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Confused and annoyed with math (dd)

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What is with all the estimating in division? Is there something wrong with doing the darn work?


I'm sitting next to dd watching her do the work, then we submit the assessment, and she gets them all wrong! I thought she was right. :confused:


When she does any division, she has to multiple to check, so she's getting the actual answer, but we're lost on the guessed answer.

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Agreeing with WendyK--my son had trouble with large division problems at first, because he could estimate what number to "put on top," as he put it! So it's a useful skill in that way. And it really does come in handy when you get a wild answer and know it *couldn't* be right.

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My dd, in MM4, had trouble with estimating, too. (Well, she said she did. I thought she did fine. I just think it was the first math concept she encountered that wasn't easy for her). With three-digit numbers I had her round to the nearest 50, and with two-digit numbers I had her round to the nearest 10. She asked for extra practice problems, and she worked on those for two days, and then she decided she understood.


I agree that estimating is a very useful skill.


Since your dd is in a cyber school, can you ask the teacher for guidance?



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