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Has anyone used the curriculum plans from livingmath.net?


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We're going to try it out after the summer. The first thing I did was check my library to see which books they have. I think somewhere on the website she has a list of the main books for each unit, and I've bought most of those. And some of the other books from the list that looked really good and weren't too much $$. I still can't find a copy of Mathematicians are People Too Vol 1.

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I am considering this for summer use with my 10 yo. Did you purchase all the books listed or just some of them? How long did you take per lesson? Any general review comments?



I just popped over here to take a break from plugging the Living Math lessons into my year-long master planning sheet. There's a ton of material in each quarter, a ton, so I'm only doing one quarter this year -- medieval math, to match my 7yo's history focus. I'm planning to cover one lesson per four weeks, and even at that rate I think we'll end up leaving stuff out. You can download a sample lesson on the website somewhere.


I purchased the spines used. She does explain which are necessary throughout the unit and which are read only for a lesson. I actually purchased the spines before the lesson plans, and it was the quality of the literature which convinced me to go ahead and get the plans.


It's awesome. It's like a feast. I think I could happily teach nothing but Latin and math using Julie's plans. They're quite rich.

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WE are going to start using this in the fall. I am so excited. Before I made a decision about whether to get this or not, I checked our library and we have most of the books. I had to get a few of the spines, not many.


We are going to use this with another hs family. We will be meeting twice a month so I have no idea how long it will take us to go through a lesson but I know for sure that it will take us a lot longer than a year to get through all 4 quarters.

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  • 4 months later...

So, those of you who are using this, how do you like it? I am considering getting this for ds, almost eight. We've been using Miquon, and like it, but I thought this would be nice to add some richness and variety. He LOVES books.


How do the lesson plans work? I'm wondering if I could use this program as his main math curriculum, and use the Miquon as reinforcement/supplement. The way Miquon is laid out, it's very easy to find the various topics.

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I haven't really been able to use the Living Math lessons as planned. I don't think there's anything wrong with them--I just don't have the time to do all the preparing and reading on top of preparing for our other subjects. We ARE reading from many of the recommended books, though, and really enjoying that aspect of the Living Math plans.

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The lesson plans look well laid out, but overwhelming to me, a mom who already has lots of great plans for next year. I think I'm going to use the book list at Living Math rather than the actual plans.


I've already been doing this with my Ker, and he loves the books.


Wonderful site, lots of unique ideas.

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I finally took the plunge with this curriculum based on what dragons in the flower bed has said about it. I have been very happy. I am only using one unit this year since there is so much info, and I am using it only once a week.


She gives you all of the info for you and your students, but doesnt plan it out for you. I had a little learning curve, but now it is easy to pick out what I want.


The lessons range in time depending on how you plan them. I get all of my books from the library. Now that I have seen some of them though, I do plan on purchasing some now that I have seen them.

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