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Going Gluten Free in 2012, who's with me?

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Did I mention that I've lost 7 lbs in the last three weeks?:001_smile: Just going gluten free.

But I attribute that more to less fast food. It's hard to go to a place when you think you might get glutened.


Another thing, and the long timers might be able to explain this one to me, because I honestly did not expect this: my inhalant allergies are greatly, greatly reduced.

I've been allergic to cats as long as I can remember, and I live with nine of them, and at least one cat has slept on my pillow (always the most senior animal.) Since going gluten free I'm not waking up as congested as I usually would be. All I can figure is that in some way a lower histamine level is occurring, or what seems more likely is that I've got less of an inflammatory cascade going on. My joints, always painful in the mornings are not hurting anymore. I've gone from having to take a pain medication multiple times a week to taking Ibuprofen ONCE in the last three weeks--for a mild headache.

I told my mother the other day that I feel so much better than I'd never go back to eating gluten again because the response has been so impressive.



This is VERY encouraging to me! My 2 yr old has arthritis and I am hoping this helps her as well as me. I have started to think that I may have undiagnosed RA myself and when I eat super low carb (which is no grains..obviously) the pain subsides...Soon as I add them back, I am hurting.

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Me! I started in November and I am really feeling so much better...and I lost 6 lbs. Over Christmas because I stayed far away from the cookies:D


This year I want to learn how to make gluten free bread from sprouted grains and add more green foods and raw juices to our main diet. I am also slowly moving the rest of our family away from gluten and corn products.


Maybe we can all share recipes. I started a thread on gluten free cookies right before Christmas, which had some really great recipes that I tried and the kids loved.



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For the record, I took a gluten free break over Christmas. I could not resist the gingerbread! I felt more tired, "fuzzy", and out of it, than I ever felt when I was gluten free.

We made delicious GF gingerbread with coconut flour. Even the non-gf people in the family thought it was wonderful. I found the recipe on the gluten free girl website (I think).

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My dd15 has just been diagnosed with Celiac disease. A lot of the symptoms you guys are mentioning could be related to Celiac...maybe not, but if it *is* related gluten intake actually damages your body. It is an autoimmune response...a person with Celiac does not have the enzymes needed to process wheat (gluten). A person with Celiac **that continues to eat gluten** has a 40 to 100 times greater chances of getting cancer of the intestines. Gluten free is the only way to handle the disease.


I just thought I would throw that out there...I sincerely hope that it is *not* the case for any of you! If you are wondering, I would google it and see what you come up with.


Thanks for the great GF tips! It is very encouraging to know that we are not the only ones dealing with being gluten free. It is definitely a challenge.

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My sister's SIL is gluten and lactose free, and she said that there is a blog--Gluten Free Girl I think, that she says is helpful when she is menu planning for her SIL. I haven't had time to check it out yet.

Gluten Free Goddess - Karina is GF/DF and many recipes are also egg free



I'm glad someone else is having the same experience. When it happened with me I couldn't believe it was related to the gluten issues. But it did seem to make sense from an inflammatory cycle standpoint.


It does, actually, in the same way that emotional stress can cause hives. A body under attack overreacts to pretty much anything that comes along - the defenses are already activated, you know?


Also, to add to yummy food ideas, roasted potato cubes make an excellent substitute for croutons on salads. We did that a lot before I (and, by extension, the rest of the family) went gluten free last year.

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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We made delicious GF gingerbread with coconut flour. Even the non-gf people in the family thought it was wonderful. I found the recipe on the gluten free girl website (I think).

Link please!!!


(I tried GFG and didn't find it there, but maybe I missed it.)

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I'm not sure how well I'd do if I had to be lactose free but gluten free has not been all that terribly expensive. But then I do as a previous poster suggested: shop the edges.

Fruits are wonderful, and yes, they are more expensive than boxed snacks, but then, we eat less that way. I try to get things when they are in season. During the summer we can pick blueberries at the blueberry farm down the road, and peaches at the peach farm which is cheaper than buying them at the market. I freeze a lot of it. Some years the garden is pretty good to us. Not last year, but nothing went to waste, as the chickens enjoyed everything that wasn't fit for the table. I have my three hens who keep me supplied with eggs: and as long as one can eat eggs the world is open to all kinds of cookery.

On the bread end, I find that if you are trying to replicate a bread-style life it gets expensive. So far I've only splurged for the gluten free cornmeal and rice-flour. (Nut flours I can just make with my food processor.) I like a batch of cornbread with maple syrup for my sweet tooth. And the rice flour makes a great dumpling for chicken and dumpling stew, so good in fact that my son thinks they are better than the "old dumplings you used to make, Mom."

Potatoes are another favorite food that work great for us as a "fast food."

And we eat meat, so I've actually taken the money I would have spent on fast food to splurge for a pan-seared steak now and then.


My sister's SIL is gluten and lactose free, and she said that there is a blog--Gluten Free Girl I think, that she says is helpful when she is menu planning for her SIL. I haven't had time to check it out yet.



Thank you for typing all of that out. I will have to check into the blog too. We eat a lot of meat, fresh veggies, potatoes and rice. Fruit, whatever is in season. Our biggest issue is going to be bread. DH takes sandwiches to work for lunch. DS likes sandwiches to, but I was able to buy some frozen rolls that were preservative free. However, I know they aren't GF. He may have to go back to eating rolled up lunch meat.

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I've been mostly Gfree for a few months and feel great (DD5 has celiac, and I decided to be her g-free buddy). I've lost a few pounds and a whole pants size.


There are a few web sites to get you started. I also made a separate post for those who want gluten free meal plans -- there's a deal through Fresh 20 right now.





Also, many of the Paleo and Primal sites and cookbooks will be very helpful! The Eat Clean Diet is also very adaptable to eating gluten free.

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I like a batch of cornbread with maple syrup for my sweet tooth.


I would love your cornbread recipe! :)

I am not a "bread person" and can easily live without sandwich bread/rolls etc but cornbread- oh, my. Gotta have my cornbread, slathered with Kerrygold butter. HEAVEN.

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