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Salad bowl questions

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I have a crystal Princess House salad bowl. :-)


I'll make the salad--everything except tomatoes--in a big Tupperware bowl, take out just what will fit in the Princess House bowl, add the tomatoes, toss with the salad dressing (no bottles or bowls of salad dressing on the table; we all get the same kind. Life is like that. :D ), and serve. Whatever isn't eaten from the crystal bowl gets tossed; the rest is stored in the Tupperware.


And FTR, I don't serve salad as a first course. I serve it with everything else, on cute crescent-shaped plates that were designed for salad. They snug right up to the dinner plate. :)

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I use a china or stoneware bowl. I prefer wood, but have an even stronger preference for putting everything into the dishwasher :001_smile:. I try to avoid having left over salad.


I make the dressing in the bottom of a large Tupperware bowl and put the salad over it when I'm travelling somewhere. Then I toss it when I get there, and serve it in something nicer.

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What do you serve your salad in? Is it pretty? Is it the same thing that you store leftover salad in? What do you store your leftover salad in? What do you do if there are leftover tomato pieces in the salad?


Tee hee, there is no leftover salad. I require that it all be eaten, since we serve it with the dressing already on. Luckily for me, my oldest son is turning into the human garbage can and he loves salad, so I can usually convince him to eat any remainders.


I just posted three times on a salad thread. LOL, that's got to be getting close to my WTM record. We eat a lot of salads, and I have a love-hate relationship with them. Love to eat them, hate chopping the veggies. If I have a nice Buttercrunch head, I will often serve that with just some chopped onions and a homemade vinaigrette. Ah, in another month or so, it will be time to start planting again! Right now, I'm relying on the farmers' market.

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