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Itunes question...why don't I understand this???

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So...I'm still working on adding stuff to ds14's new ipod. Here's my question: I have an Itunes account. DD20 has an Itunes account but only accesses it from her laptop. DS14 wants DD20's music...not mine. I have decided that DS14 won't have his own account. DD20 says that if she hooks his ipod up to her laptop then he can only add music if her laptop is available. (Why doesn't that make sense to me???) So...is it possible for me to log in to DD20's itunes account on my computer (with her login of course) and copy her library to his ipod without messing up her Itunes account? Can a device only be associated with one single account? uugghh...please help me understand this. Basically...how can I get her music on to his Ipod (virtually all of it was manually added from cd's she owns) without blowing up everyone's ipods, computers and the world?

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So...I'm still working on adding stuff to ds14's new ipod. Here's my question: I have an Itunes account. DD20 has an Itunes account but only accesses it from her laptop. DS14 wants DD20's music...not mine. I have decided that DS14 won't have his own account. DD20 says that if she hooks his ipod up to her laptop then he can only add music if her laptop is available. (Why doesn't that make sense to me???) So...is it possible for me to log in to DD20's itunes account on my computer (with her login of course) and copy her library to his ipod without messing up her Itunes account? Can a device only be associated with one single account? uugghh...please help me understand this. Basically...how can I get her music on to his Ipod (virtually all of it was manually added from cd's she owns) without blowing up everyone's ipods, computers and the world?


I know it can be done so that people don't have to buy duplicate items, but I only have one device in iTunes. I would google the question. These questions come up in the Mac forums and such.

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If it is music she has copied from CDs, you will have to do a library share between her laptop and yours, and her laptop will have to be on at the time. Only songs that she has purchased through iTunes can be accessed just by logging into her account.


I'm not sure about a single device being connected to 2 accounts....we have all our devices connected to one account.

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I have 3 devices linked to my iTunes account (iPod, iPhone, and iPad). I believe my DH has DDs iPod on his account, so it CAN be done, but I'm not in charge of tech support here.


In this situation, I'd just email the songs and load from there until someone else set it up for me. If I got really desperate, I'd look for FAQs, google "how to add a device to my iTunes account," or just ask the hive :D

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I believe it's because the songs are stored on the laptop hard drive. When you pull iTunes up on your computer it accesses the songs on your hard drive. This is why the library sharing that a PP talked about would work.


Does he have an iPod touch? If so, it's much easier. We have all our iPods on one single computer (5 of them). My middle son buys the most music. He and the youngest have similar taste. If Z-man buys a song and Cheese Lover wants it, CL simply goes into his account on his iPod and accesses "already purchased" songs. From there he can download any newly purchased songs he doesn't have without having to get onto the computer and do a sync. For you, your son would need to sync up to her laptop the first time, but he could add additional songs she purchased (or vice versa) by doing the above without needing the laptop.

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I know this much (which isn't much). My kids usually buy all their tunes on one computer. When they want them on their iPods they add them to their playlist (which I don't know how to do) and then they transfer the songs they want to their iPods.


We all got new computers for Christmas and I was worried about transferring my music. I plugged in my iPod to charge it up and all the songs transferred themselves. Whoo too!

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She's right, you do need to hook up his iPod to her computer.


The reason is, if she didn't buy these songs through iTunes, Apple is not storing them somewhere in the ether for her. They are just on her computer, copied from the CDs to her hard drive. Apple isn't going to store things for free if she didn't purchase those things from them. Does that make sense?


When she opens up iTunes it scans her computer for things that are already there, so she can organize them, add them to her iPod, etc. But they are not IN iTunes. So you could log in to her account, but they wouldn't be there. You would only see the things she has purchased through iTunes.

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