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Teachers Lodge 11-8-2011

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Good morning. It's Tuesday!


(I was going to post earlier but was disracted by the Duggar News thread! Maybe I should have been looking for news on Imp and PencilPusher! :lol:)


What's for breakfast/lunch today? No idea on either although I've been considering going to Bible study at 9:00 (less than an hour away) so I should probably do something about that!:001_cool:


Does anyone have a solid schooling routine that they follow on a daily basis? I know we're learning and reading what we need to be reading but I just.cannot.seem.to.get.a.routine.down this semester. Aarrgh.:glare:


Anyone house shopping? We're contemplating (I should say mostly I am cotemplating) a move to a higher elevation or at least a summer home there. I'm tired of summers in the desert. We talk about possibly moving out of state but there is SO much here that is a part of our lives, esp. with homeschooling, that I'm thinking a summer getaway :driving:might be better.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Good morning! It's starting to look a lot like Tuesday!


Breakfast will be 2 eggs and probably a piece of toast.


Lunch will be salad with protein.


School Routine: Yes, both kids have schedules that I made on Outlook. They are allowed to switch subjects around but usually it follows the same order just because it's comfy for all that way.


House shopping: No, but I might be washing machine shopping.

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Hello, everyone (and Tuesday)!


Breakfast here was muffin tops for the kids and a banana for me. I have no idea what lunch will be yet.


I *have* to have a routine we follow. Otherwise nothing would get accomplished. DS also insists on having everything written down in his agenda/planner, so I have to plan a week in advance and write it all down so that he doesn't lose his mind. There are days the structure is good and there are days I want to just hurl it out the window... but I can't. *sigh*


I would love to move. This house doesn't fit us any more. It's a 3-bedroom, ONE-BATHROOM with no fireplace, no place to homeschool, no office for DH who works out of the home (though he's rarely here, he still wants a place to crash that isn't next to the washing machine that seems to be always running)... it just doesn't work. We have to get a new roof on the place before we can really contemplate going anywhere, though, and DH doesn't seem like he's in a hurry. I suppose that's because he isn't stuck in it 24/7!


Apparently I need to perform some deep breathing exercises today. Maybe Imp or PencilPusher will give birth and that will distract me :) )

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It's Tuesday!


What's for breakfast/lunch today? Breakfast was cheerios for me and waffles or cereal for the kids. Lunch was leftover beef fajitas, rice, and sliced bell peppers for the kids. I had half of a stromboli--filled with spinach, tomatoes, onions and mushrooms. Yum, yum, yum!


Does anyone have a solid schooling routine that they follow on a daily basis? We do have a routine. We don't always make it through everything, but we do have a definite flow to our days.


Anyone house shopping? Nope. Our budget is limited mostly to grocery shopping. Anything bigger than that will require a sudden change in income level or a miracle winning Lottery ticket! :lol:

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It is Tuesday isn't it. Feels alot like a Monday :glare:


Breakfast -- oops forgot again, oh wait I had coffee and 1 minature chocolate donut. Kiddos had juice and mini donuts.


Lunch was chicken nuggets and fries (dh fixed, I wasn't complaining ;))


School routine -- :sad: no and we really need one


House hunting -- no but I dream sometimes. I would be really happy if we could get the house cleaned and organized. It isn't dirty so much as cluttered.

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School routine -- :sad: no and we really need one


This is us, too!


House hunting -- no but I dream sometimes. I would be really happy if we could get the house cleaned and organized. It isn't dirty so much as cluttered.





Same here. However, I'm doing more than dreaming on the house because I DESPERATELY need to be OUT of the desert next summer. :glare::auto:

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By the way, my breakfast wound up being peanut butter on a piece of pumpernickel and then some fruit at Womens Bible Study this morning. Lunch was Hot Pockets bought at the store on the way home. Not that we didn't have any food here but there was nothing that could be prepared quickly.

