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Wild yam cream verses progesterone pills

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I saw my Dr yesterday and she wants me to take progesterone for 3 months to get my cycle back on schedule. She gave me an Rx, but said I could try wild yam cream instead. I did some googling last night and found a few sites saying the cream doesn't work and a few saying it's a life saver. I don't know which to believe :confused:.


I'd love to hear your thoughts if you have have experience with either methods.

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I've never heard of the yam cream. My sister uses something natural. I'll call her later and ask what it is. I do know she purchase it at the drug store.


Someone here must know of a cream. I remember a discussion on the other board.

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Progesterone is not absorbed as well through the GI tract. It is well absorbed through the skin. If you are looking to use a cream supplement, you need natural progesterone cream, not wild yam cream. They are not the same. If I remember correctly from Dr. Lee's books, wild yam is used to create natural progesterone (bioidentical). Are the pills bioidentical or are they a synthetic analog?


I have been helped by progesterone cream. I ran out last month and I had terrible PMS without it. Now that I am back on it, things are better:) I would seriously recommend getting What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause (or the Perimenapause one.)

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I was searching for wild yam so maybe that's why google kept popping up sites saying it wasn't good. I will try for progesterone cream instead. Do you have a brand recommendation? I will see if my library has the book. Thanks!


Edited: I just found this site with a list of creams he recommends. http://www.johnleemd.com/store/resource_progesterone.html

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Progesterone is not absorbed as well through the GI tract. It is well absorbed through the skin. If you are looking to use a cream supplement, you need natural progesterone cream, not wild yam cream. They are not the same.




My dr. scoffed at the P cream. He put me on 200? 400? mg of what I believe was the bioidentical pills. I slept for days. I felt terrible. They did not help my problem. (Not to mention that the pills were costing me $40 a month.)


I'd use 5 mg. of the cream and was good to go.


Some drs. just don't get it. Mine was a gyn specialist. You might read up on natural progesterone and consult a naturopath.

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Progesterone cream is derived from wild yams. Wild Yam cream doesn't work because it hasn't been turned into progesterone cream yet.


I agree that the cream is better than the pills. Your liver has to go into overdrive to process the progesterone taken orally, and actually, Dr. Lee says that most of the progesterone is lost in the process. Also, the pills make many women extremely drowsy. My SIL falls asleep every time she takes it. The cream is a much lower dose, and it's absorbed slowly over time, so it doesn't have the sleepy effect. Plus, it doesn't have to go through the liver, so it's more efficient (and easier on your liver).


I'm glad you found a source. I use the Emerita Pro-Gest. I've used it for years, and it works for me.




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With the wild yam cream, your body is supposed to translate it into progesterone, but I have never seen any good evidence that it actually does. Remember doctors are not actually taught this stuff, so they have to go out of their way to learn it, and so may actually be less informed than a member of the general public who chooses to do their research well.

I did try the wild yam cream years ago because progesterone cream is prescritpion only here in Australia, but it did nothing. The progesterone cream makes SUCH a difference.

It is still a processed product, made in a laboratory, but it is bioidentical to teh stuff in our bodies (unlike synthetic hormones).

I agree with the others, take the cream.

And play with the doseage that is right for you. The doseage on my bottle puts me to sleep. I use less. Others need more. And read the book by Dr Lee.

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