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Should we drop LOF?

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We use R&S as our core math curriculum and always have. All of us love it. I began LOF last year with my oldest. She hates it. We did Fractions last year, and we have been trying to use Percents and Decimals this year. I LOVE it! I think it supplements R&S's traditional no-nonsense approach beautifully. Anna finds math very easy to understand, she grasps the concepts very quickly, and just seems to think "mathy" if that makes sense. She is very logical, type A, black & white and just hates the silliness of Fred. She has hated it since the day we started it, but I've pressed on with it. Every Friday when it's time for LOF, it's a fight. I will say she is being difficult about everything right now because she is a hormone crazed preteen, but I feel that she truly finds LOF worthless. I know there's a point where you have to say, "Okay this is not worth it; we'll let it go." Do you think we're there?



As far as our goals, in case that's important: We are planning to start Lial's pre-algebra next fall. I planned to use LOF's pre-algrebra with that as well. :tongue_smilie:


Thanks for any advice!

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A lot of mathy kids don't seem to like LOF. I tried LOF Fractions with my DD and she HATED it, and made it very clear there were TOO MANY WORDS and not nearly of them, in her opinion, ABOUT MATH :-D I think a lot of kids who are good at math like it precisely because it's NOT 'squishy', that it's straightforward and precise and 'no-nonsense', and LOF takes that completely out of math.


We are now doing AoPS Pre-Algebra, which also met with some initial resistance because it is 'wordy', but because it IS all ultimately about MATH, not pizza or what Fred did with his friends or such, she got used to it & likes it a lot.

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I'd drop it. If she doesn't find it valuable, you are simply wasting her time, and that's not fair to her. If you love it so much, you could continue it on your own. ;) FWIW, I really wanted to like LOF. I thought the concept was neat and I was satisfied that the author is a solid mathematician. I borrowed and read two books from a friend and I just ... yeeeks, I REALLY didn't like it.


I was the same way about Pippi Longstocking when I was a kid. I couldn't STAND how weirdy and silly it was. I'm much more of a Calvin and Hobbes kinda girl. :D



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