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It's Tuesday!
Happy Tuesday to all!:001_smile:


What's for breakfast/lunch today?
Old fashioned oatmeal. Kids found recipe suggestions in an issue of Highlights that suggested some "additionals" to make your oatmeal more yummy. Dd tried the grated apple. Ds9 and I tried the PB & J w/raisins selection. Ummm, it was "okay" - I much prefer my regular items of raisins and Craisins.


Lunch: we had Zatarains Jambalaya w/kielbasa


Does anyone have a solid schooling routine that they follow on a daily basis?
We have a schedule that varies day to day.


Anyone house shopping?
We are *confirmed renters* though I love looking through listings esp. the ones w/ pictures inside and out. Edited by Vanna
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Did you end up at Bible Study?


We do NOT have a solid routine. I don't work that way very well, which is a large part of the reason homeschooling works for us. We have a general routine that we attempt to stick to most days :D and I find that we go through spurts of really being "on it" followed by longer, more frequent spurts where we're just unable to be consistent in anything other than our inconsistency. If that makes any sense. It's a bit of a challenge just because my son does better with a set schedule and agenda to which he can refer. I've tried, and it's just my gift or talent in this world LOL.


We're house shopping, too. We've narrowed it down to two very different homes in the same neighborhood, and we're trying to sort out which lifestyle we want to buy into in the long-term. They're such different homes. One is perfect now, but we'd have to build on a second story and an additional 1000sqft in a few years. We're trying to figure out if we're up for that, or if we should settle for the less perfect but already sized-right-for-the-future house down the street. Anyone BTDT with additions to homes? I'm listening!


A summer house is such a lovely option! We have a family home in another state and even though there are years we don't use it, just knowing it's there offers great peace of mind. You feel less ... trapped. I spent a few summers living where you are now, Scrap, and I remember walking a mile to campus in my cheap, ABC-store slippahs and having them MELT at an average rate of one pair per month from May through October. I'm feeling your pain, and glad to be gone!

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Bacon makes me happy too!


You ladies are funny.


I've never had bacon, and have no plans to ever try it. I know lots of people love the heck out of it, though, and I'll admit to being curious as to what it is about bacon that makes it as much-loved as it is!


I insisted my kids be vegetarian until they turned five, at which point I opened the gates for my MIL to have her meaty way with them (she was chomping at the bit, and I'm sure snuck meat to them before they turned five). My eldest still doesn't eat meat at all, and my youngest will nibble if if served but generally avoids it as well - except for bacon. I only let her eat meat from my ILs' farms, so she only gets it a few times a year but she is a bacon Freak with a capital F.


She's so morbid, she likes to know which of my IL's pigs she is eating :confused: then goes on and on about how delicious he tastes. Anyway, long story short her dad and I were joking about buying THIS for her for Christmas.


Naturally he is thrilled that one of his kids inherited his taste for meat, and his overwhelming love for bacon LOL, against my better efforts :lol:!

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Good morning. It's Tuesday!


(I was going to post earlier but was disracted by the Duggar News thread! Maybe I should have been looking for news on Imp and PencilPusher! :lol:)


What's for breakfast/lunch today? No idea on either although I've been considering going to Bible study at 9:00 (less than an hour away) so I should probably do something about that!:001_cool:


Does anyone have a solid schooling routine that they follow on a daily basis? I know we're learning and reading what we need to be reading but I just.cannot.seem.to.get.a.routine.down this semester. Aarrgh.:glare:


Anyone house shopping? We're contemplating (I should say mostly I am cotemplating) a move to a higher elevation or at least a summer home there. I'm tired of summers in the desert. We talk about possibly moving out of state but there is SO much here that is a part of our lives, esp. with homeschooling, that I'm thinking a summer getaway :driving:might be better.


Talk to me! :bigear:


For breakfast, we had egg/sausage/cheese muffins that I actually made myself! This was a huge deal because I do not like cooking.


Lunch- sandwiches with sliced apples, chips, and salsa


Routine - Absolutely. We have to follow one. My kids are little and high-energy. They overwhelm me and I have to have something already thought out for them to do next.


