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Uhoh, that was weird

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We don't really know our neighbours over one fence - the only time we've spoken to them was when DH cut down the hedge between them and us (on our side of the fence) because when it flowered I couldn't breathe (literally - I ended up in at after hours a couple of times before we figured out what I was reacting to). Our house is higher than theirs so when the hedge came down we could see straight through their windows and into their backyard if we stood on our deck and looked that way... obviously they weren't best pleased with this, but the guy seemed to understand when DH explained the problem (and he even commented himself that he sneezes when it's in flower too). He also explained that there will be a wall there soon so it won't be an issue for long. They put up net curtains the next day and added trellis with a weed <ahem> I mean creeper growing on it soon after. So that's by way of background that they might not love us, I guess.


Fast forward a little - they've got their house on the market now. 8am this morning one of them turned up on the doorstep and very aggressively told DH to shut our dog up because they're trying to show their house and he's yapping at them. Um. He in bed beside me. There is a dog barking somewhere nearby - maybe other side of the park, but it's not ours. When this was pointed out she launched into a diatribe about how the dog is always noisy when they're showing the house, and he barks all night and the kids are unsupervised and always crying and yelling and we ruined their house by cutting down THEIR hedge and general weirdness. Our dog does bark sometimes if he hears voices over the fence, but he's not an all day yapper - if we're not home he hides inside (I've checked with our other neighbour - if I'm home dog barks at him, if I'm not he never hears him), and if I'm home I shush him. He sleeps inside at night and is definitely not out barking (he's scared of the dark :lol:)


So I'm hoping they sell fast and get out of here, cos I'm a little uncomfortable about them now.

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It can be really stressful to sell a house, and sometimes there are other stressful things that necessitate a house being sold.


Hopefully your dh tried to stick up for you and smooth things over.


Don't feel too weird about it, stress does things to people.


:iagree: She hasn't lost it like this in the past. I would just attribute it to stress.

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It can be really stressful to sell a house, and sometimes there are other stressful things that necessitate a house being sold.

I agree. It sounds like the neighbor is really stressed out about having her house on the market. I can empathize. If DH lost his job, we'd have to sell and move. I know I'd be in a perpetual state of panic and fear. :(


If you're feeling kindly toward her, you might call and invite her to give you quick heads up when she has a showing scheduled, so that you can bring your dog in. There will be strangers wandering in the yard during showings, and your dog might appreciate being inside (so he doesn't feel the need to defend his side of the fence).

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Oh boy! You don't live on the other side of the poster last year who was so angry that her neighbor cut down the flowering hedge that she turned them in for trespassing, are you?? :lol: I always wondered what happened in that situation but the thread is long buried.


I was wondering about that too!:tongue_smilie:

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He sleeps inside at night and is definitely not out barking (he's scared of the dark.



I know a dog who's afraid of the dark too, so this made me :lol:


Sorry about the bad neighbors. I've had my share of them too. If you're the praying type, start praying for good neighbors, and that the house sells soon, of course.

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If you're feeling kindly toward her, you might call and invite her to give you quick heads up when she has a showing scheduled, so that you can bring your dog in. There will be strangers wandering in the yard during showings, and your dog might appreciate being inside (so he doesn't feel the need to defend his side of the fence).


I actually have been keeping track (via street signage) and keeping the dog inside during those times - he would be a pain with all the different voices going past, so it's only if they've had unscheduled walk-throughs that it might have been a problem, but as it's holidays here I'm home all the time anyway and he never gets allowed to bark more than a couple of times. I might give their agent a call and ask her to let me know so I can keep dog away.


lol... I don't think I'm the neighbour in that other story, unless that person was in NZ too?

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ok, now I'm cross. I've just had dog control around because my neighbour called to complain about my dog barking all day. He took one look at my elderly miniature dachshund asleep in the shade after barking twice when he came through the gate and laughed.


I *know* my dog can be a bit yappy - I always stop him when I'm home, and I was concerned when we moved here that he might be disturbing people when I was out, but I asked another neighbour who said he doesn't bark when I'm out, in fact that's how the neighbour knows if we're home - if he comes up the driveway and the dog doesn't bark he knows I'm out :lol: I also know he hasn't barked outside today - it's too hot for barking, and I've been keeping him with me.


The dog control man is happy that it's a neighbour problem, not a dog problem, and will tell them as much, but I'm a bit upset about this now. I also contacted the real estate agent to ask for a call when they are showing people through so he doesn't disturb them and she said she's never had a problem with him - he barks a couple of times when she takes people outside and that's it.


I hope they sell soon. And we get nice neighbours. I've been trying to convince a friend that she wants to move in there... maybe I should try harder :001_smile:

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