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Siblings appearances

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I'm Asian, and one kid looks like me. Their dad is White, and the other kid looks like him.


He and I look nothing alike, so neither do our kids LOL. They don't even look remotely related.


My three nephews are also an Asian-White mix, but they all look like an even mix of both parents ... and carbon-copies of each other.


Genetics. Weird stuff.

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It is so strange. Dh and I are both very fair skinned, pinkish toned people with light eyes- dh is blue and I am blue/green. Both of us have reddish hair- dh was strawberry blonde, I was light auburn/brown. Both dh and I had fathers with dark brown, almost black hair and olive skin though not dark-however they could both tan. Neither dh nor I hardly tan at all- when we tan, people think we are now normal toned. What is strange is one of our three kids is olive skinned, though very light and she can tan. I had thought that fair skin is recessive and we couldn't have darker skinned children but obviously that isn't true. She does look a lot like my dh so it isn;t a matter of switching babies.


Anyway, does anyone think they look alike? My son and my older daughter resemble each other and their father. My youngest most resembles her maternal GM though much better looking. Oldest and youngest have naturally wavy hair and middle has only very slightly wavy. Dh has very straight and mine is naturally wavy, though not as much as my kids. Again, something they inherited from their both GPs who did have quite wavy hair. But the only people who think we all resemble each other are people of different races- they tend to focus on the coloring and we are fairly close in that- all of us have some red in our hair or beards.

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I'm Asian, and one kid looks like me. Their dad is White, and the other kid looks like him.


He and I look nothing alike, so neither do our kids LOL. They don't even look remotely related.


My three nephews are also an Asian-White mix, but they all look like an even mix of both parents ... and carbon-copies of each other.


Genetics. Weird stuff.


We have friends that have twins that are like your 2. I thought they were part of a carpool when I first met them. I didn't realize they were sisters. Totally different from each other

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Not to me but according to the rest of the world my 4 look identical (which they don't). I've heard it so many times that once, before I could think, I responded that they were all from the same mom and dad so there were only so many possibilities. That to a mom who had 3 by 3 different dads, oooh, shame on me :)

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