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Teachers Lodge 1-10-2012

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Can I just say, "Arrgghh!" It always seems to be that when we have a really great day schooling (meaning we get everything done without too much whining) the next day is maximus interruptus! :tongue_smilie:


Anyone else have this issue?


On more positive trains of thought:


What's for lunch? Not there yet. Trying to get through some breakfast and coffee. Just took my first bite and it's 10am! That's what happens when I let myself sleep late and had two errands to run right off the bat! And I had a conference call that started at 10. Sheesh! What's for lunch? Like I know! :D


How's school going for you today?


What are you looking forward to today? Tonight I have ballet! That's my outlet. I'm so looking forward to that!


Talk to me!:bigear:

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Scrap! (like "Norm!" but your name instead:D)


Today is maximus interruptus because ds14 has a dental appointment at 11:30. We'll try to fit in what we can around it.


I hope that he gets done with the dental appointment in time for us to get home for lunch since I'm trying to cut WAY down on eating out. But if not, Panera is across the street from the dentist. (Blood sugar issues make waiting impossible at times.)


Tonight I have Zumba. I :001_wub: Zumba!

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We are actually having our most productive school day that we had had in a while. I cut out the time the girls were spending on the computer wasting time last week because of poor attitudes and I have actually seen a positive difference. I am allowing back one hour of leisure computer time per day so we will see if there is a negative impact with that decision.


Lunch was scrounging for whatever we have in the fridge again. I had leftovers, Sweet-Pea had a pizza lunchable and as per usual, Boo Boo had mac and cheese.


This afternoon, Sweet Pea had a dentist appointment so we will do our SOTW after lunch time is over and that will be it for us for the day.

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Can I just say, "Arrgghh!" It always seems to be that when we have a really great day schooling (meaning we get everything done without too much whining) the next day is maximus interruptus! :tongue_smilie:


Anyone else have this issue?




That is me today. Yesterday was a nice day, we got everything done, it was our first real proper day after break because my kids have been coldy so we've been doing sort of half-days.


Today--semi-disaster. The girls got all upset at each other over personal stuff, and now both of them are on a short fuse for schoolwork. 11yo fell apart over constellations (which were meant to be soothing!). I found 8yo crying over her story she needs to copy out because her 'brain is full.' I still haven't showered and a neighbor kid is showing up in an hour or so to make a hydropower science kit, but 8yo is too distraught to work on math yet so I'm just waiting for her to finish a snack, instead of showering.



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Oy. My dear mother in law decided to swing by unannounced yesterday and whisk my kids and me off to a surprise lunch at a nice restaurant. Never mind that the restaurant had a bar in it (ahem? I have a 2 y/o and a 5 y/o!). Never mind that we were in the middle of school. Never mind that I actually had a really good lunch planned.

I do love dmil, but sometimes she can be... frustrating. :banghead:

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I've missed you and the Lodge!


Lunch today will be rice with veggies. We slept in late, too LOL.


School today? It's gone fine. Nothing stellar, nothing horrible. I'll take it.


Have a great time at ballet tonight. I'm looking forward to ... well, nothing, really. It's just a regular garden-variety day. I guess I'm looking forward to it staying that way :D.

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Jean!:D I understand blood sugar issues. Are you hypoglycemic or diabetic?


Hypoglycemic. I'm pre-diabetic.


We managed to get home for lunch. I'm going to make my famous salad with protein in a minute.


Ds's dental appointment had mixed reviews - no cavities :thumbup1: got his teeth cleaned :thumbup1: referral to an orthodontist (told that once everything is said and done this might cost us over $4000.) :thumbdown: receptionist very graciously said that she will wait two days to cash my check so that the money being transferred into the account has time to actually get there. :thumbup1:


Dd's attitude on being told that trying to cut down on expenses means no lunch out and no impulse stops to shop at Target: :rant: (mostly the rant part - but she's a tween so occasionally she'd forget herself and smile).

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Both yesterday and today have not gone at all as planned. Ds#2 woke up at 3:30 AM today with a high fever, so we've kept it quiet around here. I also have a headache.


Ds#1 played Timez Attack for 30 minutes, and he just spent the last 3 hours reading Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan. We'll do a 20 minute spelling lesson soon and call it a day. Nothing curriculum related was completed, but sometimes that's how the day goes.


Lunch was scrambled eggs and bacon with sliced bananas. That's what the kiddos asked for. I try to comply when one or both aren't feeling well. :001_smile:


Nothing exciting for the rest of the the afternoon/evening... hoping for a better day and a healthier child tomorrow!

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We had burgers at a quiet neighborhood place today with friends after Spanish class. Our day ran remarkably smoothly, although not all work that I intended got completed (we have 3 outside classes on this day and that really disrupts our other work).


We started back in with our science class at home for my son and a friend. We talked about and looked at examples of mechanical waves today, then moved into talking about sound waves and they tried out one crystal radio, then worked with me (because the darn thing was so hard to put together) to build another crystal radio. We'll work with it more next week.


The weather is still holding here and it's nice to be able to get outside to do some of our science work!

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