House shopping - Not yet, but we live in Northern Arizona, if you want to buy our house! Elevation 7000 feet. ;)

I even have a Photobucket site full of pictures I can send you!

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Did you end up at Bible Study?


We do NOT have a solid routine. I don't work that way very well, which is a large part of the reason homeschooling works for us. We have a general routine that we attempt to stick to most days :D and I find that we go through spurts of really being "on it" followed by longer, more frequent spurts where we're just unable to be consistent in anything other than our inconsistency. If that makes any sense. It's a bit of a challenge just because my son does better with a set schedule and agenda to which he can refer. I've tried, and it's just my gift or talent in this world LOL.


We're house shopping, too. We've narrowed it down to two very different homes in the same neighborhood, and we're trying to sort out which lifestyle we want to buy into in the long-term. They're such different homes. One is perfect now, but we'd have to build on a second story and an additional 1000sqft in a few years. We're trying to figure out if we're up for that, or if we should settle for the less perfect but already sized-right-for-the-future house down the street. Anyone BTDT with additions to homes? I'm listening!


A summer house is such a lovely option! We have a family home in another state and even though there are years we don't use it, just knowing it's there offers great peace of mind. You feel less ... trapped. I spent a few summers living where you are now, Scrap, and I remember walking a mile to campus in my cheap, ABC-store slippahs and having them MELT at an average rate of one pair per month from May through October. I'm feeling your pain, and glad to be gone!


Yes, that makes sense. And, btw, are you going to come to AZ like you said you might?

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I'm hoping so. I don't get my December work schedule until the last week of November so I won't know for sure for another few weeks. The IL's are Catholic and have a handful of Important Church Days the first few weeks of December that I send the kids out for every year; I'll for sure let you know if I'm able to join them this year :D


We have tea markets to hit up, and Starbuxes to terrorize, don't we?!


ETA: Starbuxi? Hmm.

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You ladies are funny.


I've never had bacon, and have no plans to ever try it. I know lots of people love the heck out of it, though, and I'll admit to being curious as to what it is about bacon that makes it as much-loved as it is!


I insisted my kids be vegetarian until they turned five, at which point I opened the gates for my MIL to have her meaty way with them (she was chomping at the bit, and I'm sure snuck meat to them before they turned five). My eldest still doesn't eat meat at all, and my youngest will nibble if if served but generally avoids it as well - except for bacon. I only let her eat meat from my ILs' farms, so she only gets it a few times a year but she is a bacon Freak with a capital F.


She's so morbid, she likes to know which of my IL's pigs she is eating :confused: then goes on and on about how delicious he tastes. Anyway, long story short her dad and I were joking about buying THIS for her for Christmas.


Naturally he is thrilled that one of his kids inherited his taste for meat, and his overwhelming love for bacon LOL, against my better efforts :lol:!


Bacon is good because it is a combination of salt and fat. I think the closest vegetarian approximation I've found is fried Provolone cheese - it melts and sticks to the pan and when cooled comes up in this crispy salty slightly greasy sheets.

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Vanna, can you expound on your term of "confirmed renters"? Does this mean you will never buy a house? I've just never heard someone say that about themselves before so I'm very curious.


Hi! Sorry I did not see your question till today. Yeah, we pretty much think we will never buy a home. (A condo to retire in.... hmmmm... maybe, but not a home.)

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I'm hoping so. I don't get my December work schedule until the last week of November so I won't know for sure for another few weeks. The IL's are Catholic and have a handful of Important Church Days the first few weeks of December that I send the kids out for every year; I'll for sure let you know if I'm able to join them this year :D


We have tea markets to hit up, and Starbuxes to terrorize, don't we?!


ETA: Starbuxi? Hmm.



Then here's to you making it to the Valley and to us hitting the Staruxi. :D

Technically, since Starbucks is singular, Starbuckses is probably correct although it does not sound so. Better to say we have various Starbucks locations to terrorize. ;) Just get here before May. By May, I have plans of having put an offer on a summer getaway dream home. :)

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