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Teachers Lodge 11-2-2011

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Happy Wednesday



What's for breakfast/lunch? Breakfast: dry Corn Bran (I'm tired of milk and may be weaning my family from it as it's not a necessary beverage anyway). Lunch: ask me at lunch time.;)


Anyone under the weather at your house? Here: possibly me and possibly my daughter.


Anyone else have a stressed out hubby? ME! 16-17hour days for weeks now with no end in sight. He said this morning, "I might stress out in the next 2-3 days here" to which I said, "If you don't wind up sick." *sigh*


On a lighter note, since it's Thanksgiving, let's give thanks. I'll start.


I'm thankful for a house to live in.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Good morning, Everybody!


Breakfast - 2 eggs, crumbled slice of pumpkin choc. chip bread (can anyone tell me how to get our quick breads to come out of the loaf pan cleanly instead of leaving part of the bread on the bottom? I sprayed Pam liberally on the pan.)


Lunch - we're eating at the Pancake house today after taking Libby to her doggie chiropractor.


Under the weather - surprisingly no. I've had 2 "good health days" in a row and today looks like it will be another one. I am very sore from Zumba last night, though.


Stressed out Hubby - Me! Working two full time jobs is not for the faint of heart. He works one for money and one (pastoring) for love.


Thanksgiving - I'm thankful for polar fleece. It has gotten frosty out there!

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Sausage and eggs with yogurt for breakfast.


DS is making french toast and fruit salad for lunch.


Lasagna with salad for supper.


I am very thankful for my parents. Our youngest ds has been a little down lately as his older brothers have recently gained a bit of a social life that he does not yet have. They've always been the Three Musketeers and now there is more separation. My dear parents are taking a mini-vacation and taking ds with them. They'll be hitting two museums and an aquarium that the other boys would LOVE to see. So, his brothers are reminding him how lucky he is, and he's thrilled to be going off, leaving them behind, and doing something special that they wish they could be a part of...THANK YOU MOM AND DAD! DS really, really needed this.



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Good Morning.


Breakfast was granola and non-fat yogurt. Lunch will be a leftover burger from night with sweet potatoes.


Under weather - just my mom, but she's recovering which is is good. 8 more weeks.


My poor hubby was stressed before mom's heart attack. Then a week of supporting me, taking care of the kids, and doing his job has just about done him in. And then.... this morning on his way to work, a giant snow-ice ball came off an overpass and shattered his windshield. He's a bit late for work and dealing with the insurance company, tow trucks, and a body shop.


Thankful - I have a lot to be thankful for. Thankful for the little heart attack that showed a big heart blockage. Thankful the snowball didn't cause a car crash. Thankful for a warm house to cuddle in while we watch the snow.

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Jean, I really enjoy polar fleece, too! Wish it was cold enough here to wear it!


Faith, glad your parents could treat your ds to some much-needed fun!


Karen, was it your heart or dh's that was in trouble? Glad it's being taken care of!


I'm here taking a break for a few minutes because I'm finishing a Read Aloud with my son and my

voice was tired!

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Karen, was it your heart or dh's that was in trouble? Glad it's being taken care of!


I'm here taking a break for a few minutes because I'm finishing a Read Aloud with my son and my

voice was tired!

It was my mother. She lives with us most of the year and was with us last week when she had the heart attack.

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What's for breakfast/lunch? Breakfast: scrambled eggs with ham, potatoes and peppers, Cinnamon caramel scones, coffee

Lunch: stuffed green pepper, beer bread, water


Anyone under the weather at your house? I took one of the puppies to the vet this morning. The are both hacking. Came home with pills and liquid. Neither were impressed or cooperative in taking medicine. Eight days of this, twice a day.


Anyone else have a stressed out hubby? Surprisingly, he's not. At least he didn't seem to be when he left this morning.


Let's give thanks.

I'm thankful for the quiet time I had drinking coffee and talking with my dh this morning. It's nice to have that uninterrupted time with him.

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What's for breakfast/lunch? Breakfast - waffles and apple slices with cinnamon. Lunch - we are babysitting and the little boy cracked a carton of eggs into a pan before we arrived, so his mom cooked them up! We had toast and eggs for lunch!


