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Guess what I'm doing based on my shopping list ...

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It's a fun Friday night at the aggieamy household. At 9:30 I ran to Walgreens for Cetaphil, a comb, and a thing of saran wrap. Yep. Little Librarian has lice.




DH, myself, and my niece are all clean. Niece shares a bedroom and hair brushes with Little so I'm hoping she stays clean. Ugh. We've spent two hours brushing with a nit comb and I just gave her a homemade bob hair cut with kitchen shears. She had mid back length hair that I combed for two hours. Kinda wishing I bobbed it much earlier.


I'm taking a break and letting DH give the combing a go while I research how to do the Cetaphil. I didn't have the heart to let him brush out her long hair but with the new-do he's happy to take a turn.


I could use a hug and a cuppa of tea.

Edited by aggieamy
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Just wanted to let you know that Listerine works better than anything I have found. We had this go through church camp last summer and it was awful. Every time I would get my girls clean they would interact with this child at church and the next week or so it was back. We tried everything! I use Listerine, pour on child's head and wrap with bag and then towel. Allow it to sit for about 2 hours then rinse. If there are eggs they will be neon so you can see them easily. You can also then rinse with white vinegar and allow to sit for about 30 minutes and this will dissolve the glue on the eggs and they come right out. When camp gets close I will wash the girls with Listerine before they go. It is great at prevention since the lice hate the menthol so much. Good luck I feel your pain!

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I hear you. This was us Thursday night...except its everyone (5 people) except my husband, and I have hair half way down my back. And we have big birthday for my oldest today (Saturday).


At least they're all boys (except me). We turned it into a big party with loads of television and pizza.


I still have laundry to do. :tongue_smilie:


I'm so happy my mom's coming up today (3 hour drive) because as much as I love my husband he can't find his wallet on a crowded counter...I'm not so sure he can nit-pick my hair.

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Thanks for the hugs. Her head is looking much better today but we're going to do a few more treatments just to be on the safe side.


The funny thing about the whole situation was that my dad was visiting from out of state and he went to bed right before I found the lice. He managed to sleep through the whole ordeal! The hair cutting, DH and I discussing treatments loudly in the bathroom right beside his room, the washing maching and hair dryer at all hours. This morning the just looked at Little and was surprised to see she had short hair.


I wonder how long the mystery itches in my head are going to last. Every few hours I feel my scalp start to itch when I think about the lice. Yuck!

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Thanks for the hugs. Her head is looking much better today but we're going to do a few more treatments just to be on the safe side.


The funny thing about the whole situation was that my dad was visiting from out of state and he went to bed right before I found the lice. He managed to sleep through the whole ordeal! The hair cutting, DH and I discussing treatments loudly in the bathroom right beside his room, the washing maching and hair dryer at all hours. This morning the just looked at Little and was surprised to see she had short hair.


I wonder how long the mystery itches in my head are going to last. Every few hours I feel my scalp start to itch when I think about the lice. Yuck!


DD had them back in October. I still get mystery itch. ((scratching my head now)) :grouphug::grouphug:

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