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a gluten question, for those sensitive

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Can it make you feel like you are in a fog? I have been gluten and grain free for a few days now, and it is so different! Less irritable, more aware of what is going on, just different. Like someone cleaned my glasses, lol.


This is the second time I've done this, and both times had this result. I don't know if it is the gluten,or going grain free in general.

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For me, it's not about gluten, but grains and sugars generally. (I seem able to eat whole fresh fruits without problem, so it's not "all carbs"...) Cutting out grains and (nearly all) sugar *does* make me sharper. I don't get the same effect from merely removing gluten from my diet. But then, I don't think I'm sensitive to gluten particularly -- I've removed it at times due to my son's wheat allergy (outgrown, for the most part).


I think what it comes down to for me is proper blood sugar management (and I don't register as having any type of blood sugar issues on tests -- we're talking sub-clinical). Removing grains makes a big difference for me.


Which is so sad. So very, very sad. I would more than happily live on sourdough toast and Coke. ;)

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Yes. Gluten fog is common. My daughter has trouble thinking after being glutened. One time, she was trying to think of the names of animals and could only think of their sounds. For two days we would hear that "The bark wants dinner" and "the moo is where beef comes from", etc. She now associates that fog as an indication that she has received gluten from somewhere even if it didn't produce a strong enough reaction for the vomiting, etc.

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