Anyone under the weather at your house? My dh just got over a cold.


Anyone else have a stressed out hubby? Not really...I'm the stressed out one!! He's actually excited because Modern Warfare 3 is coming out next week. *eyes roll*


On a lighter note - I'm making some money by babysitting today and tomorrow! Gotta grab some stuff at the grocery store on Friday!

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What's for breakfast/lunch? Breakfast was a leftover piece of quiche for me and cereal for the kids. Lunch was sandwiches for the kids and roasted/salted peanuts for me. I'll find something else to eat soon!


Anyone under the weather at your house? I have a wicked headache today that I just can't shake. My 4 year old has a stuffy nose.

Anyone else have a stressed out hubby? ME!


On a lighter note, since it's Thanksgiving, let's give thanks.

I'm thankful that I was able to send everyone into different rooms to have some quiet time.

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Happy Wednesday Same to you!



What's for breakfast/lunch? Breakfast: egg/spinach/prov cheese omelet and herbal tea. Mmmm.

Lunch: Homemade chicken noodle soup (leftover) that I took all the noodles out of so it would be more low-carbish. I'm out of salad stuff. Again. Already. :tongue_smilie:

Anyone under the weather at your house? No, not this week, finally! Yippee!


Anyone else have a stressed out hubby? Yes! His mom fell on Monday and he had to leave work and go help her -- which meant calling 911 and following her to the e.r. then waiting through tests, etc. She has a compressed fracture on her spine, and has gone to stay with dh's sister to recuperate. I know hubby is worried.


On a lighter note, since it's Thanksgiving, let's give thanks.


I'm thankful for a dryer! It broke last week, and the repairman was able to come yesterday, diagnose it, and he had a part in his truck to fix it with. Alleluia! Laundry is still coming out of my ears, but at least now it's clean laundry in baskets, instead of dirty laundry in piles everywhere.



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Breakfast: Kashi cereal and coffee.

Lunch: eggs/toast/apple and too much Halloween candy.


Sick: We're rarely ill, but ds has some serious chest congestion


Hubby: Not really stressed. He's networking trying to get a new company off the ground.


Thankful for: beautiful weather. I sent the kids outside all afternoon to play in this gorgeous fall weather. And I get to hang out here :tongue_smilie:. Lots to be thankful for.



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I had part of a cup of echinacea tea (came back in this afternoon and warmed up the rest and finished it). I think my son ate half a stale chocolate chip bagel he bought at lunchtime on Monday... and then of course there has been a constant flow of candy into his mouth during all waking hours since Monday night....


We ate at a pizza place called Puccini's. I had part of a small pepperoni pizza and a piece of bruchetta....


My son and I both came down with some sort of weird upper respiratory virus 2 weeks ago. It started for us both in the same way on the same morning; it disappeared for an entire day for me and so I thought it was just allergies. Then it came back at me with a vengeance on the third day and I was sick for 4 days before I could rid myself of it. Weird. We hardly ever get sick and even if we do, we generally rid ourselves of it within 24-48 hours....


My husband is stressed out right now, but thankfully not by his boss (who IS stressing out other management within the company to the point that some are looking for other jobs). His father fell about 3 weeks ago and kept complaining of pain, revisiting the doc and taking more and more pain meds. He's 84. He got constipated because of the meds and had to go to the hospital twice for that. The last time my husband was down there and hopefully they finally got the problem fixed. They also finally did an MRI of his back and found he had a cracked vertebra. So he's still in hospital but my husband had to come back home Sunday night. It's hard to manage a parent who is far away....


Sorry for your hubby's stress! I am also very, VERY thankful for a safe, warm house to live in and I give thanks for that almost daily. I really try not to take for granted how blessed we are, largely due to electricity and running water (which also requires electricity). I've been thinking about this for about a year and now some of the poor folks who live in areas hit by the eastern winter storm are without one or both of these for up to perhaps a month in some areas. How different life on a daily basis is without such things that we take so much for granted....

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