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Daily headaches, relief?


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Often for me regular headaches are because I am dehydrated. I realized I really only drink coffee during the day, which of course further dehydrates, so now I make a huge effort to be drinking more H2O. Also, I discovered even small amounts of alcohol-- glass of wine-- will cause headaches (maybe allergies and adding to the dehydration). So I have cut that (sigh....where is the fun anymore...less coffee, less wine!)

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I deal with this too. I just saw my neurologist and he explained it as Migraines aren't a type of headache but a condition that makes you more prone to headaches....any type. I recommend trying to see a neurologist though, they might be able to suggest something else besides typical anti-migraine meds.


I have the following with my chronic headaches:




light/smell/noise sensitivity


numbness and pain alternating

physical weakening (different from exhaustion)


They told me to cut out everything...sleep aids, my diet pill (hydroxycut), caffeine, pain meds, headache meds. All of it because it all causes bounce back headaches.

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Weird options.


-massage and then a chiropractor

-more massage

-parsley (comes in capsules, I take 2-3, three times a day)

-feverfew--Did you see this mentioned on the general board recently? I tried it a little, and it did seem to help.

-Brain Nourisher from http://www.foodform.com This stuff is AMAZING. Supposedly it crosses the barrier and gets into the brain. All I know is it helps when we're stressed, can't get our minds to stop racing, etc.

-Did I mention more massage?

-new pillow. Angie mentioned this in another thread, and it really has been marvelous for me. I just changed my pillow again, and I'm rising much more refreshed. I think if you're low tone your neck is just more prone to that slipping and tension at night. All I did was go to JC Pennys and get a pillow that says it's for the way I sleep, but it definitely helps.

-magnesium. Make sure there's magnesium in the vits you're taking. Calcium and magnesium work together to relax muscles.

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-new pillow. Angie mentioned this in another thread, and it really has been marvelous for me. I just changed my pillow again, and I'm rising much more refreshed. I think if you're low tone your neck is just more prone to that slipping and tension at night.


:iagree: I had daily headaches for months that started in the morning when I woke. My neurologist thought they might have been migraines and even had me get an MRI. I finally found that when I got a pillow that had more neck support, my headaches went away. It's worth a try!

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I would seriously consider a gluten free trial if you haven't already.. I used to have bad headaches all the time.. I was miserable.. I don't have them now since going gluten free.. My neck and shoulder muscles stopped being so inflamed. My 10yr old had headaches more often than I did.. She had to see a neurologist for her headaches and one time she ended up in the ER having an MRI because she woke up with a severe headache and vomited.


The very week that we went gluten free, her headaches stopped. I had never been so relieved in my life! One time she actually told me, "Mamma, remember that day that I didn't have a headache?" I said, "Do you mean the day you did have a headache?" and she said, "No, the day I didn't have a headache". I couldn't believe my ears! Her headaches were so bad and so persistent that she actually remembered a day when she didn't have one.. Ugh. Makes me sick to think how much she suffered. She almost never has headaches now, thank God.

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Tmj? For me, I dont tend to grind my teeth, but I do clench my jaw. I would get horrible headaches and my shoulders felt like they were up around my ears. I have had really good success from using orthotics for my feet. My dentist sent me to a NUCCA chiro, who sent me to get my feet checked. The combination seems to have worked, since headaches are a rarity now.

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Jennifer, I've never heard of NUCCA chiropractic before. Can you tell us more about it? I googled a bit, and I don't really see how it differentiates from regular chiropractic. Do they really x-ray you before and after adjustments to measure the amount of movement???



I had to have a x-ray before and after my initial adjustment, but no x-rays since. The adjustment is only on the neck. I honestly can't believe he has done anything until I stand up again. Several years before seeing the NUCCA chiro, I was told by a sports med doc that my one leg was about 1/4 of an inch longer then the other. When I went to NUCCA, he told me that it was not structural but a result of my neck being out and causing my pelvis to tilt. After the initial adjustment, it was obvious how much I was leaning to one side of my body to compensate. I only have to go in maybe twice a year. Vacations always cause me to go out of alignment - i think it is the pillows.

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Have you been to a regular chiropractor to compare? Why would they adjust only the neck and not the rest? Yes, the pelvis rotates, making one leg look shorter than the other in certain X-rays. (I have that too.) Are they doing some special adjustment that is *better* than the regular chiro adjustment for the neck? I read they use tools or something. I'm just not catching if it's something a regular chiro hits as well, kwim?

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Tmj? For me, I dont tend to grind my teeth, but I do clench my jaw. I would get horrible headaches and my shoulders felt like they were up around my ears.




I was having headaches pretty much everyday and would wake up with them. I finally figured out that I was clenching my jaw at night. My jaw was also "sliding back" while I slept.


I went to a TMJ specialist, he made me a custom mouthguard that does not allow any backward movement of the jaw, a bye-bye headaches. (Cutting out caffine also helped reduce the clenching.)

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Weird options.


-massage and then a chiropractor

-more massage

-feverfew--Did you see this mentioned on the general board recently? I tried it a little, and it did seem to help.

-new pillow.

-magnesium. Make sure there's magnesium in the vits you're taking. Calcium and magnesium work together to relax muscles.



I've been doing all of these things since my migraines returned with a vengeance a few years ago. I rarely have them now, except the hormone based ones. For those, I have to take prescription medication. Doctors like to prescribe estrogen for that type of headache, but that only made mine worse.


Butterburr can also be a good preventative for migraines and other headaches. My DS takes it, and it's helped a lot. I wouldn't take it and feverfew at the same time though. (BTW, feverfew can lower blood pressure. I've only read about that being a problem for people who tend to have low blood pressure.)

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