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Oh my...need opinions! IF we were to get a couple puppies...questions...

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Okay, this is a big IF...but we saw the most adorable puppies today. We were visiting the organic farm where we have a CSA (community shared agriculture) share and they have the most adorable 3 week old, lab-mix puppies. The family seems like a really nice family and the Momma dog was really laid back and a beautiful black lab.


Okay, IF we were to consider getting one...is it better to get two so they have a buddy? Is it better to get the same gender? I'm thinking I would like to get 2 males (thinking Hank & Drover from the Hank the Cowdog series...wouldn't Hank be sad and miserable without Drover??? :lol:)


Anyway, please give me your input or give me a good shake and wake me up! As if I don't have my hands full already, but my boys are 7yo and 9yo and what young boy's life is complete without a lovable canine friend (thinking Marley and Me here).


:bigear: I'm all ears...tell me your thoughts!



Oh yeah...we have allergies in the family but are test-driving an air filter system that may revolutionize the way we live! :blush:

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Labs and lab mixes are awesome dogs but very high energy. They need training and exercise or they can be very destructive.


That understood, I always think 2 (puppies or kittens) are the way to go. They really do enjoy having a buddy.



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We got two puppies at the same time, but not from the same litter. It worked well for us, and they are very happy to have each other. I would say that if you ultimately plan to have two anyway, you might as well go through the puppy stage with them at the same time. Double trouble, but you only have to go through it once.

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Labs shed like CRAZY.


But every kid needs a dog to love them (and labs are SWEET).

Before you get the pups I would make sure the kids are commited to major brushing of the dogs and sweeping/vacuuming the floors.



I keep my vaccum cleaner near the back door and we use it on the dog before he comes in the house for the night. We started when he was a puppy and he loves it.

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As long as there is space to run and food to eat, you really can't go wrong with a labmix, especially for the age your boys are at. They are old enough to help with feeding, cleaning up after, obedience training, etc. I would just make sure the whole family is on board with what the expectations are from your dc, it will teach them great responsibility.

Puppies are like having a newborn in the house again, lots of work but it is short-lived and done well it pay off in spades.

Taking them at 7 weeks is ideal. They should've had a litter vax at 6 weeks, then get them boostered at 10, 14 and 18 weeks. Most vet clinics offer a "puppy plan" like one price pays for it all. Get a fecal done to see if they need to be dewormed, usually they do. Get them neutered at 6 months to avoid unwanted roaming, behavior, or aggression.

If you have any other vet related questions let me know!


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We have a black lab mix, and she has been an amazing addition to our family! My son works with her in our 4-H club, the Happy Hounds club, for obedience training, fitting/showing, and agility.


With that said, I know of two families who have "adopted" brothers, 2 puppies from the same litter. It didn't work out in either case as they both seemed to battle for dominance. Our dog doesn't appear to be lonely without a partner in our house. Our dog loves playing with the children, and other family or friend's dogs. I think I would think twice about two dogs - especially brothers from the same litter. Just my thought.

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I vote no.


We got 2 dogs from the same litter, back when dh and I were both working and away from home many hours a day. The dogs bonded with each other and not with us. :(


Five years later, one of the dogs passed away. And we used to joke that she was almost ferral. She was that unattached to us. When she died, the surviving "pup" finally bonded with me. She's sitting at my feet right now, 13 years old.


I know every situation is different, but I won't get littlermates again.

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on May 10. They are adorable and we love them so much. I think it's going to be great.


They were already crate-trained, but I *did* find it difficult to get both of them to the "potty spot" in the yard at the same time. You should have seen me running, holding one in each arm, and juggling their treats, too, the first few weeks . . .


And they did wrestle. Some of the growling noises in the crate scared dd, so I put up a divider for a few weeks (only separating them during their crate time). They've settled some now and know I'll separate them if they get too rowdy.


We were advised to get a male/female pair if we chose two. He is VERY obviously the dominant, but in a brotherly way. And she is the follower, waiting for him to explore first. It could just be their personalities, of course, but they don't fight over food or attention. I make sure she gets her share, because she allows him to push ahead.


Would I do it again?


Hmmm. They are so sweet and adorable, I can't imagine it any other way. They love us and each other . . .


But I'm not sure I would have. UNLESS I had some commitment from someone else in the family to help me take them out every potty time at the beginning!:tongue_smilie:


(I'm the early riser here, and I tried taking one at a time. The other -- wide awake -- would cry LOUDLY to get out, too, threatening to awaken the dc. Now we're to the point where they follow me -- and if one doesn't, I can just scoop up that one and the other follows easily!)


Guess I should commit, huh? OK: it CAN work to get two, but it IS a lot of work and double the vet costs, etc.


Let us know when you get them -- it sounds like you're already smitten!

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You guys are great (as always!). :thumbup:


Well, DH was looking at me last night like I totally flipped...I think he's leaning toward a "maybe" on ONE! Truthfully, I don't know if I am just smitten and then the reality will kick in later and I'll regret it so I'm going to give it some time. I know they are only 3 weeks old and I couldn't adopt them for another month anyway, so that is good, it helps me really think through if I should continue to bring up the idea or let it drop.


Thanks so much! I'll be sure to let you know when we've made our decision for real.



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