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We own all the expansions except princess and dragons. We bought them because we wanted the extra tiles not necessarily because we cared about the extra complexity of the game. So we use some of the expansion rules but not many (My brain starts to hurt trying to keep up with all the nuances so if I'm playing the kids have to keep it simple).


By far the one that is the kids favorite is the one with the catapult. They absolutely adore flinging the little tile around. I can't remember which expansion it came with but it's one of the later ones. I do like the rivers and traders and builders (love that the little builder guy gives you an extra move). Those are the extra rules that we use most. Otherwise we just use the rules from the base game but have a nice long game using up all the tiles.

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Inns and Cathedrals is one of our favorites if you already have the River expansions. Inns and Cathedrals adds a lot more tiles but doesn't change the game play.



We have several of the expansions. Some of them we've had for quite a while and didn't really change the game dynamic. I think it was when we introduced The Tower that the game really changed.

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