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Amazon.com - book about how to pimp children out

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Copied from a good friend's Facebook post. I am horrified that not just this, but several similar books are being sold. I love Amazon.com, and spend a lot of money there, but will be looking elsewhere for Christmas this year. Will you help by contacting Amazon.com, posting this on your Facebook page, and telling your friends? If they get enough complaints, they will probably pull it.




Dear Amazon,

I am a big fan of the convenience of your store and normally use your site a lot around the holidays.


... Today I, as a fan of your site, a mother and a consumer with a voice, am writing you to ask you to remove "Pimpology" by Pimpin' Ken from your website.


It is definitely Ken's 'right' to write such things but it is unnecessary for you to sell such a book that details how to coerce, subdue and OWN another human being. It encourages grotesque, unlawful behavior and your average consumer has NO desire to support your company in disseminating such information. Are you aware of the rising problem of child and human trafficking in this country?? Are you aware how much of human trafficking is DOMESTIC?? ie. little AMERICAN girls being subdued AS THIS BOOK DESCRIBES and sold and traded around the United States. In an age when Bill Gates and Bono are our general heroes your philanthropy isn't exactly shining.


I almost left your site for good after the disgusting fiasco last year surrounding "The Pedophile's Guide..." that brought about national outrage and MUCH negative PR. I was hoping that was an isolated case, a misstep in judgment, but apparently supporting and giving voice to modern day slave traders is your 'normal'. I am unwilling to be part of a 'new' normal where a company I support allows people to share how to brutalize, hurt, and traffic women and children. Until this book is removed and policy corrected at your company to stop selling such unlawful, pro-slavery books and information you will not have any more of our business.


With Conviction,


Edited by MeganW
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Has she read the book? I am reading the reviews and people are saying over and over that it is NOT about actually pimping out humans.


Your title is misleading as this particular book has nothing to do with pimping children out. Maybe the last book did, I don't know about that one.



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Has she read the book? I am reading the reviews and people are saying over and over that it is NOT about actually pimping out humans.


Your title is misleading as this particular book has nothing to do with pimping children out. Maybe the last book did, I don't know about that one.




:iagree: and looks like it was published in 2008....

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My friend has actually seen it, and she said that the primary point of the book was how to gain mind control/ powerful influence over others, specifically women & children. It is explained from the point of view of a pimp, though apparently he does try to give examples of how these principles could be applied to other situations.


I do not think my title is misleading based on my conversations with my friend.

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In case you want to do a little light reading about that stuff.


Back to your amazon thing - I couldn't find anything other than "Pimpology" by "Pimpin' Ken." I wonder if it's meant to be a serious piece or something more satirical. Ala Mrs. Betty Bowers - America's Best Christian.

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Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)

This review is from: Pimpology: The 48 Laws of the Game (Paperback)

I taught I was getting a book about just pimping but it turn out to be so much more.You see this book through its authour has taken his knoledge from the Pimp business and Add others learning stragies and mixes them up to come up with 48 prinples one can aply to their life to create a master piece of and for their life.If you want success in your life then order this book,I'm a player myself I know good game when I read it and this here is Great game.From aka Docc plfd.nj




This is written from me: If you cannot read the reviews and laugh your head off, you are taking like too seriously. At the beginning of the "book", he even clearly states it is NOT a manual for pimping. But a book teaching one how not to be taken advantage of in life.


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Has she read the book? I am reading the reviews and people are saying over and over that it is NOT about actually pimping out humans.


Your title is misleading as this particular book has nothing to do with pimping children out. Maybe the last book did, I don't know about that one.





(Is anyone else wondering what "v@ginal hijackers" are?)


Apropos nothing, I heard a great quote today ... something like:



Parody is when you make fun of people who are smarter than you.

Satire is when you make fun of people who are more powerful than you.

Burlesque is when you make fun of both .... while taking your clothes off.

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From my friend:


My name is CR Weathers and i have worked with trafficked children abroad thru http://www.facebook.com/l/_AQE5ESdSAQFXJ5YHnSB9fbjI9uEAK1vppNUv-lNUl8R47g/www.stopthetraffik.org/language.aspx


I heard about this book from a seminar on domestic trafficking here in the USA held this past weekend in Louisville at http://www.facebook.com/l/6AQGMJtK8AQHkHuiZgzC9KLI738OB8BDl7F2biJaTvVY5Fw/www.medicalmissions.com/.


The particular session was on how much more wide spread trafficking is becoming here and how general social workers and medical personnel [who are the ones in the hospitals and clinics when young trafficked prostitutes are brought in pregnant or with STDs etc] can recognize pimps. Large portions of this book were quoted as an example of training material for pimps. It was very explicit and disgusting.


One thing i have learned from this [WTM] website and Susan is that Amazon reviews are far from accurate and after having read 'enough' of this book would disagree with the reviews that it is just a 'look' at 'behavior'. It doesn't describe how pimps act in a removed/ intellectual manner. It TELLS them what to do to make a woman or child serve them and sell themselves FOR them.


My letter to Amazon is not dependent on if anyone agrees. I have seen enough child slaves in person to know I don't want to associate with a company that has anything remotely like this. OF COURSE other companies do similar things. That doesn't mean i sit on my hands and do nothing. or just keep sending them my money. When i was in highschool the 'grunge' era began where it was 'cool' to be critical / find fault with EVERYTHING while offering no real solution. I resolved not to JUST find fault/ tear down unless i could ALSO offer a positive idea. Mere opinion: I think people who mostly critique others little efforts at shedding light on dark things should go DO justice. Not just snuff out the little lights that are burning.


My last home office window looked out on several caged verandahs. In several i would daily see little girls who were house slaves and NEVER allowed to leave the homes they worked in. They would never be given education or pay, most are sexually abused, and they get meager food and ample beatings. [see research by Thérèse Blanchet on Bangladesh] With encouragement we were able to start a small center for girls like them who were tricked/ lured, trafficked [in the SAME ways explained in "Pimpology"] and then used in the brothels of the country.

Some people in the USA (people who were NOT friends of the poor or SEEing oppression daily) said "What can you do?? Provide some LITTLE relief?? Then what they are back on the street!?" Why do people talk that way?? What huge, societal change has EVER happened all at once?? As if everyone just woke up one day in colonial England and said 'you know what? That William Wilberforce is RIGHT - let's go end ALL slavery TODAY!' No. That is not how large scale evil if gotten rid of.

Thankfully others had faith to say "Start! Start what you can, where you can." And so we did. And now many have been helped, we added skills training so they can leave prostitution and have a job. And now their blankets have even been picked up and are being sold here!



So moan about how little difference my letter makes. Support Amazon if you feel so led. If I KNOW they are helping share information on how to take power over women and children I will write them and say 'no thanks' on their services. The price of their convenience is too high for me. I will light my small candle. And I will use the gift of NOT being voiceless to speak for those without a voice.

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