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Anyone have a Diabetic cat?

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I took my cat to the vet today because he has been throwing up and very lethargic. He has also lost quite a bit of weight in the past 6 monts but we attributed that to new food. Turns out he's in a diabetic crisis and has to stay at the vets for 24 hrs. His blood results also showed a fatty liver and low iron so it's very touch and go right now. I last spoke to the vet about 2 hours ago and he has improved slightly but is not out of the woods yet. They are going to check his levels agian within the hour and get back to me. I was shocked to learn that he has lost 8 & 1/2 lbs. I feel like the worst cat owner ever for not taking him in sooner.


So does anyone have a diabetic cat? I'm curious how cats do on insulin and any experience anyone can share with me. Please keep my cat in your thoughts. Thank you!

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My mom just lost her diabetic cat :( She gave him insulin twice a day for a year. He recently went down hill and the vet couldn't get him regulated, he crashed, then had a stroke so she put him to sleep to end his suffering. He was 14 years old.


Sorry I don't have a positive experience for you. I am sorry your kitty is sick.:grouphug:

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Most diabetic cats live many healthy years after diagnoses. The diabetes isn't he issue right now as much as the fatty liver is, from not eating. Unfortunately that is more serious. If they can get the cat eating, and heal the liver, the diabetes is managable.

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My close friend had a diabetic cat for many, many years. She injected him twice daily. It put a crimp in her vacation plans (she was single) but that was her biggest complaint.


Her kitty lived many healthy years. He is gone now, but he left at a respectable old age.


I will be thinking of you and your cat...

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We found out in April after taking her to have her teeth cleaned. When she came home she didn't want to eat even after the effects of the anesthesia should've worn off. Then she also became lethargic and was throwing up so we took her to the animal hospital where she was diagnosed with diabetic ketoacidosis. She was there for 3 days (on IV's) before she was well enough to come home. (Honestly, given the way she looked when I brought her in I wasn't sure that she'd be coming home again, but we went to see her once a day and she was looking/acting better and better each time.)


I'm a squeamish person so I was nervous about having to do the insulin injections. Fortunately, we both got used to the routine quickly, and I've got a human glucometer/test strips so I can test her blood sugar at home. In the morning, I get her shot ready, put down her dish of food, and she's so busy eating that she doesn't even notice her shot. (And it's the same routine in the evening.) Since she's been on insulin her coat has gotten super soft and she doesn't have flaky skin anymore.


We had to change her diet so she no longer gets any dry cat food at all (too high in carbs) but she's doing great with Fancy Feast "Classics" (the classics are the only low carb choices in this particular brand). You don't have to buy the special diabetic food that the vets sell.


:grouphug:I'm so sorry about your cat. I hope the vet will have some good news for you the next time you talk to him/her. If you've got any questions that I might be able to help you with please let me know.

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I am sorry to hear about your kitty's health problems.


My cat was diagnosed with diabetes at age 18. He had suffered from several chronic health problems since he was 8 years old. I gave him insulin injections twice a day, but he was so ill due to the multiple health issues that he lived only a couple of months after his diabetes diagnosis even though his blood sugar was reasonably well-controlled.


If your cat is young-ish, and otherwise relatively healthy, there's a good chance that he can have a good long life even though he will need injections.

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Actually, we have TWO diabetic cats. Doesn't say much for the 'cat food' out there, imo. :ohmy: :tongue_smilie:


Anyway, our cats were in the age range of around 6-7 years when diagnosed. I give them both shots twice a day. It has been fine here. One of our guys was diagnosed about a year & a half ago. He actually went into remission (and off insulin) for a few months, but ultimately, the diabetes came back. Our other guy has been on insulin since being diagnosed. Overall, they're healthy & doing well. In addition to the insulin, they're on a pretty strict diet (think uber-expensive diabetic food). I may try switching to store-bought food again soon, though.


Overall, our cats have done very well on the insulin (& the shots are very easy to give -- I'd much rather give a cat a shot than a pill! :lol:) & I expect them both to have full, long lives.

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I have not personally owned a diabetic cat but I took care of our neighbor's cats while she went on vacation at one point and one of them was diabetic. I did have to inject him with insulin twice a day and make sure he ate right afterwards but caring for him was not difficult. I believe that he had been diabetic for at least several years before I cared for him.

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