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VoIP and iPad

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I'm trying to justify the purchase by listing all the ways I can use an iPad, and if making calls is on the list, I will be closer to buying one. Has anyone tried using Skype on the iPad?

I rarely use my cell phone and was hoping to cut the bill and instead buy a 3G data plan from ATT for $15 per month and use the iPad as a phone.


Also, is there a headset for the iPad so that I wouldn't look weird putting it against my ear?

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Our priest uses his iPad2 to run FaceTime to talk to his wife who works out of town during the week. He says it is great--good sound and visuals, and way better than Skype. So,yes, you can use it like a phone.:001_smile:


FaceTime seems to be only used if the recipient also has an iPad or iPhone. Is that true? However, I make very limited calls to people who don't have either. Too bad, because FaceTime would be great to use with distant family members and none of mine have i-anything.

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I havwn't personally tried it but my understanding is that Skype and several other video conferencing apps work fine on the ipad2. FaceTime only works with other iPads/iPhones but it's not your only option.


I typed up this nice response to a post earlier asking how iPad owners use their devices but my Internet connection was lost in the middle & I can't find the thread. Here's the response I tried to give for that post...maybe you can add something to your list of what you can do with the device.



I use it for dd's school and for work. Yesterday we did school in the car on the way out of town. Before we bought the ipad we would have carried a lot of books and paper. Instead we did everything on pdf's. I scanned her assignments ans loaded them on the Ipad before we left. We also listened to our latin chants, song school greek & geography songs before playing with geomaster plus app to work puzzles on geography we've been learning. I don't have any games like angry birds but we so have educational games. Dd played some of these when we finished formal school work. There have been several threads on this lately but a few of the games she played are stack the states & countries, presidents vs aliens, rocket math & math bingo. We also have a flashcard app which we use a lot for several subjects.


When we buy dd her own iPad for Christmas I will add ebooks & audiobooks for her and Jim Weiss mp3's.


Just today I used it to take notes in an all day seminar, look up restaurants near our meeting, answer email, track action items in the reminder app which I use to keep categorized to-do lists. I use it for recipe tracking and shopping lists. I put the teacher's manuals for everything I have in PDF in iBooks so no more printing! I use a doodle app as a white board for lesson time. I use it as an ereader (I had an ereader before the iPad which I never used but I use the iPad all the time). I also use the free logos Bible study app which is awesome. I use the camera to take pictures and videos to post of Facebook for grandparent to see. I use a stopwatch on the device and my notes app for the p.e. co-op I coach. I use it for mobile banking. I use motivated moms and a chore app for keeping up with household chores. We have an app that lets you look at the sky with your camera to identify constellations.


I have an app that allows me to access my laptop remotely so I don't ever carry it with me anymore. The iPad fits in my purse and the battery life is so much better. It also takes 2 seconds to turn on so it's way more convenient than my laptop.


These are all things I've used it for in the few days. I use it so much more than I thought I would. As I've mentioned on other threads we went from not sure we would like it to deciding to buy 2 more about 24 hours after we bought ours.

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We use it for Skype, Google Talk (through an app called Vtok), and Facetime. They all work great.


Thank you - it looks like Vtok allows the iPad users to receive calls.



We have an app that lets you look at the sky with your camera to identify constellations.


I have an app that allows me to access my laptop remotely so I don't ever carry it with me anymore. The iPad fits in my purse and the battery life is so much better. It also takes 2 seconds to turn on so it's way more convenient than my laptop.




Thanks, these two benefits caught my eye. I would love to access my laptop when we're away from home.

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We also use skype on ours, and it works well. We are able to make and receive calls, both, with no problem. There are built in speaker and mic so you can use it more or less like a speaker phone, no need to hold it up to your ear. If you want privacy, the apple brand ear buds for iPhone work in the iPad too, I think. The apple ones have a mic on the wire that hits right at mouth level without needing a wrap around mic like on a bulkier headset, and even my dad who is very picky on background noises can hear me well when I use that to talk to him.


