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1000 Posts...Woohoo!

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Haha! I posted almost the same thing a few days ago and then looked to see my Hive status changed... not at all. :glare: :D It does seem like 1000 would be a milestone of note doesn't it? Oh well!


:iagree: 1000 should be something...there's a big gap between 750 and 2500 :001_huh:


Good luck to the rest of you aiming for 1000 by the new year and to Julie moving toward 2500 :D

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If I'm doing my math right it will only take me 4.5 years to get to the next level...gah!!


Here's the promotion stats...


Just Visiting for the first 10 posts

Hive Mind Larvae for 11- 40

Hive Mind Worker Bee for 41-100

Hive Mind Level 2 Worker: Nurse Bee 101

Hive Mind Level 3 Worker: Honey Maker Bee at 161

Hive Mind Level 4 Worker: Builder Bee at 210

Hive Mind Level 5 worker: Forager Bee at 310

Hive Mind Level 6 Worker: Scout Bee at 410

Hive Mind Royal Larvae at 550

Hive Mind Queen Bee at 750

Empress Bee at 2500

Amateur Bee Keeper at 3500

Apprentice Bee Keeper at 5000

Qualified Bee Keeper at 7500

Beekeeping Professor at 10,000

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