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Holiday Facebook pet peeve

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I've never been a fan of eggnog, but do you know what's an awesome thing to do with rum? Add it to hot spiced apple cider. Yummmmm.


(And I'm cracking open a Full Sail Wassail here. It helps me cook dinner.)[/QUOTe] I'm enjoying a chilled *cough* beverage myself.

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I am heartily tired of hearing non-Christians complain about Christmas and being wished "Merry Christmas". I refuse to remove expressions of my faith from my life and dealings with others, and I would never expect non-Christians to do that either. I do, however, expect that a board of adults would refrain from consistently snarky behavior, especially in dealing with such a sensitive topic.


Are you referring back to Rivka's first post or something else? Because I don't see anything like that in her post. She was talking about Christians who are offended that a checker at Store X said Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. She does not seem to expect people remove all expressions of faith from their lives. She expects an equal amount of respect for all sides. At least, that is how I read her post.


I do agree with whomever found your last sentence a little surprising, given the conversation as it happened. Snark and extreme condescension and snippiness are not too distantly related.

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Are you referring back to Rivka's first post or something else? Because I don't see anything like that in her post. She was talking about Christians who are offended that a checker at Store X said Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. She does not seem to expect people remove all expressions of faith from their lives. She expects an equal amount of respect for all sides. At least, that is how I read her post.


I do agree with whomever found your last sentence a little surprising, given the conversation as it happened. Snark and extreme condescension and snippiness are not too distantly related.


Opinions that differ from your own do not equal condescension or snippiness.

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Opinions that differ from your own do not equal condescension or snippiness.


No, but they can appear to. Tell me I don't understand you and I'm being condescending or something else objectionable if you like, but a basic rule of online communication is this:


A post containing nothing but the chill icon will be interpreted as snarky by anyone you are not on teasing terms with.


This is a routine you fall into with some frequency. If there is a reason, you might consider telling us. That way we can pass it over with "Oh, that's just Cdrumm's aspiness or chocolate deficiency or whatever," as we do with others on here. It would ease communication.


Disclaimer: Anyone who wants to accuse me of condescention will be wished a Happy Icky Pumpkin Pie Day. You have been warned. :tongue_smilie:



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And Merry Christmas, dear.


Strictly speaking, you shouldn't say that until after dinner tomorrow, but that's okay. I'm already looking forward to Christmas, principally because:


- After three years in the trenches, this year I am NOT directing the children's Christmas pageant! (Although they are still using a script I wrote. But that doesn't obligate me to deal with any of the parents!)


- My family has finally agreed that the adults won't exchange gifts, which reduces my shopping list by half. The hard-to-shop-for half.


Between those two things, I think I'll actually have time for holiday baking this year! I can't wait until Thanksgiving is officially over, and I can break out the Christmas carols. I have almost 12 straight hours worth of songs in my "Christmas music" folder on iTunes, and I only listen to them between Thanksgiving and Twelfth Night.


Oh, wait. Was I supposed to be offended by that "Merry Christmas" thing you said there? :001_rolleyes: I celebrate Christmas. I love Christmas. Sorry not to bite.

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