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One of the many reasons why my parents decided to homeschool.

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Yesterday the local high school had to have a lockdown, they alerted everyone to stay close to their homes and away from the high school until all was clear. A new gang just recently formed this year at the high school, and they have been causing a lot of problems lately, and the were the ones who caused the lockdown yesterday. They have been on Facebook writing comments on each other's page and on everyone else's pages (I don't have one, but this is what a friend told me) that they are going to start killing everyone by slicing their throats one by one and shooting everyone at the high school. No knows the exact reason why the gang wanted to kill everyone, but they did nonetheless. So after word got spread around the school had a lockdown drill all day with police guarding every entrance and the perimeter of the school.


Apparently they weren't kidding, they actually had the gear and everything to do it, the police only caught a few, but from what my older brother said, they won't last very long because there are other gangs that will find them and possibly kill them!!:confused: Thankfully no one was hurt, but I am just so disgusted by all the violence that goes on in schools nowadays, and my parents are too. My friends sure didn't appreciate it either, although they though it was pretty cool, (it wouldn't have been if people were actually being killed!!!!!).


While all this was going on at the high school, I was at home doing my schoolwork, getting a lot of needed chores done, running errands, and playing with my brothers and sisters. All the kids at school were stuck in classrooms not doing that, it's just another day they have to make up at the end of the school year while I can get out early.


I so love homeschooling, if only it could continue like this through college lol!!:001_smile:

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Wow! I'm so thankful no one was hurt. You are blessed to be able to be home.


My dh teaches high school here, but there's never been anything that bad. He's never felt physically threatened in any way. His school has some students from seriously poor and horiible situations, and he knows he's had drug dealers for students. Thankfully, fights don't even involve any weapons of any kind, even though the school doesn't have metal detectors.

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You know you can homeschool in College. College Plus is one option.


Lol!!:D Yes I am very thankful that no one in the school was hurt or there would have been non stop talk all about it for years to come and I hate listening to things like that, it makes me cry.


In a way things like this do affect one of the many reasons why my parents homeschool, and of course I do know that shootings can happen anywhere, but this is one way my parents can prevent it. Just thought I'd share it and see what all your thoughts were on it!;)

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I lived one high school over from Columbine at the time it happened. It's true, if it could happen at Columbine, it could happen anywhere.


We were often asked if it affected our decision to homeschool. Not at all. Something like that can happen anywhere. We had a random shooting at our Walmart, and my kids attended a hs co-op at a Colorado church where a gunman killed and was killed.


I still can't read about the Columbine stuff without sobbing, in the same way I'm sure others feel about OK City, or 9/11.:crying:


(We live near VA Tech now, but we moved here after that happened.)

Same situation here. Same tears:crying:


LuvingLife, I'm glad the police caught even a few. I'm glad for everyone's sake that no one was injured. A tragedy like that will bring people together for awhile, but will wreak havoc in the long run. :grouphug:

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Same situation here. Same tears:crying:


LuvingLife, I'm glad the police caught even a few. I'm glad for everyone's sake that no one was injured. A tragedy like that will bring people together for awhile, but will wreak havoc in the long run. :grouphug:


We all are considering I live 5 minutes away from the school, it was a little scary but I am just really glad I don't go to a public high school, it's hard to explain my feelings but I honestly am glad I wasn't there that day, especially after what I heard about Columbine!

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