooler."


I homeschooled my oldest for a year when she came to us, and it was a flaming disaster. She was 11 and in first grade.


I have homeschooled my younger two for four years.


So I guess I have five years of homeschooling experience, but I still feel like a new homeschooler.


When will I not feel new? When will I feel like I know what I am doing?



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I always feel like a new homeschooler because there is always something new to learn.


The oldest is always doing some new subject that I have to get my head around. This year it's Spanish (which I've pretty much turned over to a computer program) and algebra (which I know but need to be reminded of). And I have to figure out high school for next year. That is really frightening.


There is always new materials available for me to evaluate for the youngers. So I may feel pretty comfortable with Lively Latin because I've gone through the program before, but I'm trying to figure out KISS grammar because it's my first time using it.


Add to that the fact that each kid is different, and what worked for one may not work for the others.


So, you're not alone. I've been at this for 11 years and I'm still making mistakes and learning new things.

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I always feel like a new homeschooler because there is always something new to learn.




I think I won't think of myself as an "experienced" homeschooler until my children graduate. But after over 10 years of homeschooling, I have finally come to terms with younger moms seeing me as "experienced." But I still don't think of myself that way. :lol:

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I still feel like a new homeschooler, and I always thought it was because we switched methods and goals...So now the new goals are well, new to me, so I feel "new" :)

Maybe people feel experienced because they have found their groove, and have been executing it for at least a few years now...If you are still figuring things out and making major changes, you will feel new because what you are doing is new to you...

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Maybe people feel experienced because they have found their groove, and have been executing it for at least a few years now...If you are still figuring things out and making major changes, you will feel new because what you are doing is new to you...


I do feel like I'm in my groove, but maybe I feel new because I haven't seen the end results yet.



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Never. Well, after all these years I still feel like I'm feeling my way in the dark yet.


I think there's a lot to be said for Autumn's thought about not finishing yet. Perhaps then, if I've done well, yes.


Also, when we're done even these real children will fade into some sort of hypothetical. Whether we look back positively or negatively will depend on other factors besides just the stark realities of now.


If you don't believe me, find the 'losing your temper' thread where veteran homeschoolers who are not currently homeschooling claimed to have never once lost their temper.

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I oscillate between (over)confidence on one hand and paranoia that I am actually clueless as to the whole education / upbringing thing on the other hand. A lot of times I not only question my ability to educate another human being, but also my ability to parent anyone - sometimes I feel like *I* could use a parent and a teacher, LOL, but I found myself in midst of some crazy joke in which somebody reversed the role and put me on the other side of the cathedra (figuratively speaking).


DH's comment: "I guess that some people just never get used to being adults." :lol:


I think it is pretty universal, though. No matter how long you have been doing something, somewhere deep down - provided you have some personal humility - you are aware of the fact that, at the end of the day, you still do not really know anything, LOL. Oh well. One of the spices of life. :tongue_smilie:

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Also, when we're done even these real children will fade into some sort of hypothetical. Whether we look back positively or negatively will depend on other factors besides just the stark realities of now.


If you don't believe me, find the 'losing your temper' thread where veteran homeschoolers who are not currently homeschooling claimed to have never once lost their temper.


Ha! Well I have never lost my temper.




Why not get advice from someone who has the info fresh in their mind, and has used the latest products? Someone who taught first grade 20 years ago is great to listen to too, though.


Back when I only had one baby, I used to take advice from a more experienced mom whose only child was 1.5 years old. "What kind of diaper rash cream works well?" type of stuff.

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Ha! Well I have never lost my temper.






LOL! Oh, me neither. Never.


Why not get advice from someone who has the info fresh in their mind, and has used the latest products? Someone who taught first grade 20 years ago is great to listen to too, though.


Back when I only had one baby, I used to take advice from a more experienced mom whose only child was 1.5 years old. "What kind of diaper rash cream works well?" type of stuff.


That's true. I love that we can get the whole range of experience on these forums.

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