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I'm so ANGRY!!! Babygirl just threw my iPhone in the sink while I was washing dishes!

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She took it out of my back pocket while I had my hands submerged in the water. In an instant, she threw it in the sink. As soon as I pulled it out of the water, the shut down screen appeared. I couldn't get my hands dry enough to turn it off. After struggling to get the darn case off (I have it in an otterbox), I was finally able to turn it off. What do you think the chances are that it will work again? I'm so ticked off. I should have known, that girl throws everything in the bathtub or the trash. This is the first time she's thrown anything in the sink. Ugh. I guess I should go read on the internet about what to do to save the darn phone. I just had to vent.

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We have saved mp3 players by putting in a bag of rice for a week. I dunno if that works on phones though. So sorry, mama!:grouphug::grouphug:


I just placed it in a container of brown rice. Hopefully that does the trick. It's going to be interesting without my phone for a number of days. I hate to say it, but I think I am quite "attached" to that gizmo.


My iPhone has fallen in water *very* briefly on two occasions. It works fine. Leave it off for at least a day or two so that it can dry completely. It may well be just fine.


This gives me such hope. I hope I'm as lucky as you are.

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Try the rice trick and don't touch it for a week.


I second the rice idea. It will take days before you can safely turn it on again though. Sorry, that is annoying.


Rice works


Mine was stolen and tossed in the trash and the moisture in there did it in. I'm really sorry. Try the rice trick. I've also heard about blow dryers. Is it under warranty still perchance?


Does it matter what type of rice I use? I put it in brown rice. I think the only other rice I have is jasmine rice. I think it is under warranty; I just upgraded my phone this summer.

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I've done all sorts of things to save my phone (but it's not a iphone). Take out the battery if you can. Put it in a bowl of rice and stick in the fridge for at least 3 days. Pull out and allow to warm up to room temperature. I changed the rice out and put in fresh dry rice and let it sit for another day. Then I taped it to the back of the computer where the vent blows out and left it there for the remainder of the day and the night. That provides a very gentle warm heat that doesn't heat up the electronics inside like a blow dryer. I also had the covers off, the battery part open and let it stand upright on a slant in the rice so the water would drain down and out the bottom. If you see no condensation on the glass, you may be good to go. If you can see any water, start over and try again. I don't know if this is bull or not but they say they can tell that the phone has been dropped in water when the repair guys open it and that revokes the warranty. So I didn't feel I had anything to lose by opening up parts that say if you do so it will void the warranty. You can save it but how will it will work is up to debate. Mine's been dunked three times(twice through the washer ) and it's only now starting to do some weird things. But you are out of a phone at least 4-5 days. worth a try. Our speech therapist has an iphone and her child put it in the tub to give it a bath. She tried all that and says it works but she' not sure it's 100% anymore. But she can make calls and use her apps so she's happy.

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My ds threw mine in the toilet. It was a little while before we realized. My dh did all the tricks for me and none worked. I brought it in to the Apple store and they ended up giving me a new one for free as a "one time courtesy". I REALLY lucked out.


When I had the 3GS it got wet and my dh was able to try it out with rice and time and it worked again. I think one of the most important variables might be how long it is wet.


Anyway, best of luck. If all else fails definitely bring it in the store and see what you can finagle. I know water damage is not covered at all under warranty.

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Dh fell in a lake with his phone in pocket...did the rice thing and it worked! It took several days--and he took it apart as much as he could--but there is hope! I'll cross my fingers for ya!

Oh, he used white rice, in a ziploc bag on the counter...not sure what is the 'prescribed' method...

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My ds threw mine in the toilet. It was a little while before we realized. My dh did all the tricks for me and none worked. I brought it in to the Apple store and they ended up giving me a new one for free as a "one time courtesy". I REALLY lucked out.


When I had the 3GS it got wet and my dh was able to try it out with rice and time and it worked again. I think one of the most important variables might be how long it is wet.


Anyway, best of luck. If all else fails definitely bring it in the store and see what you can finagle. I know water damage is not covered at all under warranty.


That was really nice of the Apple store. Hopefully it won't come to that.

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Not an iphone, but back when I had my macbook and dd was a year old, she poured a steaming hot cup of coffee on top of it. A full cup. While it was open and running. I tipped it to the side and coffee streamed out the ports.


Let it sit untouched for two days. Turned it on the third day, and it worked fine. It continued to do so for nearly two years after that.


Apple seems to make some tough products. Luckily.

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Rice worked for us too. We washed an iPod in the washing machine and put it in rice for about three days before we tried it again. It needed to be recharged before it would turn on, but six months later we haven't noticed any problems with it because it got washed.

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Um... I don't think raw rice absorbs water like that. (Alton Brown did a whole thing on rice in the salt shaker once.) It's the waiting. You could get some silica gel at the craft store, though.


And you can't take the battery out of an iPhone. Alas...


Check your insurance. I know my iPhone insurance (not optional through Verizon, if I recall correctly) covers drops, water, and pretty much anything I could do to the phone.

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My ds threw mine in the toilet. It was a little while before we realized. My dh did all the tricks for me and none worked. I brought it in to the Apple store and they ended up giving me a new one for free as a "one time courtesy". I REALLY lucked out.


We were at a pool party this summer and my toddler raced into the pool, fully intent on drowning himself:tongue_smilie:. My husband went in after him and realized a minute later that his iPhone was in his pocket.


When he explained what happened at the Apple store, they took pity on him (maybe they have kids) and gave him a free replacement.

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My dh lost his Blackberry last year and we searched all over until we found it in the driveway submerged in a mud puddle! I took the battery out and put it in a bag of rice for 48 hours and it was just fine after that, he still used the same phone today, almost a year later. :001_smile: I hope the trick works for a touchscreen phone.

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I don't think the rice will do anything. It all depends on how *long* the exposure to water was (and thus how deep into the works the water got). If you grabbed it out *instantly*, turned it off, and dried it, you may be in luck. A longer exposure to dampness (even without being submerged) will cause more damage. I would just leave it and try it again in 1-2 days. (If the water is in there so deep that it takes longer than that to dry, it will almost assuredly cause enough corrosion that it won't work anyway. I wouldn't bother waiting a whole week. 2 days will be enough to know.)

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