For free skype though be aware that is only for skype to skype calling, so the people you call have to also have skype and be on line. To call from your skype to a phone number has, I think, a minimal fee but mYbe within the US it's free, I don't remember. To receive a call you would have to stay logged in and people would have to call from their skype account, or you can subscribe to a phone number for a small annual fee. On the skype website look up skype in (having a phone number) and skype out (calling phone numbers) if you think you will need one or the other of those.


In any case, it all works really well over the iPad.

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I'm trying to justify the purchase by listing all the ways I can use an iPad, and if making calls is on the list, I will be closer to buying one. Has anyone tried using Skype on the iPad?
To follow the recommendation from the other thread, Kindle Fire may NOT have the ability to make Skype calls since it appears to not have a microphone or a Bluetooth interface (for a wireless headset). It's not clear whether there is a microphone connection in the audio jack, but my guess would be "no".
I rarely use my cell phone and was hoping to cut the bill and instead buy a 3G data plan from ATT for $15 per month and use the iPad as a phone.
You won't want to use 3G for this. It is expensive, limited and slow. You will want to use WiFi instead.
Also, is there a headset for the iPad so that I wouldn't look weird putting it against my ear?
Yes, you would be able to use either a corded or a wireless headset with an iPad for calling.
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We also use skype on ours, and it works well. We are able to make and receive calls, both, with no problem. There are built in speaker and mic so you can use it more or less like a speaker phone, no need to hold it up to your ear. If you want privacy, the apple brand ear buds for iPhone work in the iPad too, I think. The apple ones have a mic on the wire that hits right at mouth level without needing a wrap around mic like on a bulkier headset, and even my dad who is very picky on background noises can hear me well when I use that to talk to him.


For free skype though be aware that is only for skype to skype calling, so the people you call have to also have skype and be on line. To call from your skype to a phone number has, I think, a minimal fee but mYbe within the US it's free, I don't remember. To receive a call you would have to stay logged in and people would have to call from their skype account, or you can subscribe to a phone number for a small annual fee. On the skype website look up skype in (having a phone number) and skype out (calling phone numbers) if you think you will need one or the other of those.


In any case, it all works really well over the iPad.


Thank you, this is has been very helpful!

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To follow the recommendation from the other thread, Kindle Fire may NOT have the ability to make Skype calls since it appears to not have a microphone or a Bluetooth interface (for a wireless headset). It's not clear whether there is a microphone connection in the audio jack, but my guess would be "no".You won't want to use 3G for this. It is expensive, limited and slow. You will want to use WiFi instead.Yes, you would be able to use either a corded or a wireless headset with an iPad for calling.


Ah, I was just wondering about the Fire's ability to make/receive calls and was going to bother everyone with that question.


Unfortunately using Wifi for phone calls outside may not be that convenient. Do you think places like Costco, Trader Joe's, WholeFoods have free Wifi :D? It seems like if we're not at the library, we're shopping. I've seen a lot of antennas around the city and the surrounding suburbs, and apparently they are springing up across the U.S., but I have no idea if that means public Wifi or better cell phone reception.


Actually, the only thing holding me back from getting an iPad is really the screen. I rarely allow DD to use the computer due to eye strain, but I give her the Kindle (e-ink) all the time.


Have you heard of the possibility of e-ink for the iPad? Retina screen on the iPad3 is not the same, correct?

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Can people call you on the iPad with Skype?


I have the free skype, so someone else with skype can call me, but not from a cell or landline. On the other hand, my friend has paid skype and it seems to work great and it's cheap. Anyone can call from any type of phone. I think she even has voicemail as she started out using it for some consulting work she was doing.

Edited by sunriseiz
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Unfortunately using Wifi for phone calls outside may not be that convenient. Do you think places like Costco, Trader Joe's, WholeFoods have free Wifi :D? It seems like if we're not at the library, we're shopping. I've seen a lot of antennas around the city and the surrounding suburbs, and apparently they are springing up across the U.S., but I have no idea if that means public Wifi or better cell phone reception.
I would think a cell phone would be much cheaper and easier for that purpose.
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