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How do you celebrate/mark the end of the school year?

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I printed out some certificates of achievement for the kids, and I plan to take them out for some sort of frozen treat after we complete our school year tomorrow. Is there anything you all do to celebrate the completion of the year? Btw, mine are finishing grades between 1st and 7th this year.





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We're finishing tomorrow as well. I think I'll get up early and make some muffins. Then, we'll do one subject (ds has one lesson left in his grammar; dd has one lesson left in her math).


Then we'll do a really super silly dance.


Dh is getting off early, so maybe we'll go out to lunch.


Then, ds and dh are going on a Boy Scout campout.


Should be a good day.

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I took my two girls to Burger King. We hardly ever eat fast food, so that is a real treat for my kids! My little one, who is all about dresses and princesses enjoyed the golden crown and then both of them played in the play structure with other kids for a long time (well, especially my little one!).


Then we went to the stores and got each of them a graduation present. My 4 yo dd got a Barbie scooter and my 11 yo got a Nintendo DS game.


Later today to finish off the celebration will be having a splash "party": shaving foam, a hose and let's clean the furniture on the deck!

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We have an official end of year ceremony. My son gets an award for something and usually a gift. Last year he received perfect attendance(he was not sick at all) and art appreciation. This year he received a reading achievement award.


We're getting him a bicycle this year as well. It just so happens he has outgrown his current one and seemed like a good time to give him a new one.

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We had an open house last year that was a lot of fun. We invited all the grandparents and set out samples of the boys' schoolwork throughout the previous year. The boys stood up and recited some of their memory work. Then we broke out the cake. It was a lot of fun, but this year we don't seem to have much to show for our efforts and we haven't done any memory work! :001_unsure:

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This year was so hectic and so NOT the way I had planned it. I'm just happy it is finally OVER! At least for a month. We start back up after the 4th of July. Today was our last day and we didn't really do anything. Dh wants to do report cards next year or a certificate or something. We don't have extra money to go out for "treats" so the end has come and gone without much "hurrah". Perhaps next year will be different. Let's hope so anyway!

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