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I loathe overdrive.

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Seriously. Why does overdrive have to be so darn difficult? Nothing is available to download on my Mac and forget the iPad. Even if I had a pc every book I've looked at as 10+ people waiting for it. Am I doing something wrong? The whole thing just seems like a total waste of time!

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I am running into this as well. I don't have a PC anymore and unless the audio book is MP3 based, which 90% of them are NOT, I can't get it.


I did ask on another thread, and I don't think anyone saw it, would a Kindle (android based) allow for direct download from overdrive directly from the library?



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I am talking about audiobooks, is this what you are talking about?


Print books go strait to my Kindle App through Amazon.




When I borrowed from the library using my kindle, it went through overdrive, but the download actually happened on amazon.


I also hate overdrive.

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One reason I got the Kindle was because I loved the idea of checking out books from the library and have them to read on my kindle. Yes I have to check them out at library then download through amazon. The frustrating part is the book choice and availability. Not all the books are available as kindle editions and everyone must have got a kindle for christmas, because the ones I am interested in have a huge request list! I have been visiting the amazon page, and viewing the top 100 free books and have been dowloading the one's I like fore future reading.

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Yes, but go to that app and try to download a book in WMA format.


It will tell you, "this item is not available for download directly to your device, you must first download it to your computer and then transfer it over."


What they fail to tell you is that Macs cannot read it. So, if you don't have a PC to download it to, you cannot download it at all.


I currently have 5 books checked out from our local library.


One is a Kindle and works with my Kindle app (print book)

One is in MP3 format (audio) and available on my Overdrive App

The other three are in WMA format (audio) and I cannot do a thing with them. :glare:




Um... I have the Overdrive app on my iPhone. Do they not have one for iPad? (we also use Nooks and have Kindle/Nook apps on pc/android/iphone)
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Because they are in WMA format, which is only compatible with a PC. WMA means "Windows Media Audio"




I have the iPad app but I have yet to find one book that I can download to it. Most of the books I have actually found when searching on my Mac are for pc only. I don't understand why!
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It's not necessarily Overdrive's fault. There are a lot of factors that affect whether you can get a certain ebook or audiobook on a certain device. We're not quite to the point that you can get any book in any format on any device, although we've come a long way in a few years.

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I hate the volume control on my ipad for some audio books.


For whatever reasons the volume is recorded low. So even at full volume you have to be quiet to listen. We have a electric fire place in our bedroom. But we couldn't have it on when listening to "The Wind in the Willows" since we couldn't hear it over the hum on the fireplace heater.

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