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Dr. Hive - plantar warts? (and a thank you)

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We've been battling a plantar wart. Kiddo's pedi offered to freeze it, but kiddo was squeamish about shaving the callous off to properly treat it at the doc's office. So we've been using various OTC and home treatments for months.


Someone here mentioned that they used tea tree oil on a stubborn plantar wart, so we tried that, along with the suggested Mediplast bandages and waterproof tape. It's been, maybe a week?


I *think* the wart is gone!


Here's the question though... kiddo has a big callous. Last night it had a large black spot in the middle (the wart)... Today, he has the callous still, but now with a hole in the center the size of the black spot (but no more black spot). We think the wart may have come off, and now he's left with only callous. No pain!


Does this sound right for plantar wart healing? Do we now just wait for the callous to go away?


Whoever gave the tea tree oil suggestion - Thank You! :grouphug: This is the most progress we've made!

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Can you tell me how you used (and where you bought) the tea tree oil? My little niece has a plantar wart on her face... my brother has taken her to several different doctors and they all want to cut it out. She's only 6 years old, and would be left with a scar, so he's left it alone for now. This sounds like something they might be able to try...

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Sure. Maybe it will help - although I think, on her face, I'd opt to do the tea tree oil alone, unless they've okayed her for OTC treatments on her face?


Here's the tea tree oil we used: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0014UHAM6/ref=oh_o00_s01_i00_details


(sorry, haven't mastered the cool links here!)


His had a large callous over it (because it was on the bottom of his foot, I bet your niece doesn't have to deal with that issue), so we scored the callous - lightly, with a pumice sponge after a bath every night. The kiddo couldn't tolerate more than light scoring. Then applied one or two drops of the oil. On her face, maybe it would be best after a shower or softening the skin with a warm compress? I did read that sometimes the straight tea tree oil can be too strong, so if it irritates her skin it can be diluted up to 50%, but will take longer to work.


After the oil, we applied a small circle of Mediplast - I cut it to fit the wart. Here's that product, but they might want to verify that it's okay to use on her face (and only apply it to the wart itself, so definitely cut to fit): http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000GCIB1W/ref=oh_o00_s00_i00_details


To keep that in place, I followed some suggestions on Amazon, and used this waterproof tape, but it's probably not necessary on her face - a bandaid would likely work: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000O0ACG8/ref=oh_o01_s00_i00_details


Also, we only treated at night consistently. During the day, the tape and mediplast tended to come off.


Hopefully some of that will help!

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Can I ask how long it took to work with tea tree oil? We used some OTC suff the dr recommended for months and it did nothing. I finally just stopped because she was so tired of the routine every single night. Since, then she now has more warts appearing.


Ack! You will want to do something right away. Once warts start multiplying, it's very hard to get them under control.


Try the tea tree oil and see if it works. I'd also work on her immune system with extra Vit. C, A and B as well as garlic. If you don't get results, I'd go back to the dr and ask for Aldara. It's expensive, but it works.

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Keep treating until you have new skin that is clearly normal skin with NO callous or anything.


It's pretty common to only treat the wart until it's almost gone, thinking it's really gone.


You can add RetinA once a day to help clear some of the skin buildup--you'll need a prescription for that. It's not currently "approved" for wart treatment but it is effective, so many drs are going that route.

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Just thought I'd throw out a small update. After soaking in the tub last night, DS scrubbed his callous (lightly) with the pumice stone again. We put on a few drops of tea tree oil and a bandaid, but skipped the Mediplast wart treatment.


This morning, more of the callous had sloughed off in the night, and we've clearly got pink skin. Looks healthy and normal. Haven't checked the callous status yet this evening (will do so shortly), but hopeful that this is really the end of our wart adventure.


I love tea tree oil!


We're going to keep treating with tea tree oil and bandaids for a bit longer, to be safe.

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