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Best part-time job options for dh?

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My dh is looking for a part-time job to do in the evenings to supplement our income, and I was wondering what sorts of jobs might come to mind here as good options to look into. Basically, he would like to find something that pays as well as possible, while being as non-demanding as possible. LOL Don't we all?! His skills are in the art field, so he's basically looking for just general work, but he can't work himself to the bone because he needs to pace himself with all the other things he has going on.


So, does anyone who's btdt have any suggestions?



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I don't know what your DH's education level is, but my dad always taught night school for the University of Maryland University College to pay our college tuition. I think he taught one night a week for 3 hours. I have no idea what the pay was, though. And, of course, you need a Ph.D. to teach at most universities. I do know people who have taught night school at colleges with only masters degrees.

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I don't know what your DH's education level is, but my dad always taught night school for the University of Maryland University College to pay our college tuition. I think he taught one night a week for 3 hours. I have no idea what the pay was, though. And, of course, you need a Ph.D. to teach at most universities. I do know people who have taught night school at colleges with only masters degrees.


Well, that's a good thought, but dh is looking for something waaaaayy lower on the educational scale. He's thinking Starbucks, Barnes and Noble, that level job. Thank you for the suggestion, though!



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My dh has worked Saturdays delivering flowers for a florist, weekends as a kind of houseparent for drug addicted inpatients, and nights as a host at special events (concerts, basketball games, etc. -- you know, the person who helps you find your seat.) All at different seasons of our marriage. Not a lot of extra money, but it helped.

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I second pizza delivery. Even with the outrageous gas prices, it's still a great-paying job. I delivered pizza in college, and even 15 years ago I was making $20 an hour easily when working evenings. And it's EASY WORK - you don't come home exhausted because you've spent most of the night driving around in your car listening to music :D

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I don't know what he does for a day job, but my dh makes time-and-a-half when he works overtime, which is way more than he'd make working at a second part time job. Maybe overtime hours and pay are available to him?



No, I wish. He's an artist, on salary, and he gets no more than his yearly salary no matter how much overtime he might work.



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I don't know how it works out these days, with gas prices and all, but I used to make pretty good money delivering pizza...definitely more than starbucks, and you can drive around listening to CDs while you work.


Thank you and SusanG for this suggestion. I have suggested it to dh several times, but for some reason he doesn't seem to like the idea. I'll mention it to him again though and see what he says. If it were me getting the job, I would do this in a second. But dh isn't me, you know how that goes! :tongue_smilie:



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It's a little more on the demanding end, but I have worked waiting tables and brought in pretty good money. In a 4 hour shift, at a mid level restauraunt (think Outback/Carrabba's/Macaroni Grill), I would usually bring home between $90 and $120. It is physically hard work and I did come home tired, so that's a downside.

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It's a little more on the demanding end, but I have worked waiting tables and brought in pretty good money. In a 4 hour shift, at a mid level restauraunt (think Outback/Carrabba's/Macaroni Grill), I would usually bring home between $90 and $120. It is physically hard work and I did come home tired, so that's a downside.


Yes, I agree that waiting tables is probably the best way to make the most money in a short time. I used to waitress and it was very good money. Unfortunately, dh already commutes 3 hours round trip daily to his first job, and wakes up at 5:00am, so he doesn't have the energy at the end of the day to wait tables. But it's a good thought.


Btw, dh is looking for a new full time job as well, closer to home, and that pays more. This current situation is hopefully temporary. (just in case you're wondering why this poor man is going through all of this.)



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Yes, I agree that waiting tables is probably the best way to make the most money in a short time. I used to waitress and it was very good money. Unfortunately, dh already commutes 3 hours round trip daily to his first job, and wakes up at 5:00am, so he doesn't have the energy at the end of the day to wait tables. But it's a good thought.


Btw, dh is looking for a new full time job as well, closer to home, and that pays more. This current situation is hopefully temporary. (just in case you're wondering why this poor man is going through all of this.)




This may not work at all, but could you get a job waiting tables?

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This may not work at all, but could you get a job waiting tables?


Well...I agree, that would be a logical thing to consider, and this might sound weird to some people, but....dh and I have tried countless times over the years to have me working part-time in the evenings, and it just doesn't work for our family. Dh, especially, HATES it when I'm working. He says things just don't run right for our family when my efforts are divided, and I agree. Thankfully, he is willing to take the financial burden on himself, and allow me to concentrate on homeschooling, housekeeping, kids' activities, etc.


Up to this point, it has worked out fine, but it's tougher now that he has such a long commute for his regular job. Ultimately he needs a new, better paying, less gas-guzzling full-time job, then Lord willing we will be able to make it on just that. Until then, he needs a part-time job to fill in the gaps.



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Maybe he could teach a homeschool art class :D


You know, that is a very good idea! We had talked about that years ago, before we moved to our current area, but at the time we didn't know many homeschoolers, and thought he'd have a hard time finding enough students to fill an entire class. But, there are tons of homeschoolers where we live now. My dh would be an excellent art teacher, too. He definitely has the personality for it, and he is an illustrator, so the type of art he does would probably be what serious art students would like to learn.


Thanks for the reminder! I'll pass it on to dh, and see what he thinks.



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